Oy vey Mr. Romney...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Mr. Governor Romney... Neither I or most Americans really care a whole lot about how much money you have made during your career. Hell, most of us wish we had the business acumen, savvy, and drive to have accomplished the same for ourselves and our families.

We really do understand that you did build your business yourself. We also understand that at times in your growth trajectory in building your business and becoming a multimillionaire that you enlisted the advice and counsel of knowledgeable people to advise you. Hell, even a small time manager like myself understands we achieved our own success through hard work and dedication. But we did have advisers and support teams that actually made sure we didn't, well, you know, F-up.

As I always said, and firmly believe... I was only as good as my people. People whose performance by the way I was also responsible for. Maybe Mr. Obama, and even you Mr. Romney might be well served to view that comment as a teachable moment. But I digress.

Even though I am supporting Gary Johnson on the Libertarian ticket for philosophical reasons I though I would give you and your campaign a bit of FREE advice. The bottom line Mr. Romney is most that haven't already made up their mind to vote for President Obama or Gary Johnson really only want to know everything was on the up and up with your tax thingy.

If, as all your diehard supporters already believe your tax returns are on the up and up why the hell not just release them. To counter Muddle brain Harry Reid it might be a damn good idea to go back at least ten years. If not more. Of course that is if everything is indeed on the up and up.

Personally my efforts are in trying to help Gary Johnson garner enough support (15% in the polls) to get him on the presidential debate BIG podium with you and President Obama. Because I believe that if that were to become a reality Gary would blow both of you off the stage and a new and more transparent and open American political system would emerge. But again I digress.

In conclusion Mr. Romney I, and likely millions of other patriotic Americans suggest you release those tax forms.

I have an idea for you. Well, actually the idea originated from one of Rational Nation's loyal readers. Why not go on national TV, lay out your plan to get the American economy back on track, strengthen the country's infrastructure, improve our global competitiveness, and build pride in Made in America again.

Sound good? Great! In closing tell the American people that at at the end of your four years (but before the 2016 Republican convention) if polls with a plus or minus 3% margin of error show the American people believe you failed to succeed with your plan( remember you would have built that yourself) that you would not run for a second term. It sure sounds like a winning strategy to me and a lot of people just might take a chance on you.

Okay Mr. Romney that's the last bit of free advice you'll receive from this corner of the blogoshere. Now on to some prime time stuff.

THE HILL - Mitt Romney said he has "paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes" when asked about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) recent accusations that he hadn't paid any.

"Categorically, I have paid taxes every year and a lot of taxes, a lot of taxes, so Harry is wrong," Romney said when asked about Reid's recent comments. "Harry Reid really has to put up or shut up... I understand what you're trying to do. You're trying to deflect the fact that the job numbers are bad, Americans are out of work."

Romney ripped Reid and President Obama for a series of "misleading, false attacks" — though when asked why he wouldn't release more years of tax returns to prove Reid wrong, he dodged.

"You can go on our website and you can see my financial disclosure statements going back to 2002, you can also see our tax returns from 2010," he said, promising that when the 2011 tax returns were ready they would also be released.

Romney then said that Reid's attacks proved that even if he did release his returns they'd be subject to distortions from "the other side of the aisle."

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Les, they don't want to know what he paid in taxes, they want to know what he made in income, so they can paint him as out of touch with the American people. As if they're weren't poor people completely out of touch with reality too.


    1. They already KNOW the guy is a multimillionaire many times over. So big frigging deal. What most want to know, and I'm talking the independents here, is that he paid "his fair share." That and everything is indeed straight up and honest. REFUTE HARRY REID! PUT THE SH*T TO BED!

    2. As usual, Finntann -- though I hate to admit it ;-} -- you are absolutely correct.

      Instead of waxing APOLOGETIC or EVASIVE about his riches, Mr. Romney ought to become AGGRESSIVE and point out the VAST amount of wealth D'Rat and D'Rat operatives have at THEIR disposal. He ought to point his finger at the corruption of UNION OFFICIALS and the modus operandi of the D'Rat fund-raising machine.


      NEVER let yourself be put on the defensive.

      And as Ducky, himself would affirm, NEVER let your enemies DEFINE you.

      If someone tosses you a GRENADE -- throw it RIGHT BACK and hope it BLOWS UP in his FACE.

      ~ FreeThinke

  2. Reid is Right.
    Release your Returns Romney
    ...or go back to playing dressage!
    We all have a RIGHT to see a Presidential Candidates tax returns!
    WHAT is Romney hiding?
    AND how did you stuff all those millions into your tax-loophole IRA
    while the rest of us poor smucks have limits?
    You want MORE tax cuts for the rich, Mitt?
    Mitt- if you want to run for dog-catcher then
    keep your returns, and clean off your car roof.
    Otherwise put up or shut up and go away ....
    BEFORE the convention.
    The rich think that they have the God-given right
    to do anything they want in this great country-
    while the REST of us get screwed!

    1. Stanchez, you seem quite consumed with greed and jealousy. And ignorance of the fact that the rich get rich through hard work... and earning it. Not by "screwing" everyone else.

      People who whine about how their betters are "Screwing" them instead of getting up and doing what needs to be done don't help the situation at all.

    2. stanchez, I understand your frustration. However your anger is clouding your otherwise rational statements. Factual statements, based on real data is what is needed. You're innuendos and assumptions are nothing more than opinions based on a lack of information, at least at this point.

    3. I agree with everything D Marks has said to Stanchez.

      And Les, with all due respect, statistics and regurgitations of dry data bore the spit out of most people. Success in politics -- regrettable though it may be -- is based on how well a candidate can appeal to raw emotion -- how eloquently and expertly he can tap into the store of bitterness, resentment and envy that truly motivates most people.

      I published a very long post consisting of nothing but a listing of material that ought by all that's holy to stimulate and provide abundant fodder for an enthusiastic campaign against our Demagogue-in-Chief. Instead the posting was virtually ignored. I think it received seven tepid -- even dismissive -- responses at least two of which were my own.

      I appreciate your desire for substance and integrity very much, Les, but I also realize that PERCEPTION is ALL that COUNTS in politics. That may be sad, it may be reprehensible, BUT it is an undeniable fact of life.

      This is a vicious GAME we're playing, and it must be played to WIN. FACTS are IRRELEVANT, unless they can be used successfully as WEAPONS that WEAKEN and DESTROY an opponent.

      Like or not this is GLADIATORIAL COMBAT -- not an event subject to Roberts Rules of Order.



    4. Free Thinker, Facts have a way of surviving, and when the facts (truth) are known they GENERALLY win.

      What I am advocating is INTEGRITY in politics. For this I feel no shame. Nor should anyone else.

    5. I would never even suggest advocating integrity in politics could be undesirable, Les, or that you should feel ashamed for doing so. Sorry, if I gave that impression, but I am a PRAGMATIST first and foremost. No one can afford to maintain an attitude of ironclad idealism, and unswerving, uncompromising honesty in politics, and hope to survive even a nominating process let alone an election in the world of REALPOLITIK -- the only world we have.

      I disagree with your first sentence -- in part -- for two reasons. First, "facts" are not necessarily synonymous with Truth. Second, the Truth -- regrettable though it may be -- is usually the very last thing people want to know about themselves.

      I will say this, however: It would, indeed, be a more agreeable world, if things were as you would have them be.

      ~ FreeThinke

    6. @ Free Thinker... "facts" are not necessarily synonymous with Truth."

      Agreed.In the context in which I used the concept they wear MEANT to be synonymous. My bad for not clearly delineating such.

      "Second, the Truth -- regrettable though it may be -- is usually the very last thing people want to know about themselves."

      Is this ten true of Mr. Romney? Just saying.

      "I will say this, however: It would, indeed, be a more agreeable world, if things were as you would have them be."

      Thank you. I strive to be introspective and rational. Being human as we all are I do occasionally fail to rise to the proper level.

  3. What I would like to know is what is Harry Reid hiding that he won't allow a budget for 3 years.
    We should be more concerned about how our money is spent.
    Did Obama show 10 years of his tax return? It i not required of a presidential candidate to disclose that far back.
    Actually since the congress controls the pocketbook it should be more important to see their tax returns....Nancy.

    1. Harry Reid simply made an allegation. The purpose of which is to distract attention from the really important issues. Which is Obama's dismal record. Harry, other than being a lame brain is not the issue here.

      McCain, if I am not mistaken released 25 years of his returns in 2008. If you are a "public servant" and you're clean what the F is the concern over disclosing your tax returns?

      Actually, since every representative and senator represents the district or the state respectively each state should set the disclosure guidelines with respect to their own state.

      I'm sure you can Google the Presidents disclosure record. Maybe you're on to something there.

    2. Atta girl, LISA!

      Fight fire WITH fire.

      Damn the torpedoes. Full steam ahead.

      ~ FT

    3. And, fight fire with truthful and relevant facts. Those things that enhance the integrity of your argument and cause. If it can indeed be done.

  4. The only reason that this Reid fellow even has a job is because the Republicans foolishly nominated Sharron Angle and she was even dumber than him. I'll raise your oy vey with a couple of whoa Nellies!

    1. I hate to admit it it Will, but you're right. As it turned out Angle proved to be dumber than a bag of rocks.

  5. @Stanchez: "We all have a RIGHT to see a Presidential Candidates tax returns!"

    Really? Where does this right come from?

    Public financial disclosure laws do not require that candidates release their personal income taxes.

    It is nothing more than a political ploy to distract the electorate from the issues at hand.

    Les is right, it is no more than a distraction. Sure, everyone knows that he is successful, they just want to flash the numbers in there political ads to bait those like Stanchaz.


  6. Les, Romney came from money. He's not a self-made man. If he'd come up from nowhere, that'd be one thing. But he didn't. He is no more personally successful than any other Blue Blood legacy character. And it's not like he accomplished anything great. He didn't invent some great new technology, he didn't cure any diseases, he didn't win any great competitions, or win some great war. He just made a lot of (even more) money for himself and a few of his pals.

    You may wish you could be as "successful" as him. I'd rather accomplish something great for my fellow man, or at least to try to lead a good life.

    Romney may be a pretty good man, but what has he really accomplished? His only great achievements have been relatively progressive. Think about it.


    1. Did you argue with you mother jmj when she told you the sky was blue? ;)

    2. Les, let's keep the moms out of this. It's low brow.

      I was just pointing out that Romney no more accomplish anything for himself than the sky made itself blue of it's own accord.


  7. It would show weakness if any candidate allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything by filthy liars like Hairy Red and citizen termites with the stupid, jealous, greedy, disposition exemplified by Stanchez up there. It would give these enemies of freedom undeserved stature and credence.

    Stand tall, Mitt. Show pride in your accomplishments and your record of unparalleled generosity with your personal resources. Show pride in your beautiful, courageous wife and fine, strongly-built, good-looking sons.

    NEVER demur. NEVER apologize. NEVER accept garbage tossed at you as though it were, perhaps, something you deserved. THROW it RIGHT BACK in their lying, twisted, morally, intellectually and spiritually bereft FACES.

    Instead of hemming and hawing, tell these political swine that you will release all the thousands and thousands of pages of your tax returns for the last FORTY years IF -- and ONLY if -- Mr. Obama and the leftist institutions of learning that have helped him in his deception to PUBLISH the TRANSCRIPTS of his "ACANEMIC" WORK at both Columbia and Harvard. PUBLISH any tangible evidence there might be that clearly demonstrates he was in actual FACT editor of the Harvard Law Review and not just an Affirmative Action FIGUREHEAD put in lace by Agenda-Driven Leftist Operatives who make up a HUGE percentage of university faculty members throughout the land.

    Make Obama PROVE he is NOT a chimera DESIGNED and MANUFACTURED by PUPPETEERS. Make him PROVE he is NOT in fact a MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.

    The only thing wrong with Mr. Romney is his need to go on the OFFENSIVE as savagely, if-no-as-disingenuously as the FILTH and CORRUPTION he is running against.

    As for Mr. Johnson, I'd be happy to vote for him, if he were the Republican candidate for president, but -- as proved conclusively by H. Ross Perot -- third party candidates function only to ensure a loss for Republicans. I and thousands of others made that mistake in 1992, and I'll never do it again.

    1. And how long will it be before good and thinking people realize that until they begin supporting a viable third party candidate it WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Or, is that the forever plan of the oligarchs and the financial industry?

      Just wondering Free Thinker...

    2. .

      Please. Let us all hope OMitt takes FreeThink's 'death-wish' political advice.

      The people/voters have witnessed the Murdoch Media/Fox Network led BLOODY-SCREAMING and HOWLING for the President's birth certificate since before the last election. Does anyone realistically believe OMitt is going to get away with releasing only one tax return and win??

      When OMitt does finally resigns or releases his tax returns, then watch RW go ballistic over what is being hidden in OMitt's tax records! Oh happy day!!

      Ema Nymton

    3. Don't hold your breath Ema. It is more likely there is nothing nefarious that would be revealed. Politics, politics, politics, and it is quite possible Mittens has a surprise for ya all..

    4. .

      "... it is quite possible Mittens has a surprise for ya all.."

      How many years of tax returns were submitted to OMitt's Presidential campaign by prospective VP candidates? How many tax returns will be released by the RMoney chosen VP candidate??!

      So you are FOR secrecy when it come to OMitt's tax returns but demand to see the man's birth certificate when it comes to Mr Obama?

      Ema Nymton

  8. .

    Cut to the chase - the voters have an either/or choice.

    Vote for a sitting President who has proven himself to be an effective President over the past three plus years. Who has accomplished notable things while in office. Who many people in USA see him as capable, honorable, open, honest, and trustworthy.

    Vote for a challenger who has come across as a less than a trustworthy individual. The challenger has shown questionable integrity by even disavowed his own government accomplishment as a state governor. The simplest questions go unanswered, how does a person end up with a +$100 million private IRA? Between now and November does anybody think the people/voters of USA will be willing to trust a candidate who has not released his/her federal tax return?

    How many years of tax returns were submitted to OMitt's Presidential campaign by prospective VP candidates? How many tax returns will be released by the RMoney chosen VP candidate??!

    The longer OMitt drags this out,the easier OMitt makes it for the voter!

    Ema Nymton

    1. They certainly do Ema. A either or the lesser of two evils.

      This is unless they make the logical decision to vote for Gary Johnson.

    2. Ema said: "Vote for a sitting President who has proven himself to be an effective President over the past three plus years."

      Your statement might have worked in 1984. But now? We have a President whose policies have caused a 20% increase in unemployment, and a 50% increase in the n

  9. Les's suggestion to Mr. Romney: "...strengthen the country's infrastructure..."

    Interesting suggestion--that would require another stimulus. And how exactly would Mr. Romney strengthen the country's infrastructure? Remember, conservatives/libertarians believe government can't do anything right. Wait. Hire the private company Halliburton to do it? You know, the company that provided US troops in Iraq with contaminated water.

    LISA: "Did Obama show 10 years of his tax return?"

    No. He didn't. You got him there!

    Mr. Obama released TWELVE years of his tax returns; and if he had released only ONE year, as Mittens has, you, Lisa, would be howling the loudest about Mr. Obama hiding his Chicago thuggery! LOL!

    1. .

      "Mr. Obama released TWELVE years of his tax returns; and if he had released only ONE year, as Mittens has, you, Lisa, would be howling the loudest about Mr. Obama hiding his Chicago thuggery! LOL!"

      HOME RUN!!! You rock Shaw ...

      Ema Nymton

    2. Fixing infrastructure? Abolish Davis-Bacon and "prevailing wage", which requires a large percent of pure waste spending on government contracts. That frees up a lot of money right there. A lot less corrupt, too.

  10. "It is nothing more than a political ploy to distract the electorate from the issues at hand.

    Les is right, it is no more than a distraction."

    Hilarious. It's a "political ploy" and a "distraction" when it happens to the guy you're backing.

    Mittens is the ONLY presidential candidate in modern times to release ONE tax return. His father released 12 and mocked candidates who release only ONE. If George Romney were alive, he'd be mocking his own son.

    Will Mr. Romney release 11 years nearer to the election and embarrass those who have been implying he has something to hide? If he does that, it certainly could be called a "political ploy," couldn't it.

    If he doesn't release more returns, speculation will continue as to the reasons why.

    That's politics.

    It's not for wusses, Mr. Romeny. Put up or shut up.

    1. It could Shaw.

      Romney, who as stated many times will NOT get my vote, nor will Obama. He does however need to release his tax returns, any candidate with nothing to fear possessing a rational mind would have NO problem doing so.

      It is in Mr. Romney's RATIONAL self interest to release at least 10 years of tax returns, if not more.

    2. The dead father would be ashamed of his son strategy, Shaw? Really?

    3. Simple statement, carrying HUGE implications.

      I totally agree Will and second your observation.

  11. Maybe it is within his RATIONAL self-interest NOT to release his tax returns. Right now, that explanation seems more reasonable to me.

    1. Ah, the skeptics response. How well I understand your skepticism.

      You see I am just as skeptical of Obama's ability to govern effectively based on his very recent record of non achievement and his refusal to accept any responsibility for same.

      Other than the same old tired "it's Bushes fault" meme.

  12. RN: "You see I am just as skeptical of Obama's ability to govern effectively based on his very recent record of non achievement and his refusal to accept any responsibility for same."

    You see I am just as skeptical of Romney's ability to govern effectively based on his very recent record in Massachusetts of having bankrupted the state, took a tax deduction for his pet horse and 16 Cadillacs, blaming Ted Kennedy for passing his Romneycare.

    [I figured as long as you make stuff up, I could do the same.]

    It's fun, isn't it.

    1. Ya know Shaw for someone as intelligent as yourself I just don't get what you don't understand about my comment.

      What I said is true, regardless of your denial.

      That aside, because we could argue the point forever, I DO NOT SUPPORT MITT ROMNEY. I support Gary Johnson. I know you don't like the fact I don't support President Obama rather than Johnson. But as they say it is what it is and my support for Johnson is based ENTIRELY upon the simple reality that his political philosophy and ethics more closely align with my own. Neither Mittens or Barrackside cuts the mustard for me. That is a FACT Shaw, and being a man of integrity I will support the man of my choice based on what is IMPORTANT to me.

      I am glad you like to make stuff up in the attempt to insult my intelligence, and I am also glad you find it fun. You are merely employing the tactics of the left, and as you say it says more about you than it does me.

      In doing do you merely insult your own intelligence, not mine. Again, commonplace in the sphere of leftist political ideology.

      Oh, and Shaw, I have, and will continue to make the same allegations against the far rigt as well.


  13. "...his very recent record of non achievement and his refusal to accept any responsibility for same."

    That is patently not true. That's why I took exception to it. It's your opinion, of course, but it's not true.

    "Veterans’ Unemployment Falls To Lowest Level In More Than Three Years"

    That's just ONE example, and all I need to furnish to show your above statement is NOT true. There are many, many more examples of his achievements. You may believe that the president should receive no credit for the achievement I cite. But then if you do that, he cannot receive any blame either for anything that went wrong during his administration. You can't have it both ways.

    There are many things he's done, probably not what YOU like, but they are achievements in every sense of the word.

    You can say Mr. Obama has achieved nothing YOU like, and that would be accurate. But to say he's achieved nothing is just plain FALSE.

    Here's proof that your second claim, that Mr. Obama does not accept responsibility is also FALSE.

    Normally, when I come here and provide evidence contrary to what you write, you call it "spinning." And that usually means I've made my point.

    1. "Veterans’ Unemployment Falls To Lowest Level In More Than Three Years"

      Agreed. However it is extremely probable that regardless of who was president this minute detail would have happened. I will however concede the point.

      "There are many things he's done, probably not what YOU like, but they are achievements in every sense of the word."

      You are correct Shaw. Even the most dismal and miniscule things that are done, including negative ones can be considered achievements of sorts. I stand corrected and thank you for pointing this out to me.

      Now, lets get to discussing the 40 plus months of unemployment over 8.0% and the INCREASE in July's unemployment to 8.3%.

      Okay, so Obama has accepted some responsibility for some minor things. I do not deny this nor will I call it spin. However, for you are anyone to deny that the Obama administration has repeatedly continued to blame GWB is laughable, because it has.

      Most recently they are attempting to present Romney's economic plan as what... more of the failed GWB policies. Hey, the dude has been in office for 3 plus years. He supported the Bush TARP and continued many of GWB's policies.

      Time to face reality and move on.

    2. .

      "... attempting to present Romney's economic plan as what... more of the failed GWB policies. Hey, the dude has been in office for 3 plus years."

      Attempting to present OMitt Rmoney's economic plan as a continuation of the shrub's failed plans is guilt by association. It is a smart political ploy.

      Excuse me? Given your recent history of soiling yourself over inaccurate speech - (Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Excuse Us Mr. President, We Did Build It...), you may want to be more careful.

      '... attempting to present OMitt Rmoney's economic plan as what... more of the failed GWB policies. Hey, the dude has been in office for 3 plus years.' OMitt has not been in office for 3 plus years.

      Do you think OMitt will resign instead of releasing his Income Tax Records?

      Ema Nymton

    3. Of all people Ema your panties are most likely the most soiled of all.. What a hoot you are.


    4. The failed policies (at least in terms of the domestic side) weren't so much by Bush, Ema, as they were by Mr. Greenspan. It was him who artificially kept interest rates low to the point of distorting the market, printed money like it was going out of style, and created what was quite obviously a bailout culture on Wall Street. If you really want to throw some serious hatred on a Republican (and I totally know that you do), you just might want to second look at Mr. Andrea Mitchell.

  14. "Time to face reality and move on."

    It's encouraging to see you doing so.

    1. Perhaps someday I will be able to say the same to you Shaw...

  15. What's wrong with putting blame where it belongs? We can't fix current problems, or similar future problems, if we don't accept the real cause and just blame it on a successor. Sure Obama has made things worse, following the same mistakes Bush made. Now Romney wants to triple down on those same mistakes (policies) and half of America will follow, because they don't understand those policies were the mistake.

    1. That is why I am voting principle. That is why I am voting Gary Johnson.

      But wait!! Oh my GAWD!!! DON'T DO THAT!!!!

      Vote to STAY the COURSE! Only more of the same can RESCUE US!! It must be either MITTENS the FLIP FLOPPER, of BARRACKSIDE the MASTER of DISASTER!!!

      My GAWD! Only more of the same can save us from DOOM!!!!!

      Okay, snark off. But you gotta admit Anonymous has a point worth considering.

  16. "Personally my efforts are in trying to help Gary Johnson garner enough support (15% in the polls) to get him on the presidential debate BIG podium with you and President Obama. Because I believe that if that were to become a reality Gary would blow both of you off the stage and a new and more transparent and open American political system would emerge. But again I digress."

    When you first directed me to this post, I didn't have a comment to offer but, after giving it some thought the last couple of days, I have one. I think your personal effort here is a noble one, and I appreciate that you are voting strategically. I still think a vote for Johnson only serves to re-elect Obama and, I think, given the choice between Obama or Romney you would still prefer Romney, so your vote doesn't give you a good outcome.

    Johnson had his shot to run rings around Romney during the primary debates and, in my opinion, he was very unimpressive. He struck me as a very soft man, having little conviction and very little force of personality. The fact that he changed party affiliation to continue his run for the presidency also makes me think he is opportunistic and disloyal.

    Now I'll go through the other comments before commenting further.

    1. I was VERY UNIMPRESSED by the lack of questions directed at Johnson. You can blame the BIASED panel(s) for that, and no one else, The system is DESIGNED to preclude anyone it prefers not to get the exposure to get, well little to no exposure.

  17. The reality is NOBODY really builds a business all by themselves. They do hold ulimate responsibility for the policies, actions, and statements of the business they own. But unless they are the carpenter, electrician, plumber, contractor, painter, decorator, sales staff, office staff, production staff, product development staff, distribution, etc. they did NOT build that business by themselves. No in the modern world ever has. Regardless what they believe. Reality is they didn't.

  18. And now, 13 years later, we have the FOTUS tRump and his co-president multi billionaire fascist Elon Musk running the show. Two anti Constitution, anti democracy, and anti Rule of Law athoritatians starting to demolish our system of government in favor of authoritatianism, kleptocracy, and oligarchy. The seeds of which were planted a long time ago in the republican (now trumpublican) party of lies, deceit, and outright denial of reality.

    America is in crisis. A crisis intentionally caused by the FOTUS tRump abd his billionaire oligarchs who are only interested in increasing their own self interests and personal wealth. At the expense of the American public.


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