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Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Following is some info on the nominees Trump has picked to fill his cabinet. Please feel free to leave your comments on any or all of them.

Compliments of The Washington Post.


  1. A bunch of retired generals and various people with no relevant professional backgrounds aside from conflicts of interest.


    1. Hey, Ben Carson has lived in a house, so he is very qualified for HUD! Back off, dude!

  2. Are they all prolific tweeters?

  3. They all appear to be about as qualified for their jobs as Trump is for the presidency.

  4. There's not one I like, but he won the election and to the victor, go the spoils.

    What more can one say?

    1. "To the victor go the spoils" was the justification Trump put forward for stealing Iraq's oil (which would have been a a war crime). As for him being the "victor", he is insomuch as cheating helped him win. Me, I don't acknowledge a "win" that was gained by fraudulent means.

      As for Trump's cabinet... he is filling the swamp he said he was going to drain. As per Politicus USA "Our planet will suffer, along with our environment and our food and water. Corporations will enjoy it".

      LOLGOP sums it up for me with their satirical FB post that says "Trump to appoint dingo to watch baby".

    2. Dervish... what fraudulent means?

      I've seen no one credible saying there was any fraud in this election.

      Did he lie his behind off? Of course he did, but I missed the fraud.

      Seriously... do you have any links?

    3. Is there an unbiased independent confirmation of this?

    4. Greg Palast is an investigative journalist. He goes with the facts. I don't know who, in your mind, qualifies as unbiased and independent.

    5. More links, all independent, IMO. As far as "unbiased" goes, everyone has their own biases. But keep this in mind... Trump's immigration advisor Kris Kobach was in charge of the "Interstate Crosscheck" system that flagged (and bumped off the voter rolls) potential fraudulent voters (something others call voter suppression). Surely there would have been some concern if a Democrat who had input into who could vote joined the HRC campaign.

  5. Could be worse- Sarah (Grizzly Mamma) in charge of nuclear codes, because she is a crack shot
    and can see Russia from just about anywhere: Newt (the lizard) Gingrich in charge of religious
    morality, because he shares the propensity for multiple marriages with the pres-elect:
    Prof Thinke in charge of mis-education, etc. Rudy is out-two egomaniacs is one to many in
    any administration.

  6. My spontaneous anger mismanagement outbursts started immediately after the election. Tried everything. Antibiotics. Anti-depressives. Tranquilizers. Rat poison. Nothing worked. I even called the suicide hotline (which was outsourced to a call center in Pakistan). The voice on the line asked me if I knew how to drive a truck.

    1. Octo... I've taken to a few more shots of my reserve, ungetable by the general public mezcal to get me through...

      It at least takes the edge off.

      And I know many are hoping trump will implode, quit or do something stupid and get impeached. But that will give us Pence, a true believer.

  7. My personal view is the next four years are going to be real and they are going to be fun, but, they sure as hell aren't going to be REAL FUN.

    I'm thankful for great local craft brews and legalized recreational marijuana. 😏

  8. Watching Trump in Iowa, gagging as I listen to the biggest con man the world has possibly ever known.

    America is going to need waders up to her shoulders to keep the s**t off.

  9. Lizard man Newton jumped to on FAUX Snooze right on que in support of The Con.

  10. The USA is so screwed for at least the next four years and likely for 20-25 if Don the Con is successful in packing the SCOTUS, as is his plan.

  11. Don the Con will change America no doubt. Into something none of us should be proud of.

  12. In addition to the questionable cabinet nominees, we're hearing that Trumpelthinskinn, the P.E., will, upon taking his sacred Oath of Office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution continue to produce a cheap reality teevee show, "Celebrity Apprentice," and be paid for it. In addition to all the other "firsts" we will suffer under this man, we will have the distinction of having a working teevee exec, drawing a salary, while POTUSing. For Donnie, that means the presidency will be a part time job. What lucky duckies we are.

  13. Trump is a walking talking conflict of inrerest(s) President.


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