A New Oppurtunity for Progressives and Leviathan

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

I am again wondering, as I often do... Really, this "wondering affliction" is a curse. Perhaps the psychological association, the sociological association, the AMA, and Leviathan might find a way to push, and ultimately pass legislation that will grant privileged special class status to those suffering from said affliction. Of course this would allow for special consideration (employment and otherwise) for those so afflicted by this damaging psychological/medical affliction. Naturally much of the cost would be at tax payers expense. But I digress.

Being a strong advocate of the right of peaceable assembly I shall take the liberty of assuming the majority of American citizens are also advocates of peaceable assembly for the redress of grievances.

Being a strong advocate of orderly conduct when in the pursuit of protesting perceived grievances I must ask the following. Given what you see in the forthcoming video {perhaps altered} is what you see an infringement on the right to peaceably assemble or is it a proper response in the effort to maintain civil order?

I have my opinion but leave it to my fine readership to make the defining call on what may very well be another defining moment in how modern America defines liberty.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I guess the question is this: Has anyone filed charges against the officer? (And if not; WHY not?)

  2. We live in a police state. As long as we are jingos and rightwing nationalists, we will continue to live in a police state.


  3. jmj - at least with this, your most recent comment, one might find a thread of logic and rationality.

    Rand and Peikoff would be proud of your advancement.

  4. Wondering is a awesome thing, Les. In fact, we need more people on both sides of the aisle to do a hell of a lot MORE wondering, thinking outside the box, etc.. Maybe then we can actually solve some of these problems.

  5. @JMJ,

    Telling other nations to not mess with us is hardly "jingoism", and why is it only right-wingers who seem to believe in American exceptionalism? Doesn't the left support America, and believe in our greatness?

    Oh. Wait. Forget I asked that.

    Implying that what happened to these protesters is symptomatic of our being "jingos" is far-reaching even for you.

    I watched this video and was perplexed at why this officer did what he did. (for the record, though, my laptop has no volume, so I couldn't listen to the audio on this vid) I mean, to me it looked like they were protesting peaceably, and were even being held back properly by the screens. Then here comes Johnny White Shirt, and he sprays them.

    As Gorges pointed out, why haven't charges been filed?

    I cannot believe that this officer was supporting jingoism by spraying these women. He was just being an a**hole with a badge. And he was filmed doing it. I will be watching this one, as I'm sure you will be, to see how it turns out.

    But come on, throwing in jingoism in this instance, even to illustrate a "police state" because of it is a bit much, JMJ.

  6. For the record, I land on the anti-military interventionist stance of Ron Paul, to a point.

    Should American soldiers and Marines have the best weapons and training? Of course. But this does not mean we, as a military power, need to be all over the planet seeking to be the World's Police. The times have changed. Our enemies are different now. Our enemies use different tactics and have different alliances than years ago.

    We need to either kill corrupt world leaders, (yes, I said it), and bring peace, or we need to pull out and have our military come home and concentrate on the Mexican border and on airport security.

    Just a random thought from a former grunt.

  7. ecc,

    We have a massive police state in the country, with over 2,000,000 people behind bars at any given moment, most for non-violent offences. It is pathetic.

    And we have a ridiculous military state, more expensive than the rest of the world's combined, with a presense in over 140 countries.

    It's ridiculous and absolutely unnecessary.

    We could project all the international presense we need with our navy. We do not need such a massive international military presense.

    It's sick, stupid, and insane.

    And yes, the powers that be get away with this ridiculous police/military state nonsense with the support of sick, stupid, insane jingos and rightwing nationalists.


  8. If we live in such a police state, why aren't more heads cracked when the liberals protest violently and block State governments from working?

    I may be a rightwing nationalist, (shades of calling us Nazis, JMJ...nice try), but I won't suffer rampant violence or public instigation, especially from a bunch of failed hippies and patchouli-stinking college students who hate America.

    Like those "flash mobs", oddly made up of young black kids with anger on their lips. Let those ignorant puppets show up and seek trouble. I don't expect you to empathize with me on this. Nine chances out of ten, you would error on the side of public anger and liberal protestations, regardless of what damage it caused.

    Ya gotta stay faithful to the masters.

    The inappropriate actions of Johnny White Shirt, in this video, hardly constitutes that we are living in a police state. Johnny White Shirt just needs some wall-to-wall counseling.

  9. @ jmj - You said... "And we have a ridiculous military state, more expensive than the rest of the world's combined, with a presense in over 140 countries.

    It's sick, stupid, and insane.

    And yes, the powers that be get away with this ridiculous police/military state nonsense with the support of sick, stupid, insane jingos and rightwing nationalists."

    So jmj, as you obviously hate this country and the majority of its people so much why not just pack up and go live where you can realize the experience of a real totalitarian pol9ce state?

    It is your sick delusional hyperbole that stinks, and the stench of it is beginning to permeate this site.

    I once thought you a rational progressive, even found myself in agreement from time to time, no more.

    Unfortunate really, you really have a high IQ. Too bad you elect more often than not to keep it on the shelf.

  10. ecc102 - Your comments are, to say the least Very Well Said!

  11. ecc, you wouldn't know a violent protest from an old lady cutting in line at the grocery store. And to think you consider yoruself some kind of "libertarian!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! What a joke.

    Les, c'mon man.

    "So jmj, as you obviously hate this country and the majority of its people so much why not just pack up and go live where you can realize the experience of a real totalitarian pol9ce state?"

    Really? You're going there?

    If I hated my country I applaud the sick stupid jingos and rightwing nationalists. I'd encourage them to engage in misbegotten adventure. Right? Isn't that what Osama Bin Laden did? He hated America, right?

    No. I care about my country. I want us to behave rationally, ethically, wise.

    Not like the paranoid loony on the block who lives in the shed with the guns and flags and a history of frightening children.

    I'm tired of my country being the easily-riled, crazily-armed, dumb, giant screwball on the world block.


  12. jmj - It is becoming quite obvious you were never the most eloquent, or well spoken kid in liberal land.

    I think it time for you to sit back, have a drink, perhaps a good cigar and tap into your inner self.

    Better yet, challenge yourself. Do some reading of Aristotle, or perhaps Leonard Peikoff, you would love his take on the direction America is headed in.

    Maybe try some Ayn Rand, or Ron Paul. Or Barry Goldwater or William F. Buckley. Yeah, and maybe some U.S. History that wasn't written by some loony tune revisionist who has (had) an ax to grind because his government hand out wasn't as large as someone else.

    Ya know Jersey I actually thought you were one of the rational progressives. One who reasoned things out and spoke with some authority. One who possessed the capacity to recognize conservative positions that make sense and incorporate them into your overall views.

    Given your recent comments I have come to rethink my original beliefs. You are beginning to remind me of Octo from the Swash Zone and TAO of the now defunct Corrupting Conservatives and Democracy Central.

    I'll leave it at that. Comment if you like. As always if they merit a response I shall be more than glad to engage. If they amount to the drivel you have posted of late I shall ignore them.

    The time I have spent in "far left blogistan" has strongly reinforced the truth that the far out progressive left is indeed the most intolerant of, belligerent to, totally uncompromising of, and irrational, with respect to views that differ from their own.

    Oh, I almost forgot to add the fact they thrive on race baiting and playing the class warfare card.

    In as much as I have been disenchanted and disgusted with the GOP and it's power base lately , I am thoroughly appalled witnessing the hideous shape the democratic party and progressive movement has taken on.

    If I have offended so be it. As John Galt might say, it is of no concern to me.

  13. @JMJ,

    You said:
    "ecc, you wouldn't know a violent protest from an old lady cutting in line at the grocery store. And to think you consider yoruself some kind of "libertarian!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! What a joke."

    Actually, I am quite comfortable with violence when needed. (It's a military thing. I hardly expect you to grasp that. I'm sure you would be on "fatty patrol".) A liberal protest of violence wouldn't rattle me at all.

    I have never said I am a libertarian.

    Typical tactic of the weak-minded libs. Trying to label me so as to make it stick. Trust me, JMJ, if I hated America as much as you Oprah-Democrats, you would know it.

    *yawn* You have just become as tedious as TAO to me, and I am bored with dominating you using superior ideals. We need a better class of liberal around here. Again.

    And for the record, JMJ, I am not here to stroke your fragile ego. I'm right. You are wrong. Deal with that as your President is thrown from power in November 2012.

    Have the last word. Like TAO, I know even now your fingers are shaking above the keyboard, so wanting to throw one final comment at my feet. Go ahead. Prove me right.

  14. Les,

    Here's a good one for you. Jimmy Hoffa, big labor master, tells Mr. Obama:

    “President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.”

    Sons of bitches? Really?
    (I apologize for the profanity, but in this context I felt it would be passable. If not, I apologize for this indiscretion.)

    See original article here at Lexington Libertarian:

    You and I both know if we said this or hinted at anything like this, we would be vilified. The left does it and it is applauded. *shakes head in disgust*

  15. I wasn't trying to label you, ecc. I honestly thought you were a libertarian. Apparently you're just another Daddy State/sycophant of the very wealthy. How unique... (sheesh)


    Don't talk down to me. I am a pretty well-read guy, including the classical, and yes, even a lot of Bill Buckley (I was a libertarian/Republican when I was a kid).

    Now, if you and ecc are done pretending to be the mature guys in the room with no argument but rather adolscent attempts at insults, maybe we can debate like grown-ups? Because neither of you have refuted a single thing I said.


  16. @JMJ,

    How does it feel to prove me right? :)

    Again, you simply cannot help yourself, can you? It's that mental disorder called liberalism that constrains you to spout further nonsense with great ignorance.

    Buh-bye. *chuckles and waves* Run along and go lick your wounds like a good doggie. I'm done with you. You have failed. Go eat a Twinkie and ease your pain.

  17. jmj - I won't so long as you don't lower yourself.

  18. What Les said:

    "The time I have spent in "far left blogistan" has strongly reinforced the truth that the far out progressive left is indeed the most intolerant of, belligerent to, totally uncompromising of, and irrational, with respect to views that differ from their own."


  19. @LCR,

    Of course, when I do it, as an "evil big government GOP slobbering redneck racist", I am vilified for being so intolerant of dissenting opinions.

    Oh, the irony.

    If the liberals took the time to read my blog and listen to what I am saying, they would realize there is no label for me. If anything, I am a republican with a small "r". (I'm sure you understand what that means.)

    The reality of the condescending, elitist attitudes of the progressives is the reason I refuse to accept or tolerate their drivel. I'm apparently not a nice person for being like this, but I sleep very well at night. Discourse is all well and good, if you're seeking to "feel the pain" of the other person, but I know I am right and the progressive puppets are all wrong. There is no common ground between the libs and myself.

    Let the liberals pout and complain and continue to play their patented "victim card" issued to them once they acquiesce their ability to think rationally in favor of being sycophantic morons suckling on the teats of the Nanny State and the Obama Regime.

    I am now, and shall ever be, a Free Man. Period.

    I'm just a mean-spirited, sarcastic, caustic, gun-clinging, Bible-thumping, redneck. I can live with that. :)

  20. JMJ said: "We have a massive police state in the country, with over 2,000,000 people behind bars at any given moment, most for non-violent offences. It is pathetic."

    The only thing pathetic is that there were 2 million people evil-minded enough to have committed crimes.

    Now, is there any knowledge as to if the protesters were on private property or harassing people?

  21. ecc said: "“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.”

    This is indeed alarming. This statement was made by a member of an organized crime family. His organization, the Teamsters, has a long record of deep connections to the Mafia, and a reputation of an extreme anti-worker campaign that often includes violence against workers.


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