Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson Will be Included in Presidental Polling...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty - vs- Tyranny Good news indeed! Gary Johnson will be included in presidential polling. This, combined with efforts by dedicated Libertarians, independents, disillusioned republicans and democrats advocating for Gary Johnson and his message of fiscal responsibility and liberty could very well result in Gary getting a place at the debate table with Tweedledee and Tweedledum. That Would Be a Very Good Thing! KOB Eyewitness News 4 - At last Gary Johnson is included in presidential polling. It's a major win for the Libertarian candidate who served two terms as Governor of New Mexico. A Rasmussen poll reports of 1,000 likely American voters finds 16 percent have a favorable opinion of Johnson, while 20 percent view him unfavorably. His biggest problem? 63 percent don't know enough about him to have an opinion. In a horse race the poll shows President Barack Obama and GOP contender Mitt Romney neck and neck with 48 per...