Showing posts from February, 2021
Is The Q-GOP Revving Up For It's Second Insurrection?
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A Q'anon Moron And A tRump Cultist... A Clear and Present Danger To Our Democracy And The Republic...
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The Q-GOP Is Actively Working To Kill Democracy In The USA...
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It's Time To Clean Up The Q-GOP Or Destroy It From Within...
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Systemic Racism On Full Display In Broad Daylight In America...
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Hypocrisy and Mendacity, Two Of The Q-GOP's Most Glaring Characteristics..
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A Man For Our Times, Merrick Garland For Attorney General - He Should Be Confirmed...
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The New Improved Party Of Lies and Conspiracy, The Q-GOP...
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The Republican Party Must Reform... Or Be Destroyed...
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Morning Joe Scarborough has an excellent article (IMO) on the disaster that donald j. trump was, and continues to be for the GOP. Please don't get me wrong here, I'll admit that I'll be one ecstatic person if the final effect of trump is the ultimate destruction of the GOP. Burn it down and bury it has become my moto. This nation simply does not need a political party who's forte is found in lying and conspiracy, And THAT is precisely what trump and the now Q-GOP is. The present makeup of the Q-GOP deserves nothing less than oblivion. Enough of my personal beliefs and on this issue as Joe Scarborough sees it... The Washington Post - Five years ago, Donald Trump seized control of the Republican Party by attacking conservative icons, insulting former GOP presidents and disregarding Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment that warned against criticizing other party members. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham told me at the time that Trump was like ...
Lets Finally Develop A Meaningful Minimum Wage and Begin Incrementally Adjusting Annually...
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Senator Mitt Romney and Senator Tom Cotton, both republicans, are correct with regard to requring that businesses insure they are hiring only United States citizens and documented immigrants/aliens. This nation is not responsible for illegal (undocumented) aliens nor should it be. Humanitarian aid is one thing and we should be willing to continue humaniarian programs, however, evey illegal (undocumented) alien that is empoloyed by a US business is one less job available to US citizens and documented aliens. The one who did oit right when they came to the United States. However the republicans, as usual, want to be stingy with the green. As they always are when it comes to raising the federal minimum wage. Of course that is because profit for business is far more important than the ability for a lone individual to keep their head above the proverty level. I've been trying to figure that out for my entire adult life. Especially when the more people that have money to spend the more...
Teddy Cruz, Just Lookin Out For His Own Selfish Self Interests... It's What Q-GOP'ers Do Best!
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Let The 21st Century Be The Century America Finally Ends Systemic Racism...
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America’s Brutal Racial History Is Written All Over Our Genes Our country has struggled to reckon with the horrors of the past. Could DNA tests help? Our country was racist at its founding. It was racist still at the turn of the 20th century. And today, a full two decades into the 21st century we remain a racist country. Not as racist as we might once have been, but racist we remain. It must be said that racism IS, a bipartisan affliction. While it is generally true that conservatives and those supportive of donald j. trump are more likely to hold racist beliefs, democrats produce racists as well. Just not as many and likely not as egregiously racist as the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and other far right wing organizations. Only individuals who choose to shutter their eyes and ears to the plentiful evidence that systemic racism exists, and has always existed in America, can deny the truth of our nation's greatest sin, racism that r...
Don Jr., As Off The Rails and Delusional As His Old Orange Dad...
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trump Ascending Again... Thanks To The Sycophants and Cultists Of The Q-GOP...
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On Trump, Michigan Republicans Lean One Way: ‘Fealty at All Costs’ Even after his defeat, Donald Trump is causing fierce infighting among Republicans in a crucial battleground state. Loyalists are rewarded. Dissenters face punishment. . What is occurring within the Q-GOP, and has been since trump the con waltzed onto the political scene, is the advancing of rule by personality. donald j. trump's corrupt personality to be precise. The once respected Party of Lincoln, now the party of donald j. trump and rampant corruption, is careening down the path to irrelevancy and eventual oblivion. Just like the Whig party of old. Which I must clearly state will be a very good and necessary event if this nation is to preserve its democracy and maintain its republic. While the democratic party certainly has it's warts and hiccups it is no where near as corrupt and anti democracy as the Part of Trump and his sycophantic wanna ...
The Q-GOP Will Circle Their Wagons Around trump The Seditionist and Insurectgionist Ex Presidente...
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donald j. trump is as guity as all hell of sedition as well as inciting the insurrection on the Capitol January 6, 2021. trump's inflamatory rhetoric over many months, his actions attempting to have the free, fair, and secure election overturned, and his failure to CALL OFF his RABID supporters all confirm his anti democracyand pro authoritarian bent. He was, and remains, a clear and present danger to our republic and the democracy we have enjoyed since 1787. Speaker Pelosi and the democrats are perfectly right in working to establish a commission to thoroughly investigate and report on donald j. trump's involvememnt in, coordintion of, and his eventual incitement to riot and insurrection. trump is, putting it bluntly a domestic terrorist and anyone else doing precisely what trump did would be SAVAGED by what is now the Q-Trumpublican Q-GOP. But instead of supporting our democracy and the republic the Q-GOP is very likely to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING i...
Engines Of Democracy and the Republics Destruction...
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White Supremacy On The Rise... Supported and Spurred On By Ex president donald j. trump...l
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The Capitol Siege Was White Supremacy in Action. Trial Evidence Confirms That The violent storming of the Capitol was in no way a “revolution” — it was the brazen reemergence of white supremacy. Trump loyalists storm the seat of democracy in the attempt to overturn the free, fair, and secure election of Joseph Biden President of the United States of America Full article BELOW the FOLD
A Criminal and Threat To Our Republic Is Acquitted By The US Senate... 47 Un-American Republican Senators Vote To Protect A Criminal US President...
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7 Senate Republicans vote ‘guilty,’ the most bipartisan margin in favor of conviction in history. The New York Times - The United States Senate voted on Saturday to acquit Donald J. Trump in his second impeachment trial, as Republicans in a Senate still bruised from the most violent attack on the Capitol in two centuries banded together to reject the charge that he incited the Jan. 6 attack. Voting 57-43, the Senate fell 10 votes short of the two-thirds necessary for conviction. Seven Republicans voted to find the former president guilty of “incitement of insurrection,” with all 50 Democrats, the most bipartisan support for conviction in any of the four presidential impeachments in U.S. history. That outcome reflected the widespread outrage about Mr. Trump’s conduct among senators who experienced the violence of the attack firsthand, fleeing for safety as marauders overwhelmed the Capitol Police and swarmed the Capitol during the attack. It came after Demo...