
Showing posts from November, 2012

Herein Lies the Oppurtunity... rEpublicans, Are You Listening?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny For whatever it may be worth the following is something to seriously consider. rEpublicans especially should consider the implications of the article. It may very well hold the key to any hoped for future success by the party of blinders. CBS DC - The median net worth of American households has dropped to a 43-year low as the lower and middle classes appear poorer and less stable than they have been since 1969. According to a recent study by New York University economics professor Edward N. Wolff, median net worth is at the decades-low figure of $57,000 (in 2010 dollars). And as the numbers in his study reflect, the situation only appears worse when all the statistics are taken as a whole. According to Wolff, between 1983 and 2010, the percentage of households with less than $10,000 in assets (using constant 1995 dollars) rose from 29.7 percent to 37.1 percent. The “less than $10,000″ figure includes the numerous h

Rethinking Simpson Bowles, or ... What?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny As we approach " the cliff " as in fiscal , the nation's Representatives and President remain more concerned about their political viability/legacy than about the interests of thew American people. I don't know about anyone else, but I find myself wondering just what the Founders of this Great Nation might think about our current situation. As the Children in Congress and the President are playing mind games with the American people the following is as close to a common sense analysis as I have heard of late. TownHall - ... Simpson-Bowles, for all its faults, was conducted in an open and transparent manner and brought disparate political players into a room to forge a serious compromise. It overhauls and streamlines our byzantine tax code, takes some important first steps on entitlements, and reduces and caps federal spending. On substance, I'd wager that it would be considerably better than any

Jefferson, Dead On As He Often Was...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation Liberty -vs- Tyranny “If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” Thomas Jefferson quote And so it seems...!

First Things First... No?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Going back to school at 60 is to say the very least, insane. However, education aimed at opening up new opportunities that are about as far removed from ones prior 40 + year experiences can be invigorating and exciting. It does come at a cost however. For me it is the cost of not having the amount of time to blog that I really desire. But then again there is something about priorities, right? Anyway, my current focus is on educating myself in the field of heath and fitness so that I become qualified to help others who are desirous of improving their health and fitness achieve their goals and lead a longer and healthier life. At least that is my goal at 60, having achieved most of my goals set earlier in life. With the preceding explanation aside I must say that I find it almost comical that within a month of the 2012 election the analysts an pundits are already concerning themselves with the 2014 mid term elections. I m

Liberalism Then and Now...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny True 18th century Classical Liberalism, the basis of a limited central government, individualism, and property rights is at great odds with modern liberalism. The following from points up the essential differences quite well. In The Future of Liberalism (2009), Alan Wolfe writes that the true heirs to the liberalism of John Locke, Adam Smith, and Thomas Jefferson are not today’s classical liberals ( libertarians (emphasis mine) ), but rather the other kind of liberals, those who would use government power to assure autonomy and equality for all. Such “modern liberalism,” for Wolfe, is simply an updating of the original: In the eighteenth century, political power crushed autonomy and equality, requiring a free market as the antidote; now private corporate power under capitalism does the same, but this time the remedy is active government. Early in his book Wolfe writes: The core substantive principle of li

Thank You James Madison...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tranny On why religion has no place in governance. And why the wise recognized it 227years ago. Note: All emphasis is mine. James Madison [1785] - To the Honorable the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia --- A Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments We the subscribers , citizens of the said Commonwealth, having taken into serious consideration, a Bill printed by order of the last Session of General Assembly, entitled "A Bill establishing a provision for Teachers of the Christian Religion," and conceiving that the same if finally armed with the sanctions of a law, will be a dangerous abuse of power, are bound as faithful members of a free State to remonstrate against it, and to declare the reasons by which we are determined. We remonstrate against the said Bill, Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth, "that religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the

Certainly Worth Reflecting On...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Continuing on the individual -vs- collectivism struggle if you will, I found the following most interesting. Hopefully you will as well. By Ray Thomas - People think the basic conflict today is between liberals and conservatives. It’s not. It’s between believers in collectivism and those who believe in individualism. They think that it is the difference between simply their own definition of “compassion” and “mean-spiritedness.” It isn’t that. at all. It’s the difference between collectivism and individualism. Collectivism is really pretty simple, no matter how much collectivists want to complicate it so you will not understand what they’re trying to put over on you. It is defined thusly by one of the best known collectivists, Karl Marx, author of communism, in his “tome,” the “Communist Manifesto:” “From each according to his ability, and to each according to his need.” Meaning it is okay to :take from one who earned

Hoover Warning of Collectivism 1929...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Herbert Hoover - 31st President of the United States Herbert Hoover, perhaps one of America's least understood yet most maligned presidents of the early 20th century. While thinking about, or perhaps better said reflecting on our history I came across the following short article on President Hoover. Arguments about whether or not Hoover was responsible for the Great Depression aside (he actually wasn't and much of The New Deal of FDR was merely an extension of policies Hoover had started) Hoover was correct when he warned of a collectivist government of business. THE MORAL LIBERAL - Herbert Hoover was born AUGUST 10, 1874. The son of a Quaker blacksmith, he studied at Stanford and became a world renowned engineer. Trapped in China when the Boxer Rebellion broke out in 1900, Herbert Hoover directed the building of barricades under heavy fire while his wife worked in the hospital. In World War I, at the re

Truth From Oscar Wilde...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The foregoing quote by Oscar Wild sums up democracy quite well. Of course this is precisely why our founders established a representative democracy and provided for the rule of law. Indeed we have much to thank them for. It remains to be seen however whether we will keep our republic for much longer, given the political and government proclivities of both major political parties. "Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people."

Worth a Thought, or Two...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Something to consider. Especially for those who only see black or white. Or, for those who might be offended buy the black and white reference, agonist or antagonist.

Happy Thanksgiving All!...

The First Thanksgiving 1621   I Enjoy the holiday, drive safely and defensively if you'll be on the highway traveling to be with family and/or friends. Hope to be back sooner than later, time will tell. In the meantime keep on keeping on, and I'll see ya on the flip side...

As Congress Plays Politics...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny As Congress, made up of the foolish, led by the unknowing, in the attempt to right the listing ship known as The American Fis cal Screw Up kicks the can further down the road I though the following quite appropriate. What say you?
Thanks to the evasiveness of both Progressives and Conservatives. Just call me Rip, but it's time to go back to sleep while the wizards we elect continue to kick the can down the road. Yawn. {RVW}

Search For the Truth in the Terror Attack on Benghazi Continues...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny As the hearings continue more questions will be answered. As the nation becomes fully informed of the situation(s) and realities surrounding the terror attack on the America consulate in Benghazi, and protocol is put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future, hopefully we will put the political issue(s) to bed and move on to solving a even more complex and threatening situation. The national debt and out budgetary crisis. Why It Matters: The question of what the president and administration knew about the nature of the attacks on the consulate in Benghazi has become a huge political controversy. In addition, the potential nomination of Susan Rice to be secretary of state has been endangered by the controversy. Washington Guardian - U.S. intelligence told President Barack Obama and senior administration officials within 72 hours of the Benghazi tragedy that the attack was likely carried out by local militia

French Resistance Against Islamo-Fascism...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny A very compelling statement from a very progressive and enlightened culture on the dangers of Islamization of Western Culture. h/t: Libertarian Republican From Eric Dondero: Demonstration of Frenchmen and women in the streets of Paris, against the rising Islamization of their country. It's a problem not only for France. It's a problem for the USA. Editor's comment - Republicans searching for a new direction after Romney's defeat; perhaps taking up the cause of anti-Islamization of the West? Something that was completely ignored by the Romney campaign.

Farewell Congressman Paul, You'll Be Missed But Not Forgotten...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Indeed America is losing one of it's best, brightest, and most reasoned voices. Rational Nation USA wishes Representative Ron Paul a long, healthy, and happy retirement. Your dedicated service to this nation is highly appreciated and respected. You will be missed, but not forgotten. Be assured your liberty movement will continue as the young, middle aged, and seniors continue the fight to preserve freedom and individual liberties. h/t: Free Thinke

About the Money, To Hell With Principles...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Priebus has generally high marks from senior Republicans for raising significant money. So, it appears the current RNC chairman is supported not because of his principles or his leadership and guidance in furthering a principled cause. No, the pursuit of raising money to secure the power in an antiquated and aging rEpublican power base is of primary consideration. That and balancing the budget. Mr. Priebus , a regular talking head on Fox News, is supported for his ability to raise significant money. Gee, who would have figured? Forgive me all you faithful GOP'ers but perhaps it is time to rethink your priorities. Money is important, it is after all the means to an end. However, principles must precede the end , if you know what I mean. Election 2008 and 2012 highlights the truth of my immediately preceding statement. POLITICO - RNC Chairman Reince Priebus told party officials Friday that he will run for a secon

As Another Comes Forth, Perhaps the rEpublican Party Will Remain Relevant After All...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Another voice for reason. Adding to the list of politicians that just maybe can save a tired out and principle deficient rEbublican party. As Mitten the Human Flipper Romney so readily put on national display the Republican party of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan no longer exists. I shouldn't blame Mittens as though it is his sole responsibility, it obviously isn't. But he was the standard bearer so he takes the heat. One has to wonder though how the rank and file rEpublicans of today allowed themselves to support a suit. And an empty one politically and philosophically speaking at that. If the party of the elephant is really interested in remaining relevant it's time it moves on. Moves on to new realities and individuals like Governor Martinez of New Mexico. Someone who actually understands the face of America today while recognizing conservative principles that remain valid. Governor Martinez and indi

Still Denying the Reality...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Will this guy ever get it? The GOP is undergoing the type of re-examination that occurs whenever a party loses. That useful exercise should be guided by facts. Here is some of what we know. The media's postelection narrative is that Democrats won because of a demographic shift. There is some truth to that, but a more accurate description is that Democrats won in a smaller turnout by getting out more of their vote. Turnout dropped by 7.9 million voters, falling to 123.6 million this year from 131.5 million in 2008. This is the first decline in a presidential election in 16 years. Only 51.3% of the voting-age population went to the polls. While the Democratic "ground game" was effective, President Barack Obama received 90.1% of his 2008 total while Gov. Mitt Romney received 98.6% of Sen. John McCain's vote. Neither party generated a higher turnout nationally. Tactically, Republicans must rigorousl

Governor Jindal Sets Mittens Straight...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny More fresh air and clear headed thinking from Governor Jindal. What America needs at this divisive time in its history are a lot more politicians and officials like him. Whether they are republican, libertarian, green, or democract really doesn't matter. It is his sensible, realistic, and rational views that matter. It is time the republican party (socon, neocon, and Romney wing) gets on board with the Governor's views or close shop. For good. LAS VEGAS — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal forcefully rejected Mitt Romney’s claim that he lost because of President Barack Obama’s “gifts” to minorities and young voters. Asked about the failed GOP nominee’s reported comments on a conference call with donors earlier Wednesday, the incoming chairman of the Republican Governors Association became visibly agitated. “No, I think that’s absolutely wrong,” he said at a press conference that opened the RGA’s post-election meeti

Culture, Education, the Media, and the Romney Loss...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The following excerpt from an article written by William Bennett is thought provoking. As the nation adjusts to the demographic changes it is undergoing it would be well if the issues Mr. Bennett talks about are placed on the academic and politic tables for discussion. While few will agree with everything he writes it remains there is validity in much of what he says. CNN ...Rather than offer a broad sweeping vision for the country, Democrats played identity politics. Republicans were the culprits, and women, young adults, black, Latinos, etc... were the victims. And voters believed it. Why? For the same reason this litany -- gender, race, ethnicity, class -- sound so familiar. Voters believed it, not because it was something new or groundbreaking, but because this has been the template of many of our character-building institutions -- our public schools, our colleges, and public universities -- for the past 50 years

Working the Sleaze Factor...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Just how a man of General Petraeus's intelligence and military discipline put himself in a position that would compromise his integrity and ultimately end his career prematurely is beyond me. Turns out the General will testify before congress after all. And, I still think there is more than meets the eye with this scandal. As has been said "pay back's a bi*ch." Charles Krauthammer sums up a very possible and likely scenario quite well. - CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER : I think the really shocking news today was that General Petraeus thought and hoped he could keep his job. He thought that it might and it would be kept secret, and that he could stay in his position. I think what that tells us is really important. It meant that he understood that the FBI obviously knew what was going on. He was hoping that those administration officials would not disclose what had happened, and therefore hoping that he w

The Data is There GOP, Will You Use It or Ignore It?...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny As the republican party looks to rebuild the question is; will it understand the reason(s) for its 2012 election loss to a very vulnerable incumbent? Or, will it seek to make excuses and hang on to the old order? Hopefully smarter heads like Governor Jindal will gain control of the republican party power levers and steady a badly faltering party. NationalJournal - In the weeks before Election Day, both Republicans and Democrats were nervous about their poll numbers. Both sides of the aisle have smart pollsters, they reasoned, so how could the numbers that Democrats were seeing diverge so sharply from the numbers the Republicans were seeing? Deep down, I wrote at the time, both parties secretly worried that their side was missing the boat. Now we know which side needed its polls unskewed. Before Election Day, Republicans confidently predicted they would pick up seats in both chambers of Congress, and that Mitt Romney w

Listen Up GOP...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Governor Jindal is one of the reasonable and thinking politicians in the republican party. There are others. The future of the party depends on it listening to Governor Jindal and those who share his views and recognize that indeed America and her demographics are changing. If the party expects to remain relevant and have a significant impact it simply MUST accept this reality. Conservatism is a viable opposing political force to progressivism. Principals of a true fiscally conservative governance can work. However, if the majority of the electorate view it as essentially a special interest dedicated to the perseverance of the interests of only the wealthy class then conservatism becomes a mute point to the non wealthy. The perceptions people have are their reality. For the republican party to survive it must first change itself if it is to have a chance of changing perceptions. Politico - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jinda

Interesting, Pass It Along...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The following was e-mailed to me by a Rational Nation USA "regular." I thought it worth posting as it makes a whole lot of sense. Feel free to use as you might see fit. Friends - I have received and read this at least two times before now and sent it on to a few folks and so far it hasn't done anything for us. I would be really surprised if ANY congress person would consider it or any part of it. After all most people look out for themselves first and then the government which is why we now have, after the last election, exactly what we had before it. Look for four more years of deviousness and gridlock by BOTH sides. We hear a lot about welfare, corporate and otherwise. Well in my opinion the benefits that our politicians give themselves are nothing more than political welfare and border on fraud. Why is it that after just a few years our congressmen/women receive such wonderful benefits for life when

An Untimely Resignation Raises Many Questions...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny General David Petraeus has resigned his post as Director of the CIA citing his extramarital as the reason. President Obama has accepted the directors resignation while praising the General/s service to his country. General Petraeus was slated to testify before Congress on Benghazi November 15th. Maybe it's just me but something smells with respect to this sudden occurrence. It is highly unlikely that a respected and dedicated military man would resign over the issue of a extramarital affair. Presidents, most recently William Jefferson Clinton have sailed through the stigma of infidelity with flying colors. It is indeed unlikely the reason for General Petraeus stepping down has anything to do with his all to common human failings. It seems a bunch more likely that the General was pressured to step down because he may have been unwilling to be the fall guy for the failure of the State Department and Obama to re

Post Election Musings...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The week certainly has been interesting to say the least. Interesting but really a week with no surprises and no real change. rEpublicans, having failed to successfully make the case for sending Obama back to Chicago are already busy trying to figure out "What Went Wrong." Good luck with that. You guys had four years to figure it out after 2008 and you simply put the same suit back up with a different caricature filling it out. Again the American people rejected the candidate. Oops. Better luck in 2016. People won't be expecting much though. Other than maybe watching the rEpublican tent grow smaller while listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, Rove, and the rest of the talking heads of the rEpublican good old boy network power structure. It will be fun watching the party whose election it was lose in 2012 try and come up with a winning strategy for 2016. Suggestion, change not only your suit but your glasses as

It's Going To Be Close, Brace Yourself For Continued Polarization of America, Especially if Obama Loses...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The race is close, very close, with the momentum shifting to Romney. However, my take is the shift, as significant as it has been, came too late and too little. Progressives no doubt are biting their nails because as much as they prefer not to acknowledge it, this one is a real cliff hanger. Reminiscent of 2000. It is true if Obama loses this one progressives throughout the land will be wailing and gnashing their teeth. For them it will be a great undoing of their greatest hopes and dreams. Of course the other fifty percent of America will view it quite differently. So, as the polls close tomorrow, and the tabulating of the vote goes late into the night, we can be sure of a few thing... The nation will remain polarized, the puppet masters behind the curtains will continue calling the shots, the debt and deficits will continue, no mater who wins. And America will continue to ask why. Tomorrow, as I visit my polli

His True Colors...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The mark of a desperate campaign and it's candidate. Some might even call it despicable. CINCINNATI — A seemingly offhand utterance from President Obama has turned into a major point of contention between the two campaigns, as Team Obama tries to explain what the president meant when he told a crowd of supporters that “Voting is the best revenge.” It happened in Springfield, Ohio Friday as Obama was discussing the economic policies of the 1990s. When Obama referred to “a Senate candidate by the name of Mitt Romney,” the crowd booed his opponent’s name — certainly not unusual reaction at political rallies of both parties. Then Obama said, “No, no, no — don’t boo, vote. Vote. Voting is the best revenge.” It was an ugly and small-minded moment, especially for the end of a campaign when candidates usually try to stress larger, optimistic themes. Romney incorporated the “revenge” line in his speech in Ohio Fri