The Truth Behind "The Deal"

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Consevatism
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

After what seemed a never ending fiasco {debate} over raising the debt ceiling and deficit reduction {spending cuts} the Congress and the President produced results that could allow both sides to claim a win. Well a partial win anyway.

And the United States triple A rating was lowered to double A plus. A downgrade that will cost the tax payers of the nation in future years.

So what is the actual reality behind all the hoopla?

From Bankrupting America:
The months-long debt ceiling debate ended abruptly and just in time as Congress reached an agreement to raise the limit and cut nearly $1 trillion in spending. But is it really fair to call those spending reductions cuts? A closer look at the numbers reveals that the agreement doesn’t actually cut spending from current levels, but merely slows the rate at which spending increases.

Check out our latest infographic below where we visualize this unfortunate reality.

The months-long debt ceiling debate ended abruptly and just in time as Congress reached an agreement to raise the limit and cut nearly $1 trillion in spending. But is it really fair to call those spending reductions cuts? A closer look at the numbers reveals that the agreement doesn’t actually cut spending from current levels, but merely slows the rate at which spending increases.

Check out our latest infographic below where we visualize this unfortunate reality. {(Click the image to enlarge.}

Shifty until proven thrifty?

Indeed. Congress found guilty as usual.


  1. The old saying still holds true, "Figures don't lie, but liars figure."

  2. The debt ceiling deal was a purely political, but ss is the whole debt ceiling law system in the first place. We don't even need one. It is a purely political device.


  3. Cuts that don't really cut anything. Apparently they got tired of just doing deregulation that doesn't really deregulate anything, and stimulation that doesn't really stimulate anything...

  4. This is one area where the tea party has the right idea, and the leftists are so outrageously wrong (i.e. Obama's strong wishes to triple the national debt).

  5. That picture should be a pic of the Titanic instead of a bathtub because that's what we are and I truly don't see how the heck we're going to rescue it, not with those in power, on either side.

  6. What we need to do NOW is propose a balanced budget for 2012. And then after that, a budget with extra money to start to pay down Obama's massive debt legacy.

  7. dmarks - To use an oft and over used term... Amen


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