The Pot and the Kettle...
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny It keeps getting more intriguing all the time. With only six months until the election this one could prove to be a real "barn burner" folks! The Daily Caller - One of President Barack Obama’s top campaign spokesmen is a private equity manager whose firm has shut down several factories and laid off hundreds of people amid a stalled economy. Federico Pena’s role at Vestar Capital Partners has emerged as Obama’s aides and deputies continue their effort to portray former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney‘s investment career as ruthless, job-destroying, profit-maximizing “vulture capitalism.” Pena has been a partner at Vestar since 2000. Pena is a former mayor of Denver in swing-state Colorado, a former cabinet member for President Bill Clinton and one of 35 “national co-chairs “ of the president’s 2012 campaign. The news will likely further undermine the Obama campaign’s effort to focus on Romney’s busin