Artur Davis Calls Biden Remarks 'Racial Visiousness'...

 by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Artur Davis, articulate, intelligent, honest, and spot on in his criticism of both Vice President Joe (Dufus) Biden and President Obama.

(CNN) - Artur Davis, the former four-term Democratic congressman from Alabama, said Wednesday that Vice President Joe Biden was propagating "racial viciousness" when he said Mitt Romney's regulatory policies would "put y'all back in chains."

Biden made the comments Tuesday to a predominantly black crowd in Danville, Virginia, a city with a long history of racial tension. In May Davis announced he was switching to the GOP, leaving the door open to a future political bid as a Republican.


Davis, who is black, said the comment smacked of a type of divisiveness he said was all too common in the South.

"It brought back memories for me," Davis told Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "The Situation Room." "It brought back memories of these Democratic politicians in the South, who think they can go before crowds and say one thing and nobody else will hear it, and they'll somehow get a cheer in the room and that they can blithely go on about their business."

Saying Biden went to a place he "never should have gone" in his remarks, Davis called the vice president's words insulting.

"It's a divisive tactic that's insulting to African Americans," Davis said. "It's insulting to the American people. It's insulting to the legacy that he used to build up as an orator who used to know how to inspire people instead of strike fear in people's heart."

Davis, who campaigned for Mitt Romney Wednesday in Virginia, may be best known for seconding Obama's nomination at the Democratic National Convention in 2008, when he served as an Obama campaign co-chairman.

Davis said he had hoped Obama's presidency would make a huge dent in race relations, as well as move the Democratic Party further to the center. Biden's comments, Davis said, should embarrass the president.

"It ought to embarrass President Obama," he said. "President Obama has talked so movingly about our country moving beyond race, and his own vice president makes this kind of comment yesterday? It was wrong and the president ought to be embarrassed by it, and the president ought to say it was wrong." {Read More}

Of course we already know the President isn't going to do that. He has is handlers working overtime to spin the Biden remarks. Continue reading.

In the following CNN video note Wolf Blitzer laboring to carry water for the democratic agenda and the Obama administration. The democratic machine (aka progressive collectivists) and liberal media must really, really, really be twisting in their collective underwear.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Artur Davis will make a great GOP adherent; he changes his core princip-les as easily as Romney and Ryan change theirs.

    Good riddance

    1. Spoken like a true whiner. Damn you libs are so good at it!

    2. Shaw: Wouldn't you rather see Biden flee to the other party? Considering how he said that all African-Americans other than Obama are filthy and inarticulate?

  2. Artur Davis is a class act and a smart, articulate man. I hope he convinces many democrats to follow him.

    1. Judging from the lockstep democratic water carriers comments (both immediately above and below your comment Silver we know he won't change the minds of the looney ones.

  3. I couldn't care less about it. Let the conservative cray babies whine and moan. It shows how little substance they have to offer.


  4. Ummm... you?

    Look, what Biden said was inappropriate, but so far all I've really heard from the Romney campaign has been school yard level rhetorical silliness.

    Let's talk about the issues.


    1. "Let's talk about the issues."

      That is precisely what Obama former supporter, and 2008 Obama Co-campaign chair is Artur Davis is doing.

      I have noted your childish response to the same.

      So Mr. jmj, Ummm YOU?!?!

    2. Oh c'mon. Give me some substance.

      What could Obama have done differently in the disaster area you cons created?

      What would McCain have done?

      What would Romney have done?

      What would Paul have done?

      What? Less regulation, less government, less taxation, less everything.

      Let's be realistic and knock it off with the ridiculousness. Sometimes you need more or less of one thing or another.


    3. Jersey: The liberals created the economic collapse.

      "What could Obama have done differently in the disaster area you cons created?"

      No Obamacare scare. This policy has caused even more layoffs, and the possibility of it coming about contributed to the shedding of jobs between Obama's election and his inauguration.

      Obama could also lower business taxes to something similar to what other countries have, to stop the problem of over-taxation forcing companies to fire people and move overseas.

      "What would McCain have done?"

      He has a lot of great ideas, as opposed to Obama who had a lot of bad ones.

      "What? Less regulation, less government, less taxation, less everything."

      A great start. Considering that regulation (the government causing banks to make so many bad loans) caused the mess. And over-taxation does nothing but force companies to fire people. We still need tax cuts, despite those on the left who claim that kicking the economy over the cliff does not matter as long as some sort of crazy definition of "tax fairness" is reached and the top 10% who already shoulder the load for the shiftless by paying 70% of the taxes end up paying even more.

      The three excellent policies you list do not mean less everything. They do mean more of some things. More jobs. More tax revenue (as a result of a growing economy). More prosperity.

      Less regulation, less government, less taxation

      Good campaign slogan idea.

    4. @dmarks - I feel the need to address your remark claiming that the government caused the banks to make bad loans. Government did not force banks to make bad loans. In discussions with uneducated conservatives the CRA becomes the scapegoat of choice, but analyzing the facts in detail make it apparent that the CRA had no significant contribution to the financial crisis of 2008. 55% of commercial real estate loans were currently underwater, despite being completely unaffected by the CRA. Approximately 50% of the subprime loans were made by independent mortgage companies that were not regulated by the CRA, and another 25% to 30% came from only partially CRA regulated bank subsidiaries and affiliates. Institutions fully regulated by CRA made perhaps one in four sub-prime loans, and the worst and most widespread abuses occurred in the institutions with the least federal oversight. Please educate yourself, and if possible, consider doing so with a willingness to accept that the facts might not favor your pre-established conservative ideals. I'd recommend the documentary Inside Job (2010) for a reasonable basic explanation of what happened.

  5. JMJ

    Neither side has time to talk about issues. The only thing important to the Obama campaign is criticizing success and demonizing Romney's wealth. Romney has to spend his time denying lies from Slimy Reid, dadaBiden and his magnificence. I think RR would like to talk about the issues but what could B/O talk about, their total incompetence. They did accomplish one promise they made. They paid back Obidens promise to the unions "we owe you big time" and gave them a car company, maybe they could talk about that issue.

    1. Skud: "They did accomplish one promise they made. They paid back Obidens promise to the unions "we owe you big time" and gave them a car company."

      Very ironic considering that the UAW destroyed GM in the first place. Demanding that workers be paid $65 an hour to do a real lousy job at making cars is just not sustainable.

      The workers paid the price: you have to fire 2/3 of your workforce in order to pay such a unrealistic wage, and of course the company went bankrupt.

      Then we can look instead at KIA. KIA is very pro-worker: it has never forced anyone to join a union. Workers are free to give, nor not give any money they want to unions. KIA pays its workers about $20 an hour, which is high for such low-skill jobs. It hires more and more workers, and opens new plants in the US, while the union-ravaged Big 3 are forced by the unions to fire people and move plants offshore.

  6. God forbid an articulate black man wander off the Democrat party plantation - we can't have that! Both Shaw and JMJ's responses confirm their bias and bigotry for anyone of "color" who dares to stray (especially Shaw).

    Les, imagine what someone like Thomas Sowell (whom I admire greatly) has to go through to express the belief in the INDIVIDUAL and limited government that he has over his career?

    1. Shaw is really intelligent but she is on the far left of the democratic party and progressive ideology methinks. I thought my highly educated brother was quite a lefty, but Shaw make him look like a conservative.

      jmj surprises me every so often. I actually think he is only slightly to the left of center.

      Having spent a lot of time in liberal collectivist blogistan I can tell you Thomas Sowell is not highly thought of in the dregs of the blogoshere.

    2. PS: I also have the highest respect and admiration for Sowell.

    3. "Thomas Sowell is not highly thought of in the dregs of the blogoshere."

      He is too well spoken and intellectual, and advocates positive policies and pulls no punches about destructive policies.

      It is not surprising that those who put political party over principle, and propose very destructive policies dlslike Sowell.

  7. Left Coast Rebel,

    Nowhere in my answer is there a hint of bigotry. I stated the reasons the Democratic Party is well rid of Davis, his easy flip-flopping of core principles.

    Where the hell do you get off calling me a bigot?

    Playing the race card because I disagree with a guy's politics is typical of low-information types who don't know the difference between policy disagreements and actual filthy racism.

    GOPers howl that the Democrats play the race card whenever a Republican criticizes Mr. Obama, and then YOU do exactly the same thing.

    You know nothing about my family or who we have embraced and welcomed into it. So may I suggest that you STFU before you hurl the charge of bigotry at people you know nothing about? And I mean that in the nicest and friendliest way.

    You know RN, sometimes you say the truth when you don't intend to.

    Thank you for the compliment to me of being "really intelligent," then acknowledging that a "really intelligent" person is a liberal.

    Both your "highly educated" brother, and I, who you deem "really intelligent" embrace the liberal end of the political spectrum, where does that leave people like you and LCR? Just wondering...

    1. Shaw, I said:

      1) you were intelligent, you are.
      2) I said my blither was highly educated and a lefty, he is.
      3) I said you make make him look like a conservative, you do.
      4) I said you are at the far left end inliberal ideological plane IMO.

      Just wondering why you imply neither I or Tim are intelligent or educated. A bit elitist and snobbish don't ya think. My brother would agree with me.

      So where does that leave you and the rest of the elitist snobs?

      But it is what I have grown to expect from the far out lefties who think they are so much more intelligent, intuitive, accomplished, and basically better than us "common" folk.

      Shaw I do not live on your political plantation, or any other for that matter. But you and the rest of the democratic progressive collectivists do.

      By the way, you're welcome.

    2. Shaw said: "Where the hell do you get off calling me a bigot? "

      Last time I knew, you still defend the time Herman Cain was bashed just for being black (a "humorist" who said Cain should not be running because he was black), in a main post on your blog.

      The kind of K-K-Krap that of course stinks if it comes from the Right about Obama, and stinks no less when it comes from you, Toure, and many other left-wingers whose main criticism of Herman Cain was not his ideas, but his race.

      Or the time earlier when you were bashing Bobby Jindal mainly for being "colored".

  8. "So may I suggest that you STFU before you hurl the charge of bigotry at people you know nothing about?"

    Somehow you must be looking in the mirror when you wrote that. Wasn't dufus obiden playing the race card when he slipped into his southern roots by saying 'Put y'all back in chains'. It is unfortunate that race always has to be the issue when in fact most people are race neutral.

    Maybe someday the issues with the country can be discussed. Deficit, unemployment, lack of jobs, encouraging American manufacturing by being competitive with taxes, rewarding success instead of demonizing it. Hopefully we can get a President who will lead instead of just blame.

    These are concepts that are difficult for a limousine liberal to understand but try and see the other side. We need to encourage people to achieve something better instead of punishing those who did.

  9. "Somehow you must be looking in the mirror when you wrote that. Wasn't dufus obiden playing the race card when he slipped into his southern roots by saying 'Put y'all back in chains'. It is unfortunate that race always has to be the issue when in fact most people are race neutral."

    Somehow, skudrunner, you can't understand that Joe Biden and I are two different people and that what he says has nothing to do with me.

    Nice try at trying to make a point or something. Who knows. Do you?

  10. Les, on Biden, I agree with the venerable Rusty on this one. Expect the fellow to come up with some sort of medical excuse and stand down. The bozo just can't stay on script (hopefully, that ISN'T the script) these days.

    1. I'm not so sure. dmarks has it right methinks. And as I've said before, there is something to be said for comic relief.

      Besides, Ryan will blow him off the debate stage.

  11. Will: I think Biden will stay. I think Obama has more of a "Heck of a job, Brownie!" problem than many think he does: loyalty to incompetence.

    1. We should all hope he stays. If for nothing else but comic relief from time to time.

  12. Also, I would not call Shaw far-left. Her views are not far-anything. What she is, however, is a partisan hypocrite. Looking at any given task or policy, she judges it not its merit, but whether or not the person presenting it has a (D) or an (R) after their name. She is the same way on scandals, and readily excuses Democrats for stuff she bashed Republicans for. She is also not above using sKKKorched-earth politics to bash those in the other party, such as her racist attacKKKs on Herman Cain (things she would never do against Barack Obama).

    1. "Looking at any given task or policy, she judges it not its merit, but whether or not the person presenting it has a (D) or an (R) after their name. She is the same way on scandals, and readily excuses Democrats for stuff she bashed Republicans for. She is also not above using sKKKorched-earth politics to bash those in the other party..."

      Indeed dmarks. Methinks you have hit the nail squarely on its head!

  13. dmarks,

    You are a liar. I challenge you to find any racial slur against Herman Cain on my blog.

    You will not because I don't engage in such trash.

    Since you attacked me without provocation--I said nothing about you--I will defend myself against your unfounded slurs and lies.

    You used to come to my blog and post half-truths and misinformation and accuse people of racism if someone pointed out someone was African-American. That's not racism. Only a pettifogging little scold who needs to vent his hatred on others would claim such a stupid thing.

    And you, RN, haven't the backbone to tell your commenters not to attack another.

    1. Shaw you are full of shit, and you know it. So I guess that makes you a liar doesn't it.

      If you recall I have come to your defense on more than one occasion and corrected a commenter who I believe made over the top comments that where directed at you unfairly.

      In fact I have refereed to you as a class act in the past and indeed you even comment on the fact I defended you. Or do you have convenient memory loss.


      dmarks, I do not recall Shaw ever making racist comments. I agree she uses scorched earth leftist leaning tactics all the time (she certainly rarely comes to my defense and almost always finds some way to hammer me over her interpretations of what I have said). She is without a doubt super partisan. She freely has acknowledged that herself many times.

      If in fact Shaw has made racist comments, which I do not think she has, perhaps you could provide a link to said post or comment stream in which she did so. Shaw is certainly no supporter or advocate of Herman Cain and his political proclivities and has been critical of him in many ways. But again I do not recall her ever being racist in her post or comments.


      Shaw... I do expect an apology.

    2. And Shaw, I suggest you reread my response to dmarks last comment and note that I did not include the following section of his comment in reference to you... "such as her racist attacKKKs on Herman Cain (things she would never do against Barack Obama)."

      I did so for a reason, and you with your intelligence should have noticed and known why. The fact is the man has his opinion and whether wrong or not he is entitled to it.

      The fact is Shaw I did not see you running to my defense when Anon, RR, Steve (the Collectivist Troika at PE) misrepresented my words and made equally if not worse fallacious statements about me.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


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