
Showing posts from April, 2014


from: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Tidbits of wisdom from the ancient past. Since happiness is an activity of soul in harmony with virtue, we must consider virtue to see if she can help us to understand happiness. The student of politics studies virtue above all else since he wishes to make his fellow citizens good and obedient to the laws. Aristotle Our American politicians obviously did NOT study Aristotle. Source

NBA Sanctions Donald Sterling with a 2.5 Million Dollar Fine and Life Suspension...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Words have consequences as Clippers owner Donald Sterling found out in a very large way. His 80 years of life experiences should have taught him this lesson. But old beliefs and habits die a hard death. If his bi-racial (eye candy) ex girlfriend V. Stiviano is telling the truth it confirms Sterling's racism as well as his social awareness stupidity (or perhaps senility) to boot. Sterling's reported remarks give a glimpse not only into the innermost feelings of Donald Sterling, but into a greater reality as well. A reality many refuse to recognize or admit, even if they recognize it exists. The reality that bigotry, racism, and intolerance does indeed still exist in 21st century America. There has been criticism from fringe right buffoons with all the misinformation and BS that accompanies totally agenda driven rhetoric. As typical the truth lies beyond the rhetoric . Mr. Sterling, banned for life from assoc

The Idiocy of Open Carry... And Lax Firearm Laws

from: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth In Georgia open carry on display. The NRA , and politicians bought by the NRA can be proud of the lunacy they have worked to create. Read the article BELOW THE FOLD. Via: Memeorandum

The Silencing of Legitimate Views...

From: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Freedom of speech is a right all free people are entitled to. Using good judgement in the exercise of that right is prudent. If making public addresses requires a permit it is advisable to do so. Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB found this out first when a women, hearing Mr. Weston quote something she found offensive used the fact he did not have a permit (authorization) to get him arrested. Liberty GB - Today Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB and candidate in the 22 May European Elections in the South East, has been arrested in Winchester. At around 2pm Mr Weston was standing on the steps of Winchester Guildhall, addressing the passers-by in the street with a megaphone. He quoted the following excerpt about Islam from the book The River War by Winston Churchill: "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a

A Review of Picketty's Hot Best Seller...

From: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth One of the better reviews IMO of the Piketty book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” is by David Brooks in The New York Times . Excerpt - ... Politically, the global wealth tax is utopian, as even Piketty understands. If the left takes it up, they are marching onto a bridge to nowhere. But, in the current mania, it is being embraced. This is a moment when progressives have found their worldview and their agenda. This move opens up a huge opportunity for the rest of us in the center and on the right. First, acknowledge that the concentration of wealth is a concern with a beefed up inheritance tax. Second, emphasize a contrasting agenda that will reward growth, saving and investment, not punish these things, the way Piketty would. Support progressive consumption taxes not a tax on capital. Third, emphasize that the historically proven way to reduce inequality is lifting people from the bottom with human capital re

Recommended Reading, Thomas Piketty’s best-selling new book, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”...

From: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Time to shed the right -vs- left, socialism -vs- capitalism hyperbole and purchase Thomas Piketty's new book " Capital in the Twenty-First Century. " PARIS — Thomas Piketty turned 18 in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, so he was spared the tortured, decades-long French intellectual debate about the virtues and vices of communism. Even more telling, he remembers, was a trip he took with a close friend to Romania in early 1990, after the collapse of the Soviet empire. “This sort of vaccinated me for life against lazy, anticapitalist rhetoric, because when you see these empty shops, you see these people queuing for nothing in the street,” he said, “it became clear to me that we need private property and market institutions, not just for economic efficiency but for personal freedom.” (emphasis mine) But his disenchantment with communism doesn’t mean that Mr. Piketty has turned his back on the intellectual

An Obedient Soldier... Wasserrnan Schultz...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Debbie Wasserman Schultz, that bumbling Congresswomen and Chairperson of the Democratic National Convention doesn't believe politics or political considerations will play any part in Obama's final decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. Righto... and we have a bridge to sell ya Debbie. In you case it would be "A Bridge To Nowhere" because that is obviously where you spend most of your time already. We do have to give this however, she certainly is the willingly obedient sheeple that the President knew she would be. Se certainly is not disappointing her BOSS. POLITICO - Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn’t believe President Barack Obama’s decision on the Keystone XL pipeline will be swayed by politics. “As a member of Congress who represents hundreds of thousands of people in south Florida, I want to make sure the right decision is arrived at and that the president mak

Feminism and the Risk Factor...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Came across an article in the FEDERALIST that is intriguing and thought provoking. It is one particular women's response to and article in the Atlantic and talks about risk taking and feminist perceived insecurities. Why Are Feminists So Insecure? 6 Reflections On The Confidence Gap I read the piece and was completely flummoxed by it, for a variety of reasons. Here are six reflections on the most serious problem of our era week: The Confidence Gap. 1) It isn’t about confidence. The article is really about risk-taking and how men differ in their risk calculations from women. To give just two examples from the article, and to give you an idea of its tone: “We watch our male colleagues take risks, while we hold back until we’re sure we are perfectly ready and perfectly qualified.” “If a woman walks into her boss’s office with unsolicited opinions, speaks up first at meetings, or gives business advice above her pa

Chelsea With Child... Progressive Media Goes Bonkers!

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Not that the event of Chelsea Clinton being with child should be a big deal, except apparently to Crooks and Liars and as would be expected Momma and Poppa Clinton. Well, I suppose if Momma Hillary gets herself elected to the presidency of our developing Oligarchy it may be a big deal because we may be looking at a possible Clinton Dynasty right here in America. Oy Vey!!! At any rate one of the bastions of progressive "journalism" CROOKS AND LIARS just couldn't help themselves and threw out the bait in their article Will Chelsea Clinton's Pregnancy Become Another Right Wing Conspiracy? UPDATED It's a plot! Skip ... But I'm forgetting myself because Hillary is not allowed to be a happy mother. We may see a normal life unfolding, but Teabirchers see coverups and conspiracies. Skip I wouldn't be surprised at all if Hillary gets asked to comment on Chelsea's pregnancy by the media

The Noble Lie...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Greek philosopher Plato introduced "the noble lie" to politics in his "The Republic." The concept is people are for the most part not bright enough to handle their own affairs so they need a few leaders who will feed them tales to keep them in line and presumably happy, thus avoiding revolution. Of course that is just a nutshell explanation but you get the drift. There of course have been many such instances of such leaders throughout human history and the following article by Christian Schneider writing in the JOURNAL SENTINEL makes the argument President Obama is prone to such shenanigans. Whether this is in fact true or not is for you to determine after considering all the facts. America's enlightened leader of today, President Barack Obama, appears to embrace the "noble lie" construct in order to feed the populace whatever he may be selling. Obama keeps reeling off the howlers, one b

Democrats and Voter Fraud, is There Any Ethics Anymore?...

One of my regulars who frequently comments and always challenges that which she perceives is inaccurate or purely partisan challenged this site (me) to research and provide evidence that voter fraud is a serious problem that has effected presidential elections. Shaw KenaweSat Apr 12, 08:55:00 AM EDT "To be balanced the president should address democratic voter fraud," Okay. Fair enough. Could you tell us what the percentage of voter fraud is? We have approximately 100 million eligible voters. What is the percentage of voter fraud, say over the last 30 years, and how has it affected presidential elections. If you and the GOP say this is a serious problem, we need to see the evidence that it IS a serious problem. As this site more often than views things in a shall we say more philosophical and ethical perspective rather than a outcome perspective as things are or have been the last 30 ears responded s follows. Rational Nation USASat Apr 12, 09:23:00 AM EDT My posis

Voting Rights and Presidential Hyperbole...

Straight from the President's mouth, in code. President Barack Obama struck hard at restrictive voting rights laws Friday, calling them a Republican political tactic conceived to address a made-up problem. Pretending that there’s widespread impropriety, he said, is just about keeping Democrats from winning. Yeppers, damn right! Only if Democrats win is the right to vote safeguarded! Only if Democrats win has the will of the people been served! Evil yet lawful Republicans, Libertarians, and Conservatives everywhere are lurking behind every corner, and in the shadows to subvert the will of the people and preserve the the righteous vision that only democrats and progressives have for America. This BS is getting so GD sickening it makes the sane want to puke. But whatever, things are so politicized, rancorous, and driven by hyperbole it is becomomg almost impossible to believe we'll ever become one nation again. it's good to be old... Read the full article BELOW

GOP Righteous Right Warns the Leadership Against Choosing Las Vegas as Host City for Its 2016 National Conventiin...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Oops, not again . As the GOP leadership considers which major city to host its 2016 national convention the religious right has warned against selecting Las Vegas. It matters not (apparently) the positive attributes of the cities ability to host a major national convention, the numbers of hotels etc. it matters only that Vegas is considered "The City of Sin" by the self righteous rollers that comprise the religious fundamental faction of the GOP. Is anyone taking bets on what the Gee-Oh-Pee'er leadership will decide? WASHINGTON — Some of the heaviest hitters on the religious right are pressuring GOP leaders to cross off Las Vegas as a potential host city for its 2016 convention, warning that putting the next convention in Sin City will harm the party’s image and drive away supporters. Dallas already pitches itself as a more wholesome alternative to Vegas, and the push-back could bolster the city’s effort.

The ObamaCare Divide Creating Two America's...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Red and blue state map, based on returns in last four presidential elections. (Wikimedia Commons/ Angr) This site is not a supporter of the mechanisms of ObamaCare and questions whether it in fact will ultimately make health care either more accessible r affordable. Except for those receiving a subsidy or are getting it free. All that aside I do agree with following Moyers & Company article stating that ObamaCare is widening the gap between red America and blue America. Something needed to be done with our health care and insurance system. Most agree that the pre ObamaCare system needed some work. Unfortunately reason failed American politics and what we have achieved is an ever more polorized country with no end to the polarization. Perhaps it is time to officially form a Blue United States of America and a Red United States of America. Because in reality we are moving ever closer to the breaking point. Th

Race and the Obama Presidency...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Race, always the deepest and most volatile fault line in American history, has now become the primal grievance in our politics, the source of a narrative of persecution each side uses to make sense of the world. Liberals dwell in a world of paranoia of a white racism that has seeped out of American history in the Obama years and lurks everywhere, mostly undetectable. Conservatives dwell in a paranoia of their own, in which racism is used as a cudgel to delegitimize their core beliefs. And the horrible thing is that both of these forms of paranoia are right. The above words from The Color of His Presidency ring true to the thoughtful as well as honest person. Please take the time if you have not already done so to read the entire article BELLOW THE FOLD . It will be well worth your time. Via: Memeorandum

Now THIS Is One Mean Rockin Piece of Music!

Has the SCOTUS Completely Lost It? - Updated 4/4/14

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Putting all political, ideological, and social issues aside for the moment, and turning to the issue of money in politics, just how in the hell the SCOTUS ruled to strike down aggregate limits on federal campaign contributions escapes all logic. Aside from the fact that pull peddlers, and make no mistake about the fact that the more money contributed the greater the pull, will undoubtedly spend greater suns of money to influence politicians (think Koch and Unions) our counties long term rational self inters will increasingly be on sale to the highest bidder. Essentially, America is now on sale to the biggest and deepest pockets of corporate American and labor unions. Everyone should take a long pause and consider the ramifications of this ruling. Especially since it will likely be followed by a complete elimination of ALL campaign contribution limits. Frankly the thought of our nation's elected representatives and sen

2,995 Years To Find The Plane... Sounds Like a Project for the Feds!

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Certainly sounds like a project the federal government may want to jump in on and fund with taxpayer dollars. Since absurdity is its specialty and all. Read the story BELOW THE FOLD Via: Memeorandum