
Showing posts from July, 2016

Thoughts On The RNC And The DNC 2016...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth We will start today's post with an early fact check of HRC's acceptance speech, just as we did with DJT's acceptance speech last week. It comes as no surprise to those following the campaign statements of the two nominees that HRC's acceptance speech (the issues checked) was more honest than DJT's. HRC, as well as DJT, cherry picked some data to highlight a point. Something all politicians do, and have done since the beginning of our republic. Fact Check Summary: A) Stated Donald Trump said at the Republican convention “I alone can fix it.” -- Mostly True B) Said Donald Trump "claimed our armed forces are 'a disaster.'" - Mostly True C) Clinton also attacked Trump’s campaign slogan "Make America Great Again," by claiming his merchandise was primarily made overseas. -- Mostly True D) Said the Iran nuclear deal effectively closed the door on Iran getting a nuclear weapon. -- Mostly true ...

Trump, A Disgrace To America And All She Has Stood For...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Donald J. Trump, a man that has been called many things from narcissist, to misogynist, to demagogue, to racist, to xenophobe, to a-hole has hit a new low. A low that not even those who had great dislike or disdain for him thought he would sink to. Yet we shouldn't be surprised really. It is as if he is intentionally testing the limits of American stupidity. Trump, the little man that he is now deserved to be despised by any true patriotic American. And by despised we mean completely and totally despised. POLITICO - Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason." Few would argue Wednesday that what the Republican presidential nominee said will directly cause Russia to conduct more cyber-espionage against the U.S. than it already is doing. But se...

Early Fact Check Summary - Trump's Acceptance Speech...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Early fact checking of Trump's acceptance speech indicates he may becoming less dishonest. Although in some cases he engaged in cherry picking the data, something all politicians are guilty of doing. Overall his speech was more a denunciation of what he and the right consider Obama's disastrous eight years and how Clinton would be a continuation of the same. He painted the bleakest picture he possibly could of America's present economic and social condition and how he, and presumably he alone can fix all the ills and dangers currently facing our nation. What most of America wants to hear is just how, specifically how, Trump plans to fix all the problems all Americans are facing. Thursday evening we heard none of that. It is likely we will continue to hear talking points and hyperbole but the specifics will likely remain buried somewhere in a deep dark corner of Trump's mind. Fact Check Summary: A) Rising homicides -- H...

The Musings of Jeb Bush...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Call it a tipping point, a time of choosing or testing. Whatever you call it, it is clear that this election will have far-reaching consequences for both the Republican Party and our exceptional country. While he has no doubt tapped into the anxiety so prevalent in the United States today, I do not believe Donald Trump reflects the principles or inclusive legacy of the Republican Party. Neither does the Republican Party represent the future of our  nation Jeb. The republican party has made itself a relic and it has no one to blame but itself.

It's Pence!...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Donald Trump, in his first significant decision as GOP presumptive nominee, officially announced Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate. For Trump it is a good political decision. Pence, with a decade experience as a congressman, understands the workings of congress, something Trump actually has little if any knowledge of. Pence's executive experience as governor with be helpful as Trump has little executive experience other than reality show host and marketing the Trump brand. Pence, a born again Christian is sure to lock in the Evangelical base for Trump. Finally, Pence, a respected conservative will be helpful in calming the jitters of many conservatives that have expressed concern over Trump's unorthodox campaign antics. A real grand slam for Trump one could say. What is puzzling is why Pence would want to align himself with the most divisive demagogue in American political history since disgraced Senator Joseph McC...

RNC Rules Committee Makes The Right Decision...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth The Republican National Convention rules committee voted to stop the movement by some delegates to block Trump's nomination. As unqualified and divisive as Trump is he received the primary votes necessary to secure the Republican nomination. Therefore the committee vote was, as it should be. A clear majority of primary voters wanted Trump, so, let it be. In November the entirety of the American electorate will have its say. Odds are Trump will be the loser he has always boasted about not being. Bloomberg - A key Republican National Convention committee crushed a long-shot attempt by rogue delegates to block Donald Trump’s nomination, as internal strife that’s roiled the party for much of the past decade was on full display Thursday amid fights over governing rules for the next four years. The convention’s Rules Committee -- convened exactly a week before Trump is expected to accept the party’s nomination -- worked well into the eve...

A Major Problem For HRC...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth The Clinton political drama has become perpetual, and, it is damaging to her political ambitions. While the bloodthirsty republican party has pledged itself to destroying HRC, foolishly so IMO, she has certainly reacted in ways that have heled to keep the drama alive. The following article from The New Yorker does a credible job of accurately pointing out why. Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for President is widely, and aptly, described as historic. Here’s one of the reasons: If she wins, she will have spent a longer time under criminal investigation than any President in history. Why is this? Is she uniquely corrupt? Unduly targeted? SKIP Clinton’s first experience with a criminal investigation came with Whitewater, the name given to various activities centered around a money-losing land deal that she and her husband invested in during the nineteen-eighties. Republican (and journalistic) claims of illegality in connection with the inve...

As We Honor Our Fallen, Words Of Truth And Unity...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Only an irrational and or blind partisan could escape the truth in President Obama's remarks. A speech rich with truth, and, most importantly, a unifying speech. Those with open heart and ears will hear and respond positively to the President's remarks. Those with hearts of stone and closed ears are indeed the internal enemies of The United States of America.

Where Is America Headed?...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Donald Trump understands how much money and power these groups have over the political process. Trump’s demonization of Latinos, Muslims, immigrants and even African Americans is a long held tradition in the United States. He’s just capitalizing on it and giving people permission to jump on the hate bandwagon. Trump even used bogus statistics from a Hate Group called The Center for Security Policy during one of his speeches when he claimed that a quarter of American Muslims are violent jihadists. Source - American News X

Racism, and Xenophobia...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Racism is alive and thriving in 21st century America. It remains as virulent, hateful, and destructive as it ever was, the only difference being the absent of Jim Crow laws and lynching by the KKK. We have federal law to thanks for that. Following the terrible events in LA and MN this week where two innocent black people lost their lives at the hands of white police officers, and the death of 5 white police officers and wounding of 7 others by a violent black criminal, some rightwing weblogs and rightwing bloggers have responded as expected . By blaming Black Lives Matter, even as BLM denounced the horrific violence against white police officers by black thugs, and President Obama with the usual false rhetoric and narrative . While the number of xenophobic and racist rightwing weblogs are plentiful one in particular stands out as among the most virulent and dangerous of the lot. Dangerous because the weblog proprietor is an educated, art...

Is It Time For Americans Supporting Hillary's Candidacy To Rethink Their Position?...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Yesterday the FBI, following a yearlong investigation of HRC's e-mails and her use of private servers, decided not to refer criminal charges to the DOJ, thus playing into the hands of the Trump campaign's claim that the system is rigged. Here, in summary, is what FBI Director Comey acknowledged. Edited for clarity. She did not, as she claimed, turn over all her work-related messages for release. Her private email server did carry classified emails, also contrary to her past statements. Clinton used many devices to send and receive email despite her statements that she set up her email system so that she only needed to carry one. The facts, uncovered by the FBI are as follows. Again edited for clarity The FBI identified at least 113 emails that passed through Clinton's server and contained materials that were classified at the time they were sent, including some that were Top Secret. Clinton has separately clung ...

Independendence Day 2016 and a Look Back...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Happy Fourth of July !

Trump Ain't Got What It Takes...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth As we look to Independence Day 2016 a look back at one of the most inspiring leaders of the last six decades.

Trump, America's Premier Lying Presidential Candidate...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth For those paying close attention and doing their due diligence the following is welcome confirmation of what we already knew to be true. Hopefully it will nudge the fence sitters in their decision not to vote for Trump in November. The man is so untruthful he makes HRC appear to be a beacon of honesty. PolitiFact, the nonpartisan fact-checking outlet based in Florida, is out today with its mid-year report on the 2016 election . It's an attempt to take a step back from the day-to-day grind of the campaign and see which candidates are telling the truth and which aren't. Donald Trump isn't. Of the 158 Trump claims that PolitiFact has checked out, 95 have been rated either "False" or "Pants on Fire." That's 60 percent of all Trump claims. As PolitiFact notes, if you include the Trump statements rated "mostly false" in that group, 78 percent of all of Trump's fact-checked claims have been sc...

Revving Up The Sheeple For The Demagogue...

Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth The Trump Republican's intellectual mascot. Sarah Palin assailed fellow Republicans on Friday for failing to support Donald Trump as their party's presumptive nominee, suggesting that they feel "threatened." Her message: You're either with us or you're against us. "That gang, they call themselves Never hashtag, whatever, I just call ‘em Republicans Against Trump, or RAT for short," the former governor of Alaska told attendees of the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, ahead of Trump's address. RAT , or Republicans Against Trump. Must be the smart republicans. They should wear that intended smear with great honor methinks. "This isn't a game, nor some drama to be played out on the convention stage. No, they're playing with dynamite and arming those opposed to the planks in the platform on which Lincoln and Reagan stood," she said of Republicans opposed to Trump. "We're ...