
The Dao Explained What is Daoism?...

  "Buddhanature is the inn ate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."         Karl Brunnholzl "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."    Steven Covey

President Biden signs Resolve Tibet Act, Strengthening US Support for Tibet Negotiations...

  "Buddhanature is the inn ate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."         Karl Brunnholzl "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."    Steven Covey Practicing Tibetan Buddhists thank you Mr. President for signing this Ac into law. We hope VP Kamala Harris will continue strong support for the peoples of The Land of Snow when she assumes the Presidency following het defeat of Trump.  On to the press release by The International Campaign for Tibet. The United States has a message for Beijing: China’s ongoing occupation of Tibet must be peacefully resolved through negotiation, not repression. President Joe Biden signed the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act [ read his message here ], popularly known as the Resolve Tibet Act, earlier today. The law states that it is American policy that the Tibet issue must be resolved in accordance with international law by peaceful means, thr

Our Dalai Lama's Philosophy...

  "Buddhanature is the inn ate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."         Karl Brunnholzl "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."    Steven Covey

The Nature Of God...

  "Buddhanature is the inn ate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."         Karl Brunnholzl "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."    Steven Covey

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche's Teaching on Meditation Parts 1 & 2...

  "Buddhanature is the inn ate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."         Karl Brunnholzl "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."    Steven Covey

The Spiritual Science of Sacred Geometry...

  "Buddhanature is the inn ate primordial freedom of the mind, which is naturally imbued with wisdom, compassion, power, and bliss."         Karl Brunnholzl "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."    Steven Covey