America Is Ready For a Viable Third Party Candidate that Would Reduce Federal Spending

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of American Conservatism
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

America is a center right nation. A nation of hard working people who by and large act responsibly and manage their financial affairs in a reasonably conservative fashion.

Given that the above premise is one I've held to be true for as long as I can remember I read the recent Rasmussen Report with a particular sense of satisfaction.

Some people think there is room for a radical centrist presidential candidate who would hold views somewhere between the views of President Obama and whoever the Republicans nominate to oppose him.

However, a solid plurality of voters nationwide say that if there’s a third-party candidate, they’d like to see someone who proposes less government spending than both the president and the Republican challenger. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters hold this view.

Only 11% would want to see a third-party candidate who proposed spending more than both the current president and the GOP nominee. Twenty-nine percent (29%) would like to see the radical centrist who proposes spending in the middle - between the two major party contenders.

Among those who think it’s a good time to consider a third-party candidate, the numbers are even more dramatic. Most (55%) of those longing for a third option are hoping for someone who would propose spending less than both the Republican and Democratic nominees.

Voters see little chance of a third-party candidate being elected president next year, but 53% believe it’s at least somewhat likely that a third-party candidate could win the presidency in the next 10 to 12 years.

Not surprisingly, there are partisan differences on this question. If there is to be a third-party candidate, 68% of Republicans think it should be someone who proposes less federal spending than the major party candidates. A solid plurality (45%) of unaffiliated voters share this view. However, a plurality of Democrats (35%) would prefer a third-party candidate who might propose spending levels in the middle.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of union members would prefer a third-party option who proposes less spending than Obama and his GOP challenger. Another 34% would prefer a third option in between the major party candidates.

Among swing voters, 48% would like to see a more fiscally conservative option, while 35% would prefer someone in the middle. {Read More}

Progressives are likely gnashing their teeth over this report. For the majority of Americans it comes as no surprise. Perhaps someday the Modern Progressives will awake to find themselves on the wrong side of history.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I've voted third party several times (federal, state, local). Each time, the victory went to the Democratic Party's candidate, incumbent or not.

  2. Any third-party candidate that gets less than 25% or so is really not viable and is just a spoiler for votes for the serious party candidate who is the most on the opposite side of the aisle.

    AOW: You might as well cut out the middle of your sentence and instead said: "I've voted [for]the Democratic Party's candidate, incumbent or not."

    That is the result of throwing one's vote away on joke candidates.

  3. A third-party candidacy guarantees Obama's reelection.

  4. @Silver,
    You said:
    "A third-party candidacy guarantees Obama's reelection."

    This is a dance we have all danced a hundred times over and over, but I refuse to bow to the GOP simply because they are the anti-Democrat Party and have a stranglehold on Conservative America due to the allusion of being the mouthpiece of said Conservative America.

    The GOP is no more Conservative than Jeremiah Wright is a legitimate pastor.

    Every 4 years we face the same damn dilemma: We all must vote for the lesser of the two evils. Someday, and I pray I see it, there will be a third-party candidate who will blow the Big Two out of the water.

    I say all this to simply come to the conclusion that it is the GOP and its members who detest a third-party more than the Dems. This should not be so. If the GOP had a solid product and real Conservative candidates, we wuldn't even be having this conversation.

    You are right, Silver, in what you said, and I must acquiesce to it. But it doesn't mean I like it.

  5. ecc 102 - Well said! Until there are enough people like you and I the nation will be...

    Well, the comment below {a comment I left @ LCR} in IMO sums the situation up quite well...

    "Unfortunately it is looking like 2012 will be a match up of Statism and Statism Light.

    So much for integrity and the possibility of real meaningful change.

    Choice... 1) Locomotive ride to the abyss
    Choice... 2) Stagecoach ride to the abyss

    Eventual destination either way... More Statism...

    Just shaking my head."

  6. When I was young, I voted for candidates that I could believe in. Now, at every level, it seems to always be a choice between the lesser of two evils. The 2008 presidential election was a choice between two VERY GREAT evils, and the greatest evil won.

  7. What Ecc102 said:

    This is a dance we have all danced a hundred times over and over, but I refuse to bow to the GOP simply because they are the anti-Democrat Party and have a stranglehold on Conservative America due to the allusion of being the mouthpiece of said Conservative America.

    Well said! And why is this dynamic possible today? Because republican voters put up with it. A third party and the tea party may change this stranglehold that the little 's' statist republican party has on conservative America.

  8. Left Coast Rebel,
    A third party and the tea party may change this stranglehold that the little 's' statist republican party has on conservative America.

    Sounds good in theory. But I absolutely dread even thinking that BHO could win the election again in 2012.

    I've opposed many incumbents in my lifetime of voting. But I honestly believe that America will be destroyed if BHO wins in 2012. Indeed, the measures that he and the Democratic Congress have put into place are unlikely to be removed. Executive orders, on the other hand, can be overturned and reversed.

    In my view, the conservative electorate has been snoozing ever since Reagan took office. All this yearning for another Ronald Reagan isn't getting America anywhere good now.


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