“Just as it is known that an image of one's face is seen depending on a mirror but does not really exist as a face, so the conception of "I" exist dependent on mind and body, but like the image of a face the "I" does not at all exist as its own reality." Nagarjuna
"Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. Nagarjuna
When fascism came to America it came clutching a bible and waving the flag. On January 20, 2025. When you run after your thoughts, you are like a dog chasing a stick: every time a stick is thrown, you run after it. Instead, be like a lion who, rather than chasing after the stick, turns to face the thrower. One only throws a stick at a lion once. Milarepa “Just as it is k na nown t hat an image of one's face is seen d epending on a mirror b ut does not really exist as a face, s o the conception of "I" exist d ependent on mind and body, b ut like the image of a face t he "I" does not at all exist as its own reality." Nagarjuna "Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. Nagarjuna
We are moving this running post up to front page this evening where it will remain until January 3'rd 2017 when we will return to single posts, hopefully on a daily basis. There is much to do in getting the TRUTH out about Donald J Trump, a dishonest, totally self absorbed, and dangerous individual. He may be the president on January 20th but that does not mean thoughtful and concerned people shouldn't challenge Trump at every turn and fight his agenda whenever it runs contrary to their interests and those of their family. More to come. BTW, be sure to read today's entry, 12/28/16, below. this is just one example AND, it is just the beginning. You've probably noticed the brief posts of late. Posts with very short commentary by the weblolg administrator followed by an article that goes into the subject in much greater detail. This has been done purposefully following the rancorous 2016 election, and because its Christmas Time, soon to be a New Year. This posting f...
When fascism came to America it came clutching a bible and waving the flag. On January 20, 2025. When you run after your thoughts, you are like a dog chasing a stick: every time a stick is thrown, you run after it. Instead, be like a lion who, rather than chasing after the stick, turns to face the thrower. One only throws a stick at a lion once. Milar " Nagarjuna "Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. Nagarjuna epa “Just as it is k na nown t hat an image of one's face is seen d epending on a mirror b ut does not really exist as a face, s o the conception of "I" exist d ependent on mind and body, b ut like the image of a face t he "I" does not at all exist as its own reality." Nagarjuna "Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. Nagarjuna
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U SA Purveyor of Truth Is anybody, and I mean ANYBODY in either party really serious about controlling the explosive rate of debt growth we have experienced since the 2008/2009 meltdown? I really think not. Mitch McConnell talking to Chris Wallace about raising the debt ceiling. Below the fold THINK PROGRESS weighs in. Content as expected from a far left publication. Meanwhile, over at CBS and Bob Schieffer's FACE the NATION Ted Cruz chimed in and actually made a bit of sense. Assuming of course he, and anyone else is really concerned with debt control or reduction. BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, now, just a minute. Just a minute. The government is approaching another deadline February 7, when it will run out of money unless Congress agrees to raise the debt ceiling. Will you agree to raise the debt ceiling, or will you demand something in return. SEN. TED CRUZ: Look, of course, we should do something. We shouldn't just write a bl...
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny I don't often bring back and reprint articles published previously. However, after spending a fair amount of time in what is known as progressive blogistan (or more appropriately the stated... The Pit of Confusion) I decided to visit my own archives. Mostly to refocus my attention on the task ahead. Which of course is to debunk the vile rhetorical venom the left is so full of. Before moving ahead I suppose I should explain to the more conservative and high Libertarian readers why exactly I decided to subject myself to the myriad of misrepresentations, as well as being called everything from a raaaaacist, to a anti Semite, to a bigot, to a drunk, to a child molester, and many other things the confused hate filled left has called me, with not one iota of proof to substantiate it. The "tolerant" left, as they like to called (never mind that it is an erroneous description) has the most effective attack machin...
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Mr. Governor Romney... Neither I or most Americans really care a whole lot about how much money you have made during your career. Hell, most of us wish we had the business acumen, savvy, and drive to have accomplished the same for ourselves and our families. We really do understand that you did build your business yourself. We also understand that at times in your growth trajectory in building your business and becoming a multimillionaire that you enlisted the advice and counsel of knowledgeable people to advise you. Hell, even a small time manager like myself understands we achieved our own success through hard work and dedication. But we did have advisers and support teams that actually made sure we didn't, well, you know, F-up. As I always said, and firmly believe... I was only as good as my people. People whose performance by the way I was also responsible for. Maybe Mr. Obama, and even you Mr. Romney might be ...
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Birthplace o Independent Conservatism Liberty -vs- Tyranny As the chickens come home to roast... Unbelievable we have been this stupid. ( Reuters ) - Global leaders on Saturday arranged a round of emergency calls to discuss the twin debt crises in Europe and the United States that are causing turmoil in financial markets . After a week that saw $2.5 trillion wiped off global stock markets, they are under pressure to show political leadership and reassure markets that Western governments have both the will and ability to reduce their huge and growing public debt loads. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who chairs the G7/G20 group of leading economies, conferred with Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron ahead of a call planned for this weekend by G7 finance ministers and central bankers. "They discussed the euro area and the U.S. debt downgrade. Both agreed the importance of working together, monitoring the situation closely ...
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Purveyor of Truth Putting all political, ideological, and social issues aside for the moment, and turning to the issue of money in politics, just how in the hell the SCOTUS ruled to strike down aggregate limits on federal campaign contributions escapes all logic. Aside from the fact that pull peddlers, and make no mistake about the fact that the more money contributed the greater the pull, will undoubtedly spend greater suns of money to influence politicians (think Koch and Unions) our counties long term rational self inters will increasingly be on sale to the highest bidder. Essentially, America is now on sale to the biggest and deepest pockets of corporate American and labor unions. Everyone should take a long pause and consider the ramifications of this ruling. Especially since it will likely be followed by a complete elimination of ALL campaign contribution limits. Frankly the thought of our nation's elected representatives and sen...
Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth In a prior post , published with the intent to facilitate open, frank, and honest discussion of post 1979 modern day conservatism (although that was inadvertently omitted, a extreme rightwing insurgent high jacked the post with his pro NRA firearm nuttery. As is to be expected it was abundantly clear he had no intention of either frank or honest discussion. His only purpose was to push his over the top uncompromising agenda. This particular individual has been known to me for some time and while at one time we shared some common views on individual liberty and the proper role of government this is no longer the case. At any rate, unable to understand what I consider a compromise position on firearm regulation, the parameters being his position of no regulation beyond the NRA's position and an outright banning of all firearms in the hands of civilian individuals , the following is my position. A) The purpose of firearm regulation is...
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Liberty -vs- Tyranny Washington (CNN) - The Affordable Care Act, which is the signature domestic achievement for President Barack Obama, was passed along party lines in 2010, when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Since that passage, Republicans have fought to either repeal, defund, or severely restrict the law. A push by congressional conservatives to defund the law was the catalyst for October's 16-day long partial federal government shutdown, the first in nearly two decades. As Americans began to better understand the flaws in the ACA and struggle through perhaps the most customer unfriendly sign up experience in human history, as well as more and more people now realizing the Affordable Care Act is really the Unaffordable Care Act for many, support for ObamaCare continues its descent. CNN, a slightly left leaning cable news network has just released a nationwide CNN/ORC International poll indicating ObamaCare is decid...
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