It Was God That Picked Trump To Be GOP Nominee...
Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Michelle Bachmann, who is Donald J. Trump's evangelical adviser as well as a former Minnesota Congresswomen has recently proclaimed that Trump was picked by God to be the GOP nominee for president. According to Bachmann God raised The Donald up to win the general election. Bachmann, pointing to the Book of Daniel stated that it teaches "us" that the most high God lifts up who He will and takes down who he will . Contemplating Bachmann's words must be difficult for the Evangelicals and other devout Christians who are considering whether or not to vote for Trump in November. For the Christians that have been paying close attention to Donald Trump's many xenophobic, misogynistic, sometimes racist, and often extreme nationalistic comments they must be wondering why God would lift such a person up. Instead of say someone who is more tolerant and loving of all of God's people. Just sayin... Anyway here is the article p...