
Showing posts from November, 2015

A Tragedy Being Politicized...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Two views, one tragedy. "We've experienced so much hateful language... such a negative environment has been created around the work that Planned Parenthood does," said Vicki Cowart, president and CEO of Rocky Mountains Planned Parenthood, on ABC News "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." "We've seen that across the country from all sorts of speakers in the last few months," she added. "I can't believe that this isn't contributing to some folks, mentally unwell or not, thinking that it's ok to target Planned Parenthood or to target abortion providers." "We at Planned Parenthood are first and foremost a healthcare provider," Cowart said. "We provide life-saving services to all kinds of folks, men and women, across our communities," she added. "And the tirades against Planned Parenthood in the last few months have really been over the top.” SOURCE ...

Rational Conservatism...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth A Conservative Manifesto (revised 11/25/15)  1) Limited effective government with authority granted to it as enumerated in our Constitution 2) A true free market capitalist economy, that is to say a market regulated to insure honest competition. For a market to be free it must be regulated. 3) A judiciary (Supreme Court) that interprets law from a strict constitutionalist prospective. 4) A legislative branch that recognizes their responsibility is to the people and not their own corrupt political interests or those of any special interest group. 5) A government that recognizes the rights of the individual as delineated in our Bill of Rights and the Constitution. 6) A government that views its mandate to tax the citizenry as limited to funding the proper role of government. Which includes providing for the national defense and the general welfare of the nation. 7) A government that recognizes the value of borders, languag...

The Holiday Season is Upon Us...

From Rational Nation U S A  Wishing All The Best The Holiday Season Has To Offer And A Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2016 

All Things Eventually Come To An End...

We the People are responsible... in our democratic republic we always have been .

The Dream of a Reactionary...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Following is the day dreamed about in the land of wingnuttery. In this idyllic land of reactionary bliss the hands of time are turned back. Evolution takes a back seat to creationism, Christianity is the religion of the land, Science is trumped by faith and mysticism, the market and corporations are free to run totally unregulated, civil liberties are suspended and troops are rushed to the southern border, healthcare is returned to those most concerned with profits, and the list goes on. A true reactionary rightwing UTOPIA . January 20, 2017 President Marco Rubio and Vice President Carly Fiorina are sworn into office. In a rare event on inauguration day, Congress convenes for an emergency meeting to repeal the illegal and unconstitutional Socialist healthcare farce known as Obamacare. The new Director of Health and Social Services Dr. Ben Carson announces that an independent group of healthcare management professionals is hired...

Donald Trump and Another Fictitious Claim...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Donald Trump, perhaps one of the least honest bloviating blowhards in the 2016 republican presidential fields adds to his list of fear mongering lies. His recent claim that thousands and thousands of Muslin in Jersey City cheered on 911 when the World Trade Center came down is a flat out lie. All of us are aware that Islamic jihadist in the middle east cheered when the WTC collapsed, but there is absolutely no truth to the statement made by Trump. The Donald is playing the politics of fear as he appeals to the low intelligence and low information people who flock to hear his BS. For the Donald it is not about truth, it never gas been. Rather it all abut the Art of the Deal and winning, no matter what it takes. Donald Trump lacks the ethical standards the howler monkeys claim Obama lacks. Yet when Mr. Lying Trump spews his BS the low intelligence and low information folks not only look the other way they swear he's telling the truth and...

The Donald Facing Criticism For Remarks That Seem To Support Special Data Bases And Identification Of Muslims...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Donald Trump's response to a reporter's question concerning his position on how the United States should consider handling Muslims has created quite a furor in both political parties and the media. The Donald's response to the reporter was, as he is often wont to do, not very specific, in fact is was as vague as hell. MSNBC is s news network not often linked to on this weblog as it can often be as partisan as FOX News. Having said that, Rachel Maddow did a seven minute segment on the Trump controversy that was reasonable and balanced. It is proper that on a matter as critical as domestic security, civil and human rights that a candidate's position on such matters is clearly understood. Follow this link to the video segment during which Maddow pressed the issue, highlighting the The Donald lack of specifics . Of course The Donald is trying to walk back his remarks by attempting to place responsibly (blame) on the report...


Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth History is replete with examples of the power of fear and ignorance, to which even the great can fall prey. Franklin Roosevelt calmed a nation in bleakest days of the Depression, but he also signed the executive order imprisoning tens of thousands of American citizens for the crime of Japanese ancestry. In our time, disastrous things have been done in the name of safety: the invasion of Iraq, spawned by delusion and lies; the creation of an offshore fortress, sequestered from the Constitution, to lock up those perceived as threats, no matter the cost and injustice; an ever-expanding surveillance apparatus, to spy on the people, no matter the futility. Al Qaeda and the Islamic State did not compel us to shackle ourselves to a security state, or to disgrace our values by vilifying and fearing refugees and immigrants. This bitter truth is lost on the politicians now grasping for the Republican presidential nomination, whose guiding prin...

Jeb Bush Getting This One Right...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Bush has it at right on the question of closing Mosques and Trump, like is so often the situation, has it wrong. Unfortunately Mr. Bush believes only Christian refugees from Syria should be among those admitted to the USA. “When you talk about internment, you talk about closing mosques, you talk about registering people, that’s just wrong, I don’t care about campaigns,” Bush said. Bush continued, “It’s not a question of toughness. It’s manipulating people’s angst and their fears. That’s not strength, that’s weakness.” “I find it abhorrent that Donald Trump is suggesting we register people. That haunts to a time that no one wants to go back to,” Bush added later in the interview. Rubio kind of sort of danced around the issue but his message, although carefully worded, is very close to Trump's. “It’s not about closing down mosques. It’s about closing down anyplace, whether it’s a cafe, a diner, an internet site, anyplace where r...

France is Godless, Deserved to be Attacked... Walid Shoebat

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth The following is from a "Christian" website . One can only imagine what Jesus Christ would say were he here today. Don’t Pray For France, France Is A Godless Nation That Deserved To Be Attacked. France Supports Terrorists And Kills Christians, And Needs To Be Punished The people who were killed in the rock concert, what were their last words? They were singing a song, “Kiss the devil”. They died, not as martyrs for Christ, but as worshippers of the devil. They were worshipping Satan, and we are suppose to feel sorry for them? They kissed the devil, and the devil came to them and slaughtered them. I say, to hell with them. The Lord works in mysterious ways. The attacks in Paris is part of God’s Providence. Suffering is needed, in order to bring people to the One Who suffered for them. Via: Memeorandum

CNN Report on Global Terrorism... Is President Obama and His Administration's Approach In Combatting it Right?

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Given the recent terrorist attack in Paris France it is understandable the heightened concern in the USA over possible terrorist attacks again being unleased on our soil, and indeed the possibility is real. However, the 24/7 barrage of negative media coverage, mostly from FOX "News", the GOP hyperbole with respect the how President Obama and his administration is handling the threat, as well as its policy on taking Syrian refugees into the USA is lacking of rational thought and analysis. Responding out of fear rather than an understanding of facts and a sober analysis of the possible repercussions of our actions is both foolhardy and dangerous. The following report helps put things in perspective. CNN - The deadly terror attacks in Paris and Beirut last week are consistent with a worldwide trend of increased terrorism -- now at its highest level ever -- according to a new study. Deaths from global terrorism increased by 80% in ...

Will the GOP Survive as a Viable Political Party?...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Following are closing paragraphs excerpted from a Wall Street Journal op ed article by Michael Brendan Dougherty . To many Republican primary voters, the politicians' race is populated by traitors in waiting. They look ready or even anxious to cave on religious liberty, or on mass immigration. Maybe immigration and economic insecurity for the working class are going to do to the Republicans what these issues have been doing to major parties in Europe. No longer can the politicians' race be conducted as if the populists' race doesn't exist. If today's Iowa and New Hampshire poll numbers look anything like the future results of those states' presidential contests, the bubbled existence of the politicians' race will be the greatest self-delusion in modern American politics. If they want to win, the leaders of the politicians' race need to actively push Trump and Carson out of their way and find a way to attr...

In Honor of All Veterans Present and Past...

h/t PopDose

A Quick Debate Night Recap...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth It looks like more likely GOP primary voters may just be starting to coalesce behind Marco Rubio. Trump, with his stern face and nothing other than what we've repeatedly heard from his pompous bloviating mouth, and Dr. Carson, who seems half asleep at times as well as having some really weird ideas, may very well have peaked and are staring the slow slide down. It is highly questionable Rubio is the right man for the job there is little doubt Rubio is more articulate and a better debater than either of the other two. So is Ted Cruz for that matter. Last night's GOP debate summarized in two minutes. Wall Street Journal - Donald Trump and Marco Rubio won Tuesday’s night primetime Republican debate, according to an overnight poll of Internet users who watched the contest, but Mr. Trump came out as the favorite among Republicans and left the best impression about his ability to serve as president. Some 24% of debate-viewers na...

Trump, the Future Christmas President?...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Video via CNN : TPM - Donald Trump on Monday night criticized Starbucks for creating a blank red cup for the holiday season, rather than including winter or Christmas-themed designs. Starbucks' decision has angered Christians who believe the coffee chain has declared a "war on Christmas." "I have one of the most successful Starbucks, in Trump Tower. Maybe we should boycott Starbucks? I don't know. Seriously, I don't care. By the way, that's the end of that lease, but who cares?" Trump said during a campaign event in Illinois on Monday. "If I become president, we're all going to be saying Merry Christmas again, that I can tell you." Trump making a non issue a issue by whipping up fundamentalist frenzy among the Christian right. Hey Donnie ole boy, most will keep saying Merry Christmas when they feel like it, some won't, and frankly nobody cares if ya renew the Starbuck lease at...

Nuff Said... ?

It was 2012 but the situation has, if anything, progressed downhill with respect to red party candidates and party leadership. SOURCE

More On Modern Conservatism In a Nutshell...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth In a prior post , published with the intent to facilitate open, frank, and honest discussion of post 1979 modern day conservatism (although that was inadvertently omitted, a extreme rightwing insurgent high jacked the post with his pro NRA firearm nuttery. As is to be expected it was abundantly clear he had no intention of either frank or honest discussion. His only purpose was to push his over the top uncompromising agenda. This particular individual has been known to me for some time and while at one time we shared some common views on individual liberty and the proper role of government this is no longer the case. At any rate, unable to understand what I consider a compromise position on firearm regulation, the parameters being his position of no regulation beyond the NRA's position and an outright banning of all firearms in the hands of civilian individuals , the following is my position. A) The purpose of firearm regulation is...

Trump the Pompous Rump Hosting SNL...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth For the lack of anything beter to do today . TEXT Via: Memeorandum

Karl Jenkins...


Dr, Carson's Oversized Ego...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth WOW , the amazing ego of kindly Dr. Benjamin Carson! More, MUCH MORE . Via: Memeorandum

Weekend Laughs...

Enjoy !!!

Modern Conservatism In a Nutshell...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Conservatism is a reaction to democratic movements that challenge the authority of elites. After decades of "compassionate conservatism," "a thousand points of light," and "Morning in America," dark talk of class warfare on the right can seem like a strange throwback. So accustomed are we to the sunny Reagan and the populist Tea Party that we've forgotten a basic truth about conservatism: It is a reaction to democratic movements from below, movements like Occupy Wall Street that threaten to reorder society from the bottom up, redistributing power and resources from those who have much to those who have not so much. With the roar against the ruling classes growing ever louder, the right seems to be reverting to type. It thus behooves us to take a second look at the conservative tradition, not just its current incarnation but also across time, for that tradition provides us with an understanding of why th...

Farewell Blues...


Trump Stalls as Carson Surges...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth On the one hand it is very good The Donald has stalled out and his position in the polls have stagnated, barely moving over the past two months. On the other hand it is quite concerning that retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who has some weird ideas on evolution, reproductive rights of women, and a host of other issues , has ascended and now finds himself the GOP frontrunner. Hopefully the GOP will settle down and two or three of the more reasonable and credible candidates will take the lead and offer voters a real alternative to H.R. Clinton. It’s very meaningful that the surgeon Ben Carson appears to be taking the lead in the polling for the GOP nomination — but not in the ways you might expect. First, it means Donald Trump has stalled out. Given Trump’s standing atop the polls for four months now, if his candidacy had any momentum whatsoever, he should have risen from the mid-20s to the mid-30s. The voters who should have started to...

From the Dregs of Rightwing Blogistan...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Found at FreeThinke . It is clear from the comment below the proprietor is far from being a Freethinker . Rather he is one who believes firmly in orthodoxy, the orthodoxy that resists change and demands blind allegiance to the orthodoxy of conservatism and the the past. In all actuality he is a reactionary that advocates and supports bigotry and an agenda totally Un-American in scope. Weblogs such as FreeThinke clearly demonstrates what real Americans must fight against if they are to preserve the kind of society and social order the majority of Americans want. DEBONAIR DUDE POSTED THIS at WHO'S YOUR DADDY . I think it's worth repeating here, (gently modified, of course ;-) The Debonair Dudes World November 4, 2015 at 6:45 AM Do the Democrats hate Ben Carson because he is black? Or Do the Democrats hate Ben Carson because he is just too smart to belly up to their nonsense? I actually think that the Democrats, Liberals, Progr...

"Hi, How Are You" Hugs Now Inappropriate...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth School policies regarding what might be considered inappropriate touching are often left undefined, thus leaving school administrators to interpret whether two students touching is really inappropriate. When faced with possible negative repercussions the administrator will almost always error to the side that will be sure to CYA . In the following case it appears that is probably what transpired. Given our nation's heightened sensitivity, and desire to stop any behavior someone might consider ( or feel ) inappropriate it is possible we have become anal and may actually be causing more damage, albeit certainly in a much different way. video platform video management video solutions video player OVIEDO, Fla . - A before-school hug between friends ended in detention for one local student, and now her parents are questioning the school's policy. "I just like hugged them. It was literally for a second," said Ella, an ei...

The Farewell...



Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Faith 1.complete trust or confidence in someone or something: "this restores one's faith in politicians" 2.strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Reason 1.a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event: "the minister resigned for personal reasons" · 2.the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic: "there is a close connection between reason and emotion" 1.think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic: Don't know about you all but I'll through my lot in with reason.

Why Megyn Kelly Is Worth Watching, or, When a Conservative Rightfully Mocks Their Own...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth TPM - Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Monday night mocked the letter drafted by Republican presidential campaigns listing a series of rules and questions for networks hosting future debates. After listing some of the demands, including that networks not allow lightning rounds or candidate-to-candidate questioning, Kelly jokingly suggested, "And then maybe the foot massage?" She then criticized the campaigns' request that they approve any graphics about the candidates ahead of the debate. "Can you imagine having to submit our graphics for approval to the candidates? Good luck with that," she said. Which explains why I continue to occasionally watch Megyn Kelly. Via: Memeorandun



Trump Goes After Rubio...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Mr. Trump, the 69 year old bloviating blowhard has the audacity to call Marco Rubio a lightweight. Something about the pot calling the kettle black... Find the article at Bloomberg Politics . Via: Memeorandum

Is Compromise a Virtue or an Evil?...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Differences between people are a part of life, and, since political ideologies and governments are defined by people of differing convictions and philosophies it seems reasonable that those who govern should seek out rational resolutions that result in the greatest benefit for all. In fact it is exactly what our enlightened Founding Fathers were able to achieve and the framework for their remarkable accomplishment has survived for over 225 years. Conservatives and liberals in 2015 are light years apart and the likelihood of rational compromise benefitting the nation seems remote. Both conservatives and liberals blame the "other side" and neither appears to be willing to give an inch. Frankly the reality is both sides share some responsibility for the ineffective and dysfunctional governance of the past seven years. Although most, including this writer, would place the majority share ( whatever anyone may believe that is ) at the f...

Policing the Streets in Texas...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth What is your perception of this encounter? H/T Libertarian Republican