
Showing posts from July, 2011

Thoughts for Conservatives/Libertrians With Open Minds...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Intellectual honesty... A concept worth aspiring to. Unfortunately the philosophic regimen and discipline to achieve this lofty goal has been lost on the current generation of self serving and single issue driven politicians. Make no mistake folks the preceding statement applies to both parties. Neither can get past ideological differences to solve common problems. This site markets itself as an Independent Conservative/Libertarian blog with a strong focus on Constitutional and Randian principles. Understanding the full depth of either requires a bit of study as well as an open mind. Both are attributes that our founding fathers, and the principles that they stood for, require. Maybe this site was naive in its inception as it launched its maiden voyage. It believed, incorrectly so, that conservatives and liberal alike understood the basic and central concepts that lead to the birt

Tentative Deal on Debt Ceiling and Deficit Reduction Struck

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny ABC is reporting a tentative deal has been reached raising the the debt ceiling by 2.4 trillion dollars with guaranteed spending cuts in the same amount. The Note : Democratic and Republican Congressional sources involved in the negotiations tell ABC News that a tentative agreement has been reached on the framework of a deal that would give the President a debt ceiling increase of up to $2.4 trillion and guarantee an equal amount of deficit reduction over the next 10 years. Congressional leaders plan to brief their members on the framework tomorrow. The reaction from both parties' rank-and-file will determine whether this tentative deal becomes a final deal. Here, according to Democratic and Republican sources, are the key elements: A debt ceiling increase of up to $2.1 to $2.4 trillion (depending on the size of the spending cuts agreed to in the final deal). They hav

I Remember a Time When...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Occasionally everyone finds themselves reminiscing about the "good old days." It does the "soul" good. Even when one defines the "soul" as the rational mind as this writer does. I remember a time when the unemployment rate was below five percent and everybody that wanted a job seemed to be working. I remember a time when made in America was something to be proud of and pride in American workmanship was justified. I remember a time when American values were respected worldwide and everybody wanted to be like the good old USA. I remember a time when there was honor in politics and aspiring to serve as a elected official was an honorable pursuit. I remember a time when the great American middle class was growing and prosperity was taken for granted. I remember a time when corporate CEO's received REASONABLE compensation for their contributio

The Minority Leader Has It Right... But Cites the Wrong Reasons

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny I must admit I actually find myself in agreement with the Minority Leader. However, be assured, it is not at all for the same rationale she is citing. From POLITICO : Right before the House voted to reject a Democratic debt-ceiling plan, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi didn’t mince words. Pelosi pulled out a Star Wars reference on the House floor, saying that Speaker John Boehner “chose to go to the dark side” and court the most conservative members of his conference, rather than work on a bipartisan compromise. “It’s time for us to end this theater of the absurd,” she said. “It’s time for us to get real.” The House struck down the Democratic measure, 173-246, in a vote that was designed to fail. Boehner brought the measure up under a special rule that required a two-third majority for passage. “This thing is not on the level,” Pelosi said before the vote. Boehner’s office

Proper Goverance and Compromise... Two Concepts Modern Liberals Refuse to Understand

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny "But with respect to future debt; would it not be wise and just for that nation to declare in the constitution they are forming that neither the legislature, nor the nation itself can validly contract more debt, than they may pay within their own age, or within the term of 19 years." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, 1789 What, please tell is irrational, irresponsible, reactionary, a lie, self serving, or devoid of reasoned and therefore sensible thought in the above statement? Maybe it's just us {real} conservatives that scratch our heads and wonder what it is this generation {actually going back to Woodrow Wilson's generation}of lawmakers fail to understand with respect to fiscally sound economic practices. While recognizing the Tea Party is ideologically driven in the pursuit of achieving the purity of Jefferson's vision I challenge anyone t

Perhaps the Republians Need to To Return to the Basics...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatsm Liberty -vs- Tyranny Could it be the republican party in general, and the republican leadership in particular should read and grow to understand the words of our founders? I believe the republican party and the neo-cons that have infiltrated it have no idea what our founders believed in or what our constitution says anymore than the democratic party  does. "In the midst of these pleasing ideas we should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections." --John Adams, Inaugural Address, 1797 "The value of liberty was thus enhanced in our estimation by the difficulty of its attainment, and the worth of characters appreciated by the trial of adversity." --George Washington, letter to the people of South Carolina, 1790 "The eyes of

Maxine Waters 2004

"We were trying to fix something that wasn't broke. Mr. Chairman, we DO NOT have a crisis at Freddie Mac and, in particular, at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Mr. Frank Raines."............I'm sorry, folks, but this woman doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the U.S. capitol. She took what was obviously an important hearing and turned it into a God damned mockery (replete with playing the race-card). The way that I see it, this lady couldn't get elected dog-catcher in any other district in the country....Again, I'm sorry.

For Those Who Think That the Country Needs Another "FDR Type Progressive" as President

THIS............“We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong...somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot."............Henry Morgenthau, Jr. FDR's Secretary of the Treasury to his fellow Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee May 9th 1939

As the Debt Ceiling Drama Continues

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Interesting metaphors as Rand Paul weighs in. POLITCO -The “Lord of the Rings” metaphors crept into the debt-limit fight on Thursday, as tea-party heroes fired back at Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) who mocked members of the conservative grassroots movement as “tea-party hobbits.” “I’d rather be a hobbit than a troll,” freshman Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said on a conference call when asked by POLITICO about McCain’s remarks. “I think in reading the books, the hobbits were the heroes. They overcame great obstacles, and I think I’d rather be a hobbit than a troll.” { Continue Reading }
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Too funny! Yet, sadly prophetic methinks.

A Looney Tune Lefty...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Coservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) has proclaimed we don't have a deficit problem, rather we have an unemployment problem. Actually we have both. If unemployment were to miraculously return to 5% of course the added tax "revenue" would lessen the severity of our deficit problem. But we would still have a deficit problem. Nadler's recipe for correcting the unemployment problem? You probably guessed it. More spending and more taxes. In his words... "When we talk about, ‘we’ve got a budget deficit crisis’ no we don’t. We have a tax crisis, we have a crisis that we’re not taxing properly and we have a recession and an unemployment crisis." "The way to get out of that unemployment crisis is to spend money on more food stamps and on aid to states and local governments so they don’t lay off people... Video of the loon . This dude is a few ca

A National Melodrama and Comic Relief

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservativism Liberty -vs- Tyranny  h/t: Patriot Humor Given the current melodrama, or fiasco if you prefer, playing out between the President and Congress over deficit reduction, the budget, and the debt ceiling this video certainly gives welcome comic relief. However, to be truthful there should be a similar video of the Speaker, and or Tea Party representatives depicted as a huge elephant with a deeper "voice" speaking the same unintelligible language. Is it any wonder that the American people are dismayed at the performance of the Congress? I new Rasmussen poll shows Congress has hit a new low, with only 6% of likely voters believing Congress is doing a good job. As Michel A. Walsh of the New York Post points out The President shares some responsibility with respect to said fiasco. It is beginning to appear the nation is the grip of a lack of leadership. Comic relief lasts only so long.

The (Strong) Medicine Man

I just thought of another "hero". And this one, folks, IS a politician; former New York City mayor, Ed Koch. Koch, at least in my estimation, was EXACTLY what New York City needed in 1977. At a time when the city had such things as "snow days", when it paid its huge municipal workforce to stay home when it snowed and paid those that did come in time and a half, at a time when other politicians such as Mario Cuomo, Bella Abzug, and incumbent Mayor Abe Beam gave mealy-mouthed responses to the 1977 power outage rioting, Mr. Koch came along and majorly kicked some butt. Now, did this fellow eventually wear out his welcome/deserve to be "retired"? Sure, probably (you could say that about most U.S. politicians, no?). But for at least a fairly large chunk of his tenure, Ed Koch was a pretty damn good mayor, I think.

Thoughts Worth Considering

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny What you are about to read are the views of a rational and concerned citizen from the State of Michigan. Whether he is a conservative or a liberal we do not know with certainty. What we do know is his concerns, and questions, are valid. They demand honest, thorough, and objective consideration. America, the nation built on the principles of liberty, and the value of opportunity is at a crossroad today. The choices we make with respect to the following will determine our future as a nation. Ken Huber, the author of the following editorial lives in Tawas City, Michigan. The editorial was originally published in June of 2010 and ran in the Fort Worth Christianity & Culture Examiner in July of 2010. The likelihood the extreme progressive element of our society attacking this man's perspective is great. Perhaps that is a significant reason for the societal problems Ameri

The Day The Music Died, Or When America Turned From Leadership In Space Exploration

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny While checking in at the Left Coast Rebel , a site I am a contributor to, I caught a fabulous post by Proof Positive on our unfortunate decision to back away from space exploration. The post is one that conservatives and liberals ought to be able to agree on. I wasn't planning on writing about this today, but the fading glory of our space program moves me to write. In 1977, Jerry Pournelle wrote about the "2007 expedition to Ceres". The old Buck Rogers TV show spoke of the "last of NASA's deep space probes in 1987". The last?? when was the first??? Robert Heinlein spoke of the expectation that many of us had growing up of the inevitability of space travel. In 1949, he wrote in the preface to "The Man Who Sold the Moon": Read the rest here and here . Indeed it is a sad development. The United States of America abandoning a key leadershi

Perhaps the Republicans Need to Return to the Basics...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatsm Liberty -vs- Tyranny Could it be the republican party in general, and the republican leadership in particular should read and grow to understand the words of our founders? I believe the republican party and the neo-cons that have infiltrated it have no idea what our founders believed in or what our constitution says anymore than the democratic party and it's progressives do. "In the midst of these pleasing ideas we should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections." --John Adams, Inaugural Address, 1797 "The value of liberty was thus enhanced in our estimation by the difficulty of its attainment, and the worth of characters appreciated by the trial of adversity." --George Washington, letter to the people of South Carolina,

Oh, The Melodrama Of It All....

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny I am not at all sure just what the h*ll the Speaker really said. I do know that the 3-1 ratio of spending cuts to revenue increase the President has offered is a pretty substantial cut in spending. But what does an independent fiscal conservative know? In my mind the GOP is shooting itself squarely in the foot. When all is said and done it is likely the conservatives will go home with less than they might have secured for the American people. They will ultimately pay the political price. When ideology precludes rational thought process everybody loses. The republicans have shown themselves to be intransigent and only interested in pursuing their ideological agenda. They do so at their own peril. Rational Nation USA has many ideological and philosophical differences with the President. Given that the site also realizes that the President, at the end of the day is coming across

Pew Foundation Poll... Repubs Gaining Among Whites

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Republicans gain ground among young white voters and the poor. ABC News - New analysis by Pew Foundation on voter identification finds that, not surprisingly, “the electorate’s partisan affiliations have shifted significantly since Obama won office nearly three years ago.” One of the most notable shifts is the GOP gain among white voters, most specifically “the young and poor.” “A seven-point Democratic advantage among whites under age 30 three years ago has turned into an 11-point GOP advantage today. And a 15-point Democratic advantage among whites earning less than $30,000 annually has swung to a slim four-point Republican edge today.” The last time that Republicans had this level of support among young white voters was 2002-2004, which was, of course, the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The study also suggests that more voters than ever (34 percent) identify themselves as In

Ron Paul Would Run Competively Against Obama

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Ron Paul, arguably one of the most knowledgeable congressman when it comes to a proper understanding of the constitution, potentially could unseat Obama in 2012. Rasmussen Reports: Congressman Ron Paul may be a long shot to win the Republican presidential nomination, but he runs competitively with President Obama right now. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Paul picking up 37% of the vote, while the president earns 41%. The Texas congressman joins Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry as candidates within hailing distance of the president at this time. Rudy Giuliani is another potential candidate who is considered a long shot for the nomination but is competitive with the president. The former mayor of New York City trails Obama by five, 44% to 39%. But the real story in the numbers is that the president continues to earn

A Nation in Crises...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny The Constitution of the United States of America. Important to many, ignored and or misinterpreted by many as well. There are those who are strict constructionist who believe in following the letter of the document. And there are those who believe it is a living document and must change to conform to the changing times. There is validity in both positions. Although as an independent conservative, and one who places great stock in history and what it can teach us, I tend to side with the strict constructionists more often than not. It is becoming increasingly clear that our nation has become so polarized that ideology takes precedent over reason and common sense. It is clear that the fringe element of the the liberal democratic party and the fringe element of the conservative republican party are controlling the debate. It is any wonder that our governmemnt, as bad as it has bec
Topos Graphics by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny The following article makes many valid arguments. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the article's conclusions it is worth the read. Deserving of rational thought by all. From the Atlantic : Angry and frustrated, American voters went to the polls in November 2010 to “take back” their country. Just as they had done in 2008. And 2006. And repeatedly for decades, whether it was Republicans or Democrats from whom they were taking the country back. No matter who was put in charge, things didn’t get better. They won’t this time, either; spending levels may go down, taxes may go up, budgets will change, but American government will go on the way it has, not as a collective enterprise but as a battle between warring tribes. If we are truly a democracy—if voters get to size up candidates for a public office and choose the one they want—why don’t the elections see

The Possibility of a Rational Agreement...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny From the Los Angeles Times ... The White House signaled Wednesday that President Obama could accept a short-term deal to raise the debt ceiling, but only if it appeared lawmakers were close to an agreement on a significant deficit reduction plan. Finding solutions to major problems may be a possibility after all. That is if the ideologically pure "accept no compromise" republicans determine to be objective and reasonable. Were it not for the "Gang of Six", with Coburn leading the way, I would hold out little hope that objective reasoning might prevail. The President has signaled he is willing to consider a short term agreement to raising the debt ceiling if lawmakers were closing in on an agreement to significantly reduce the deficit. As this site has readily maintained finding a solution so the nation doesn't default on its obligations should be priorit

Greta Garbo, Folks

Question: Does it get any better?............Answer: No, it does not.

Wasserman Schultz a Characterless Moonbat...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Offhand I cannot think of anyone who personifies a leftist moonbat more than Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). President Obama's pick to chair the DNC proves once again she is a total whack case. She took the house floor to make groundless accusations with respect the Honorable Rep. Allan West (R-FL). Her main purpose, to scare the heck out of senior citizens. Video of the miscreant. Wasserman Schultz lacked the character to put on her little sideshow in West's presence, thus denying him the opportunity for a floor rebuttal. Appropriately and quite justifiably Rep. West fired off a terse e-mail that cut to the chase with respect to her character. From: Z112 West, Allen Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavio

Gang of Six Deficit Reduction Plan Gaining Momentum...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs - Tyranny Well, nobody likes the idea of raising taxes, but revamping the tax code, which is rife with loopholes, and then lowering the marginal rates and reducing the number of tax brackets may not be such a bad idea. The 'Gang of Six" plan to reduce the debt through spending cuts coupled with increasing revenues over the next decade just might have merit. It's worth considering anyway. From the Associated Press . WASHINGTON (AP) — Leaders of a bipartisan "Gang of Six" senators said Tuesday that they've reached agreement on a major plan to cut the deficit by more than $4 trillion over the coming decade in what could be a bold entry into a debate on the deficit long bogged-down by bitter partisanship. More than $1 trillion of the deficit cuts would come from tax increases reaped as Congress overhauls the loophole-choked U.S. tax code. It would also repeal a

Obama Threatens Veto of Cut, Cap, and Balance in Politics as Usual

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny The President, in a display of executive power and arrogance, threatened Monday to veto the republican's Cut, Cap, and Balance initiative should it arrive on his desk. Lets dispense with all the hyperbole and vitriol and address the issue objectively. It is becoming increasingly clear republicans and the President are engaged in a great test of wills. There is little question but what both sides have decided to play hardball, and neither side at this point appears to be able, or willing to negotiate a reasonable resolution to the impasse. As this is being written it appears the President is holding the greatest number of cards . As the nation waits, the people cannot help but wonder why the supposedly intelligent and mature individuals they elected to represent them are unable {or unwilling} to find a way to balance the budget, honor our obligations, and find a way to put ou

The Debt, The Debt Ceiling, and Leveler Heads... Will they Prevail?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Fiscal conservatism is about a lot more than just cutting spending, reducing taxes, and passing a balanced budget amendment. Which, by all indications is where republicans in Congress presently find themselves. Fiscal conservatism is about maintaining control of spending while providing the revenue to fund the necessary functions of government. It is about acting responsibly so the government's fiscal house stays in order and solvent. Not unlike a well run business. The federal government has certain critical obligations that must be funded. Obligations such as national defense, maintaining a federal judiciary, insuring the strength of our national infra structure, maintaining our borders, maintaining the safety of our federal highways and bridges, maintaining diplomatic relations with foreign states, and yes, maintaining the social net known as social security and medicare

The Fringes... A Threat To The American Way Of Life

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny When contemplating the major political parties in the United States, both democrat and republican, one need consider there are fringe elements in both. People who make up small minorities and who do not represent the views of the great majority of the American people. They are however a threat to our political and socioeconomic systems as well as our American culture and way of life. In this sense they present a danger as they are often well organized and well financed. While perusing the net late Saturday night for some interesting news items, of which there were few, the following jumped out at me. Emphasis in the following excerpt is mine. "I don't know who I'm going to vote for yet because there doesn't seem to be too many people on the horizon, but I will vote for someone whether it's a Green candidate, whether it's a communist, I don't care ...

And The Point Is?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny It never fails to amaze me. By which I mean the idiocy of both our justice system at times and our federal government in general. I mean, why are we wasting hours of legal talent on DADT that could be better spent on matters that really are of importance? Of course the matter will be mute at some point. At which time we will have done the right thing. But why the colossal waste of time and money? Oh that's right. It is, stupid me, all about the money the attorneys will receive for what in reality is a foregone conclusion. Whatever... It's the American way I suppose. LOS ANGELES — The military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy is back in place for the time being, with one major caveat: the government is not allowed to investigate, penalize or discharge anyone who is openly gay. A San Francisco federal appeals court ordered the military to tempora

The Progressive Prittle Prattle... It's All Bush's Fault

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Obama has it all figured out. He ran against GWB in 2008 and won. Therefore in his mind it only stands to reason he can win again running against GWB in 2012. Listen to the Master of the Hall of Smoke and Mirrors closely. H/T Fox Nation Watch the latest video at PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: It turns out we don’t have to do anything radical to solve this problem. Contrary to what some folks say, we’re not Greece, we’re not Portugal. It turns out that our problem is we cut taxes without paying for them over the last decade. We ended up instituting new programs, like a prescription drug program for seniors that was not paid for. We fought two wars, we didn’t pay for them. We had a bad recession that required a Recovery Act and stimulus spending and helping states, accumulated, and there’s interest on top of that. And to unwind that, what’s required is that we roll bac

Cut, Cap, and Balance... A Sensible Solution

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Seems sensible does it not? Or is it just conservatives that understand a government ought to be run like a successful business. Or household for that matter. From The Hill . House Republican leaders have thrown their support behind the "cut, cap and balance" plan that conservatives are demanding in return for an increase in the federal debt ceiling. According to lawmakers who attended an 8 a.m. meeting of the Republican Conference, GOP House members rallied Friday behind an effort to cut spending, cap spending in future years and pass a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution — a package that has been pushed in the House by the Republican Study Committee (RSC). “We asked the president to lead, we asked him to put forward a plan, not a speech — a real plan — and he hasn’t. We will,” Speaker John Boehner said (R-Ohio) after the meeting. Boehner was asked if th

The Wrong Line In The Sand

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny As the clock ticks on, and the nation approaches a possible default on it's debt obligations some Republicans are beginning to sense the mistakes being made within their ranks. WASHINGTON -- Some Republicans are starting to have buyer's remorse over their party's insistence that a vote to raise the debt limit be tied to a long-term deficit reduction package. "Maybe the debt ceiling was the wrong place to pick a fight, as it related to trying to get our country's house in order," Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said Thursday. "Maybe that was the wrong place to do it." Speaking from the Senate floor, Corker said Republicans demanded linking the two issues because the Senate hasn't passed a budget in more than 800 days. "I credit both sides for that," he said. But now, the inability of the White House and Congress to agree to a

The Continuing Saga of the Debt Ceiling Crises

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny The President, Congressional Democrats, and Republicans are action like spoiled brats. It's kinda like watching a child who throws a temper tantrum because they wanted a red lollipop and they were given a green one. There is every reason to blame both parties, as well as the President, for this modern game of brinkmanship playing out over the debt crises. In the event talks produce nothing and we default on our obligations the responsibility rests with both parties and the President. They, and I mean in unison, will bear the responsibility for the fallout both nationally and internationally for their inability to cut the deal. It is obvious that all concerned are interested more in their own agenda than the interest of the American people, or anything else for that matter. Simply disgusting... ... Adults acting as children. Alan Simpson: ‘No Hope’ of Debt Ceiling Agre

Incorporate This

Just for the record, folks, you can't tax a corporation. You can only tax PEOPLE. And, yes, according to William Gentry's paper for the Treasury Department, it's labor (you know, actual flesh and bone workers - the people that progressives are supposed to care about) that tends to bear the biggest burden of the corporate tax. Couple that with the fact that a) the corporate tax doesn't really raise all that much money, b) it encourages firms to waste valuable resources on tax avoidance, and c) it's a major factor in lobbying and, yeah, you are kind of forced to see the clumsiness of it............................................................................................My proposal, folks (and, yes, I was glad to see that Megan McCardle of "The Atlantic" essentially has the same one), is to eliminate the corporate income tax completely BUT, in addition, eliminate also the special treatment of capital gains. Have it taxed as regular income,

According To Matthews Republicans Are Terrorists

MRC reporting. Two times in less than 24 hours, MSNBC's Chris Matthews smeared Republicans who oppose raising the debt limit as "terrorists." On Tuesday, after liberal guest Joan Walsh compared the GOP position to "hostage taking," the Hardball anchor derided, "I agree. It's terrorism." { The Rest } We will be hearing a lot more of this drivel from Matthews and others of is ilk in the coming days. It gets oh so tiring... What a putz.

Some Old Time Rock and Roll

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny Before signing off on this beautiful evening {morning on the east cost} I leave you with some good old time rock and roll.