Ron Paul Is Not Wrong... It Is Time We Begin To Understand The Motivations Of Extreme Islamists

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatism Libe rty -vs- Tyra nny
Rep. Ron Paul - Republican Presidential Candidate
I read with great interest Ron Paul's recent statements in Iowa with respect to the 911 attacks on America by Islamic extremists and their primary motivation. Nowhere in candidate Paul's statement did I see where he justified the attacks that resulted in the death of 3,000 plus Americans. What I did read was a rational analysis of what motivated the attackers and why they were so motivated. Call it thinking outside the confines of a restricted and often myopic view of reality. In other words Paul is saying first seek to understand the motivations of a dangerous extremist group and then seek to effect ways to change their reality. IE: Perception. Because perception is reality to all people who perceive. Those who perpetrated the 911 attacks on America were monsters, and they deserved to face a full and justified...