Russians Apparently See America's Danger More Clearly Than We Do
By: Les Carpenter III Rational Nation USA The following article was published in the Russian Newspaper Pravda. It is frightening in that a Russian journalist is able to speak the truth with respect to America's march to statism/socialism yet our own countries so called free press (and main stream media) cannot find the courage to speak the truth. Perhaps those who have lived the tyranny of statism and socialism for the years the Russian people labored under their tyranny makes it easier for them to see what is happening to America. I sincerely hope, for my children, grandchild, and niece and nephews sake, as well as that of all liberty loving Americans the author of this article turns out to be wrong. I fear the worst. From Pravda a Russian Newspaper The irony of this article appearing in the English edition of Pravda (Russian on-line newspaper) defies description. Why can a Russian newspaper print the...