With the growing influence of the Neo-Marxists currently in power in the US, the move towards redistribution of wealth and increased government control over the lives of all Americans, the virtues of fierce individualism, limited government, competitive capitalism, and self reliance, will soon be forgotten. Correction, not forgotten, but the majority of our people, fearing the loss of the meager freedoms left them by the Neo-Marxist and will not resist, believing it the best way to preserve whatever scraps of freedom may be left to them. We are witnessing what many who studied history, political science, and philosophy with an objective eye knew to be true, these disciplines, and the proper understanding of them clearly matters. Without an understanding of these disciplines humans are destined to repeat mistakes of the past. Ayn Rand, Aldous Huxley, (even Nikita Khrushchev who predicted the USA would fall to socialism without a shot being fired), and many others understood