The Q-GOP Will Circle Their Wagons Around trump The Seditionist and Insurectgionist Ex Presidente...

 donald j. trump is as guity as all hell of sedition as well as inciting the insurrection on the Capitol January 6, 2021. trump's  inflamatory rhetoric over many months, his actions attempting to have the free, fair, and secure election overturned, and his failure to CALL OFF his RABID supporters all confirm his anti democracyand pro authoritarian bent. He was, and remains, a clear and present danger to our republic and the democracy we have enjoyed since 1787.

Speaker Pelosi and the democrats are perfectly right in working to establish a commission to thoroughly investigate and report on donald j. trump's involvememnt in, coordintion of,  and his eventual  incitement to riot and insurrection. trump is, putting it bluntly a domestic terrorist and anyone else doing precisely what trump did would be SAVAGED by what is now the Q-Trumpublican Q-GOP.

But instead of supporting our democracy and the republic the Q-GOP is very likely to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in its power to cripple the commission and  prevent trump (and other guilty Q-GOP'ers) from ever paying the proper price for his sedition and incitement of insurrection.

How Republicans will try to cripple the commission investigating the insurrection

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced over the weekend that Democrats are seeking to create a commission to “investigate and report on the facts and causes” related to the insurrectionist attack on the Capitol.

This commission will theoretically be modeled after the 9/11 commission, meaning it will be bipartisan, independent and established by legislation. One of its goals, as Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.) put it, will be to “lay bare the record of just how responsible” Donald Trump was for the attack.

Which is exactly why Republicans are likely to do everything they can to cripple it with a barrage of bad-faith nonsense designed to water down its goal of producing an actual reckoning with the causes of insurrection, and especially with the former president’s role in inciting it.

Given that Democrats are currently trying to produce legislation that would set up this commission — as happened with the 9/11 commission — one way Republicans could block this effort is by filibustering that legislation in the Senate.

And in that regard, one big question is whether Republicans will willingly permit this commission to have subpoena power.

After all, real subpoena power might permit the commission to reconstruct the answers to some big unknowns around what Trump knew while the mob rampaged through the Capitol.

There is mounting evidence that Trump was aware that then-vice president Mike Pence’s life was in danger when Trump again riled up the mob against him. And Trump reportedly sided with the mob as insurrectionists were crashing into the office of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Witnesses can contribute a great deal to filling in this full picture.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), who served as one of the impeachment managers, said a serious reckoning will have to include digging deeper into Trump’s role and conduct, and as such will require subpoena power.

“I don’t think we can get a full picture of what happened without subpoenaing uncooperative witnesses,” Swalwell told me.

Congressional expert Norman Ornstein thinks it’s unlikely that Republicans will willingly permit this commission to have real subpoena power.

“I would be very surprised if they do,” Ornstein told me. “They don’t want a commission that’s going to be able to show in even more vivid detail the culpability of Trump.”

Republicans might also resist subpoena power to protect their own. A handful of House Republicans had ties to some of the extremist groups that waged the assault, and in some cases they actively promoted the gathering at the Capitol.


Seven Senate Republicans voted to convict Trump, so you’d think they’d also support the commission. That means it would have to gain the support of at least three more GOP senators to overcome a filibuster.

That might be easy to accomplish. Or it might not: You can also see Republicans coming up with fake excuses for supporting a filibuster, by insisting that they generally support a commission but that the particular scope and focus Democrats want is the problem.


Still another approach might be for Republicans to insist that any serious reckoning with extremist political violence must also include a look at antifa and the organized left-wing violence that Trump and his top officials largely fabricated throughout the campaign.

A senior Senate Democratic leadership aide predicted to me that, for Republicans, this will likely “devolve into an effort to falsely claim that left-wing terrorism is an equal if not greater threat than the white supremacists who perpetrated the Jan. 6 attack.”

We can be relatively certain that the always obstructionist Q-GOP will fight tooth and nails to insure their, and trump's cherished and bigoted view of the world survive to contiue to damage the heath of the nation and its diverse multi cultural population and citizenry.

More BELOW the FOLD.


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