Obama's New Symbol of Class Warfare

by: Le Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace of Independent Conservatsm Liberty -vs- Tyranny Obama taking class warfare to the next level. Human Events Before my colleagues in the White House Press Corps and I were escorted to the East Room for President Obama's news conference today, our conversation focused almost exclusively on just what he might say that was newsworthy at his first solo session with reporters in three months. Would Obama put something on the table he could negotiate with House Republicans over in return for their vote to lift the debt ceiling in August? Would he address the stormy situation in Greece and the possibility that Athens would default on its International Monetary Fund bailout package (which U.S. tax dollars helped underwrite)? Or would he take the opportunity to change his position and support gay marriage, as was widely rumored this morning? The President did insist his support of action in Libya did not violate the War Powers Reso...