The New Obama Deficit Plan... Investment in the Future
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism I just love the new phrase that Obama has sold to the faithful, and that includes the lame stream liberal media. Spending, and trillion dollar deficits have been assigned the new official term of investments. Lets get one thing straight.... Obama coined the phrase "investments", which is nothing more than a slick snake oil salesman's attempt to confuse the American people and gain support for a huge domestic social spending agenda. That and to insure his pre-determined socialist plan to slip his destructive socialist agenda by the American people and force his spendthrift deficit spending through a willing Congress before anyone noticed. If spending becomes an investment in America's "future" how can lots and lots of it be a bad thing? You may want to refer to Keynesian economic theory for a answer to that one. Then ou will undoubtedly want to check ut Hayek's more rationa