Obama Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett: It's the Governments Job to Provide People With a Livelihood
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Liberty -v s- Tyranny Those of us who have read the constitution realize nowhere does it say the government's job is to provide a livelihood for people so they can support their families. It was not the intention of the founders OR the people that government insure them a livelihood. Government is to protect the property rights of the individual, provide for the common defense of the nation, and maintain a justice system that enforces criminal and civil law. Congress is charged with transacting all other business as the people whom they represent direct. The government produces nothing, nada. Therefore, government must get its "revenue" by taking (at the point of a gun held to ones head) from the people so it can then distribute it according to congressional dictate. As Leviathan grows ever more gargantuan it must steal even more from the people who do produce so it can then redistribut...