Showing posts from September, 2020
Trump's Perfidious Unhinged Performance...
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After last night's shit storm of fascist trumpism this welog was going to post a blistering, fact filled anlyisis of Donald J. Trump's unhinged and non factual regurgitations of pure BS. But after reading a few of the coments on rightwing anti truth sites I realized that Dotard the Fascist was absolutly right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in NYC and he wouldn't lose any support. So, rather than spending the time writing what all folks with any level of cognition already know we decided to put up a brilliant post debate video by Trevor Noah. Today, for the frst time in my adult life, I can honestly state that it s embarrassing to be an American. I have never, in my wildest nightmares, ever thought I would see the day when a president of the United States of America would act like a deranged out of control madman.
Who Ya Gonna Believe, Science Or A Charlatan...
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Trump personally dislikes, and therefore distrusts, the science that were it followed by EVERONE religiously would put down the Covid-19 in a quarter. And save thoudands of lives. Instead Trump finds a doctor (Atlas) with no background in infectuous diseases or public health and sits him on the task force. Presumably to spread the disinformation (gaslighting) that Trump has so vigorously pursued throughout the canpaign and his first term. If we as a nation make the mistake of reelecting Trump the disinformation and gaslighting is only going to get worse. You can take that to the bank. WASHINGTON — The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has grown increasingly concerned that President Donald Trump, pushed by a new member of his coronavirus task force, is sharing incorrect information about the pandemic with the public. Dr. Robert Redfield, who leads the CDC, suggested in a conversation with a colleague Friday that Dr. Scott Atlas is arming Trump ...
Trump, A National Security Risk...
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Aside from Trump not paying his fair share of federal taxes for many years he is also highly indebted, much of this debt is held by foreign entities and is coming due in the near future. Given what the NYT reporting shows this makes Trump a target for foreign manipulation. In otherwords a potentially serious national security risk. That in and of itself is one very good reason to NOT reelect a seriously debt strapped Trump who is beholding to foreign financal instititions. Bloomberg - In a tour de force of hard won reporting, the New York Times has put numerical clothing on what we’ve known about President Donald Trump for decades — that, at best, he’s a haphazard businessman , human billboard and serial bankruptcy artist who gorges on debt he may have a hard time repaying. SKIP Due to his indebtedness, his reliance on income from overseas and his refusal to authentically distance himself from his hodgepodge of bus...
Republicans Revolting Against Trumpism and Donald J. Trump's Presidency...
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The article following is about the ahistorical number of prominent republicans that are crossing over to support Joe Biden for president. The number is literally in the hundreds. These prominent republicans are not supporting a democratic candidate for president because they have suddenly become more liberal or plan on leaving the republican party. Not at all. Prominent republicans are breaking with their party in support of Joe Biden because they know Trump is dishonest, incompetent, inept, divisive, and he is a clear and present danger to our constitutional democratic republic. In short they are crossing over for love of country and to hopefully restore our government to firm and stable footing. WE APPAULD EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM FOR THERE PATRIOTISM! Thank You (CNN) - There's a revolution happening within the GOP right under our noses. The latest sign came Sunday, when former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Rid...
Trump And His Taxes...
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The New York Times has obtained tax-return data for President Trump and his companies that covers more than two decades. Mr. Trump has long refused to release this information, making him the first president in decades to hide basic details about his finances. His refusal has made his tax returns among the most sought-after documents in recent memory. Among the key findings of The Times’s investigation: Mr. Trump paid no federal income taxes in 11 of 18 years that The Times examined. In 2017, after he became president, his tax bill was only $750. He has reduced his tax bill with questionable measures, including a $72.9 million tax refund that is the subject of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service. Many of his signature businesses, including his golf courses, report losing large amounts of money — losses that have helped him to lower his taxes. The financial pressure on him is increasing as hundreds of millions of dollars in loans he personally guaranteed are soo...
It Didn't Have To Be Like This... This Is On Trump, Completely
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Will America Rise To Save Its Democratic Republic From Destruction By Donald J. Trump?
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From The Lincoln Project We, the people, will reject Donald Trump's presidency on November 3rd. There will be no Trump coup in this country. The American experiment, which has endured since 1776—through civil war, world wars, and depressions—will not yield to a dime-store Mussolini who is faithless to his duty and is the worst president in American history . He will be repudiated and humiliated by history's judgment. It is our job to make that happen. Donald Trump is threatening the peaceful transition of power because he is losing and he is weak. Let us finish him off. When you hear Donald Trump threaten our democracy and stoke racial animus, do not be afraid. When you hear him say he will not accept the results of this election, do not tremble. When you hear him pit us against each other, do not waiver and do not flinch . He is a threat to our liberty and to our democratic institutio...
MAGA - A Demagogues Shout Out To His Sheeple...
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The Lincoln Project - Today the Lincoln Project released its first digital video, “MAGA Church” highlighting the hypocrisy of those who claim the mantle of Jesus while supporting or ignoring President Donald Trump’s immoral acts. The video features Evangelical pastors, including members of Trump’s influential Evangelical Advisory Board. Highlighted in the video are White House faith advisor Paula White, Robert Jeffress, Franklin Graham, Michele Bachmann and Jerry Falwell Jr. “Donald Trump has hijacked the GOP, the conservative movement and now, with the help of these charlatans, one of the largest faith communities in America,” said Jennifer Horn, of the Lincoln Project. “It is clear that in exchange for power and money these “pastors” have been tasked with recasting Trump’s absurdities and moral failures as nothing short of prophetic divinity.” “President Trump’s corruption and dishonesty destroys every person and institution he touches,” Horn continued. “But with faith leaders ...
America's Greatest Domestic Threat - The president Of The United States...
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Here's Our Problem In A Nutshell... BTW Bravo For Dr. Fauci
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Listening To The Science and Not The Con President of the United States...
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Because The Hypocrisy Of The Republicans Needs Repeated Exposure, Over And Over Again...
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Will Trump's and McConnell's Rush To Replace RBG On The Court Help Or Hurt The Right?...
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The following W ashington Post article is so spot on we are reproducing it here in full. Author Jennifer Rubin hits the nail squarely on its head with her opinion article. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden gave his most compelling speech of the campaign Sunday, blowing away the notion that the Republicans’ effort to jam through a confirmation to fill the seat held by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in any fashion a plus for the right. Rather, in a soberly delivered speech, Biden demonstrated why this newest wrinkle in the race serves as a boost to Democrats’ chances in winning the Senate majority and the White House — and ultimately reversing any damage two-faced Republicans would do in the meantime. Biden accomplished several essential tasks. First, like Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other Democrats earlier Sunday, he formulated that the open seat boils down to preserving the Affordable Care Act. “In the middle of the worst global health crisis in livin...
A Beautiful Work Of Art...
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What follows is real. As it is what should be. People protecting each other from real danger. A virus that kills. Indiscriminately. Can't help but chuckle thinking on the evangelical response to this! Article can be found by clicking the highlighted link. Nudes wear masks in Spencer Tunick installation
The Non President President...
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The president directly contradicts a top federal health expert’s timeline for a vaccine, and secretaries of state demand answers from Louis DeJoy. It’s Thursday, and this is your politics tip sheet. Where things stand As President Trump makes increasingly impassioned promises that a vaccine will become available within weeks, scientists and experts have been left to throw cold water on his claims. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in testimony before a Senate committee yesterday that a vaccine would not be widely available until the middle of next year and that masks would remain essential to fighting the disease. Ultimately, he said, wearing masks might be more important than a vaccine. The president quickly lashed out, rejecting the scientific findings of his own government in particularly stark terms, even for him. “I think he made a mistake when he said that,” Trump said in comments to reporters hours ...