Is It Too Late For the Republican Party To Save Itself?...
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Food for thought. At least for those republicans that have retained the ability to think outside the box their party has sculpted for them or they created for themselves. In recent decades, the Republicans have usually been the more nationalist of the two major parties. Whereas Democratic foreign policy experts have been more at home among global elites, and more enthusiastic about pursuing altruistic humanitarian goals, Republican experts have been less comfortable at conferences abroad, and more concerned about the safety of the American homeland and its traditional allies than about trying to improve the lot of the rest of the world. As one might expect, defense budgets have usually fared better under Republican than Democratic presidents. The problem for Republicans is that there are various kinds of nationalism. There is, for instance, the aggressive Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld brand of nationalism, in whi...