Palin Bus Tour To Be In Iowa This Week

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

CNN - Palin is bringing her Constitution-draped bus to the Iowa State Fair, just 30 miles south of where the Republican presidential field will take the stage on Thursday for a presidential debate in Ames.

It's not yet clear which day the tour begins, but her surprise arrival in Iowa will happen before the closely watched Ames straw poll. Palin is not on the straw poll ballot.

A Gallup survey out Tuesday showed that Palin generates more enthusiasm among GOP voters than most of the candidates already in the race. And as Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour recently put it, "she could raise enough money to burn a wet mule."

Her advisers have long emphasized that such star power gives her the ability to delay a decision about joining the race until after Labor Day.

Palin has pointed to September as a loose deadline for making a decision about whether she will seek the GOP presidential nomination.

Damn, Sarah sure is a hottie! And a folksy one at that. But Presidential material?

The rest of the scope here.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Donald in Bethel, CT says:

    After much note-taking and observing, I have decided that for 2012 I will be supporting Ron Paul, if he can get past the GOP puppet machine. We all know he is going to win the straw polls, but the Beltway GOP masters will never give him the chance.

    Damn the torpedoes! Ron Paul 2012!

  2. Donald - Glad to hear you will be supporting the most rational politician among the bunch... in either party.

    Sadly, you are correct in your observation.

  3. For President Obama, it’s much worse than it looks,. It’s much, much worse. July and August are looking like a summer of quicksand for the president, and there is nobody left to throw him a rope. The more he kicks, the farther he sinks. It’s still way too early to pronounce Obama’s reelection hopes dead. But this is either the low point before the comeback or the beginning of the end

  4. By Sam Youngman, The Hill - 08/10/11

    It’s not as bad as it looks for President Obama.

    It’s much, much worse.

    July and August are looking like a summer of quicksand for the president, and there is nobody left to throw him a rope.

    The more he kicks, the farther he sinks.

    It’s still way too early to pronounce Obama’s reelection hopes dead. But this is either the low point before the comeback or the beginning of the end.

    And really, it could go either way.

    The tailspin scenario is easy enough to envision: A double-dip recession combined with the continued assault from House Republicans means all GOP front-runner Mitt Romney has to do is remember to put on pants, and he walks into the Oval Office in January 2013.

  5. Sarah Palin Is a Pain in the Liberals Back Side, And so I say, give em hell Sarah. Let the liberals feel the pain

  6. Mal - That she is! But that alone does not make her presidential timber.


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