An Up and Coming Progressive Site...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Today's blog entry is a very special entry. It is special in that it features a relatively new, yet up and coming spokesperson for the progressive minded in blogistan general. There are too few words to describe the potential impact this canine lover could have on the progressive movement.

As I said there are too few words to describe this gentleman of the left. So, rather than try I will leave you with just a brief description of his talents. He is very focused on melodrama, fancies himself a sort of Sherlock Holmes, and he has an apparent obsession with misplaced periods.

The volume of his thought is voluminous, and his edgy razor sharp analysis is as blunt as a hoe. But nonetheless the herculean efforts he has put forth in developing his following has been impressive. For this he deserves recognition, and from the conservative (not republican) and libertarian thinkers and bloggers a huge thank you. Check out the links provided and then spend some time perusing the balance of his creative work. You will I believe be, well... I'll leave that for you to decide.

Without further ado, the left's up and coming Blogger Extraordinaire

Intellectually Honest? .... Oops misplaced periods! The prior is open to debate. Hope you enjoy your perusal.


  1. Wow! This is really an unexpected honor RN... to be featured on your blog. Very unexpected, to say the least. I was detecting a little hostility in some of your comments on my blog, but I guess this is your attempt to bury the hatchet? I'd like to say that I very much appreciate the effort you put into writing this commentary... a fine commentary that is (for the most part) quite complimentary. I am sure it will help drive traffic to my blog. I will have to return the favor and author my own post plugging your blog... I shall begin immediately. BTW, thanks again. :) Perhaps we can develop a trans-ideological friendship that is as strong as the one shared by you and Shaw?

  2. Well done, Col. I can't recall the last time another blog got a plug like this, here!

  3. How small of you. A whole post on someone you dislike. Impressed-NOT.

    1. What? Did you read the post? Clearly RN likes me. At least a little. I thought that perhaps the post was meant as a jab at me at first, but then I realized it was way to mild. Certainly if RN really disliked me he could do a lot better than this. That is why I've put my post "praising" RN on hold. Because it was really a post about what a *negative descriptor removed* he is. But given how easy RN has gone on me with this commentary I've decided to shelve it for now. No need to be that mean (as mean as what I wrote would have been) if RN really wants to be friends. I wouldn't want to hurt my new friend's feelings.

      FYI, I'm still not a colonel Dennis. And that is still a very lame put down. Maybe Dennis likes me too? I'm really feeling the love guys. Next thing you know Will Hart will be inviting me back to his blog.

    2. You never were a colonel Dennis. Just a colonel Sanders.

    3. And Col.? Don't consider it a put-down, unless I refer to how greasy the chicken is. Consider it to be more like a field promotion. Lame? Not really, unless perhaps it is compared to a higher promotion, such as General.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. A spelling (or punctuation) flame, huh? Another line of attack Dennis previously said was beneath him, but now he engages in freely. I'm still not a colonel *comma* Dennis. Not a colonel Dennis, not a colonel Sanders. In any case, you're saying I'm related to the founder of KFC? And I'm a colonel like him? Sounds like a compliment, not an insult. Or perhaps Dennis is jealous. He tried to get into the military but they rejected him... due to the "d marks" he got in school. Or perhaps Dennis tried to get a job at KFC and they rejected him?

    6. You are not a Col *comma* Dennis. Just a Col. Sanders.

      As for being rejected, my pony-tail isn't long enough to be a regular commenter on the Col's blog.

  4. The next time that this fine blogger says something positive about a conservative, moderate, Republican, or libertarian will be the first and I'd thoroughly expect a planetary perturbation.

  5. I was perusing and stumbled into that whole Keith Olbermann thing on Dervish's blog, and thought it was very funny. Good stuff.


    1. Thank you Jersey... so why no comment? Afraid of being attacked by the Anons crapping on my comment threads?

  6. I can't believe an accomplished writer like Les took so long to discover the outstanding genius of Dervish.

    Whether anyone thinks he's "nuts" or not, you have to give him kudos for getting in the heads of you guys. I think I should start another feud with him to establish more cred with republicans now that I've become one.

    1. Better late than never, Truthster, better late than never.......And you're not really a Republican, are you?

  7. Joe: As "Sword of Truth" you seem to get their admiration :-)

  8. I'm not "Sword of Truth" Dmarks.

    My employment situation forced me to become a republican Will. I kind of like it. I stopped paying my bills and am living like a king on borrowed money. I tell my creditors when my tax cuts start to work my deficits will disappear so they will be fine. So far they believe it so who am I to argue with Bank of America and JP Morgan?

    1. But but... Col. Sanders thinks you are Sword, Truth. And that just about everone else is RN and is out to get him. Isn't he always right?

    2. And your lifestyle sounds more like Obama than Republicans, Truth With No Sword. Especially since not only did Obama not argue with the Bank of America; he irresponsibly gave them a massive bailout (something opposed by most Republicans).

    3. Have you ever considered Independent/cutting completely from these 2 corrosive organizations?

  9. For the record... RN's first post here was a "test page" on 6/29/2009, whereas my blog's first day in existence was 2/5/2006. So which one of us is "relatively new, yet up and coming"?

    As for the "truthster" being a Republican... does that explain the name change too? I thought his last name was H*******? (I won't disclose it, even though I was poking around RN's blog and found him using it here.)

    As for Dennis' stupidity... No pony tail requirement for commenting on my blog. Dennis' pony tail must be the exact right length for commenting on his own blog (and that I don't have one could be why he banned me).

    1. I banned the Col. for his profanity-laced personally typed penis spams.

      Sure my blog is boring and has hardly any activity. But I would rather have that than have something like the Col.'s now-legendary crapfest. Like he hung a sign out that said "Open Sewers. Come and play!".

  10. Sherlock at work. Good job. I'm sorry it took a longer OJT period for Mr. Sanders, but the important thing is he eventually arrived.

    Hey Joe Truth 101 Kelly, thanks for the tip on Mr. Dervish's fine creative site. Just taking a guess here but I'm betting you didn't mentor him.

  11. Why does WD always think I, or anyone else, must explain himself for whatever shit they do on a blog?

    Obama is a good republican also Dmarks. We give money to the wealthy farmers in the farm bill. Make sure big energy gets plenty of largess. And who better than rich and powerful bankers to get tax dollars to save them from poverty and becoming poor and at the mercy of community organizers before they see the light?

    Good Lord you can be blind Dmarks. I'm trying to help man.

    For the record, none of your business why I use "Joe Kelly" Dervish. There's no skulduggery meant by it. But if it makes you feel better calling me Mr. Hagstrom I really don't care.

  12. Noticing the dates our respective blogs began makes me a Sherlock? RN must be covering for his embarrassment over calling me "relatively new, yet up and coming" when I've actually been blogging longer than he has. Anyway, the OJT continues, as the audience I've attracted is not the audience I want.

    Dennis, back to your lie about banning me for "profanity-laced personally typed penis spams" that were never sent? Whatever, Dennis. I can't stop you. Have fun with your little lie. Perhaps you've convinced yourself this actually happened? Also, my "crapfest" could hardly be "legendary" as it just began (after visiting Lisa's blog). As for the "open sewers", an anonymous commenter told me that Dennis likes to play in them (along with RN).

    Regarding what "Joe Kelly" says being none of my business? Sure, and I also don't particularly care. I never demanded that "Joe Kelly" or "Joe Hagstrom" explain himself (I asked politely and he refused, so I gave up). What if I call you Joe less-Truth? I think it would be appropriate, given that he's telling the truth about Obama but dialing back the truth in other areas.

    1. No wd/DS noticing the dates of our respective blogs does not in and of itself make you a Sherlock. I shall leave it at that.

      As to to open sewers wd/DS, Anon of which you speak is a sewer pipe feeding your blog (as well as attempting to infest others unsuccessfully), there are others as well. Contrary to your erroneous allegation I do not like "to play" in them. Of course unless you consider your on site a sewer. Which I doubt very much.

      Oh, and I applaud the fact you do not want to attract the legion of Anon's that have spurred the crapfest over in yonder progressive blogistan. As a fiscal conservative social libertarian I find the crapfest deplorable. I will you well in cleaning out the crappers. I really do.

      Good day wd/DS.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Oh what a tangled web you weave, Harlan. You admitted sending me the penis-lengthening spams to "show" me examples of "real" spam. Get you story straight.

    1. Dennis, I'm only denying your version of events. Your delusions about penis spams and profanity are only slightly more accurate than your delusion that I'm a man that died over 30 years ago. Not by a lot though.

    2. You have the last word. Please read
      Rational Nation USA Thu Aug 08, 03:28:00 PM EDT

    3. dmarks, I thank you for your understanding and reasoned determination. I shall patiently await wd/DS's response to my comment below.

  14. Okay dmarks and wd/DS, this thread will not, repeat, will not turn into a crap fest.

    I have less and less patience for it.

  15. On Vacation as of this comment. Returning when I return...

  16. Dennis knows he is under RN's protection (and therefore would be guaranteed the last word), so his comment is obviously a cop out (he knows he lies, in other words). Publish this comment or not, it does not matter to me. In any case, a crap post deserves nothing but a crap fest (by which I assume you mean back-and-forth insults). The entire purpose of your original post was to insult me... now RN gives an ultimatum that what he did in his post won't be allowed in the comment section? Give me a break.

    1. wd/DS/...

      1) Dennis, or more accurately dmarks is not protected here.

      2) Perhaps he lies, likely not.

      3) Comment published, your last. As your love for crap fest will not be brought here.

      4) Wondering if you are Anon. HA, HA, HA...

      5) You got your break. And, the point of this post was confirmed accurate by none other than... YOURSELF.

      Good by wd/DS. and good riddance.

    2. Enjoying yourself wd/DS -Anon - and likely a multitude of other aliasrs.

      What a piece of work you are.

  17. wd's stated goal is to get banned from as many blogs as he can. I fully support him in this endeavor.

    1. Yes indeed Will. I also support him in his efforts in that area.

      wd/DS is really a very lonely individual who craves attention and notoriety. Kind of weird how at the same time he wants to be banned from as many sites as he can accomplish.

      Indeed a strange dude that wd/DS.

    2. And Will he has now gone as far as to beg for Rusty to petition you to be let back onto your blog. It is very important to him. He whines about how unfair you are.

      Les/RN: Since I did say WDDS can have the last word, I won't get bent out of shape (nor will I whine piteously on every blog in sight) if you choose to delete this comment.

      On the other hand, he's had several last words since his "last" one :)

  18. Dennis: And Will he has now gone as far as to beg for Rusty to petition you to be let back onto your blog. It is very important to him. He whines about how unfair you are.

    Les/RN: Since I did say WDDS can have the last word, I won't get bent out of shape (nor will I whine piteously on every blog in sight) if you choose to delete this comment. On the other hand, he's had several last words since his "last" one :)

    I didn't "beg" Rusty for anything. Rusty made a stooooopid remarks about me being unfair for deleting comments, stifling his views and "censoring" his first amendment rights... so I pointed out to him that Will censors me on his blog. I told him he should complain to Will about me being "stifled" on Contra O'Reilly... then I'd give his complaints about me some consideration. I was pointing out Rusty's hypocrisy, in other words.

    Also, how would Dennis know about this? Dennis just outed himself as an anonymous commenter on my blog. I wasn't sure until now... but his comment confirms it.

    And I never said any of my comments was a "last one". Dennis just made that up... much like his story about me being Colonel Harland Sanders (the founder of KFC) or spamming his blog with male enhancement material for no good reason... talk about "whining piteously"... or lying piteously (as is the case here).

  19. You had no good reason to personally craft dozens of male enhancement spams. But you did anyway. And I have yet to lie.

  20. What I find so very interesting wd/DS/Anon is that everywhere you find him(it) in comment sections, including quite often on his own site is his obsession with the person commenting rather than the subject being commented on.

    Perhaps it is a psychological impairment that causes this? Or,maybe it is simply that wd/DS/Anon simply enjoys being the contrary view. Actually I'm okay with that because I often decide to be the person in the room taking the contrary position. After all we still need a few Socrates among us.

    Now, and for the last FUCKING time... I am not a Jew hater and the jewish people who know me absolutely know this is TRUE.

    My comment "the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers", which I fully acknowledge I made was in fact taken out of context. The context in which is was meant, and was actually understood by all those who think and are interested in more than their sick destructive bullshit in their attempt to destroy the character of an honest and unbiased person was exactly the following... This is for all the other mentally challenged Anon asshats out in progressive blogistan as well.

    The Jews, during the era of Adolph Hitler's bigoted and tyrannical REIGN of TERROR did not, based on my understanding of HISTORY (as taught by those responsible for teaching me) resist forcibly against the terror the idiot bastard Hitler was intent on inflicting upon the Jewish people.

    My purpose was to point out the possibility of it happening anytime a people do not resist the tyranny of an hyper active ideologically driven politically agenda such as the progressive movement in America.

    Remaining comments will be in caps so the mentally challenged PROGRESSIVES (and no Shaw, Octo, Joe, Captain Fog, as well as many who visit your fine sites this does not include you), MIGHT BETTER UNDERSTAND.


    Now wd/DS/Anon, and all the rest who enjoy the lying crap fest arena... GO FUCK YOURSELVES. And don't bother to sully doorsteps with your presence again. Should you CHOSE to do so you WILL be deleted.

    1. "The Jews, during the era of Adolph Hitler's bigoted and tyrannical REIGN of TERROR did not, based on my understanding of HISTORY (as taught by those responsible for teaching me) resist forcibly against the terror the idiot bastard Hitler was intent on inflicting upon the Jewish people."

      Your teachers, as you, are idiots and do not know history. Did you ever hear of the 5,000 Jews who had guns and revolted in the ghetto? They were all killed, quickly because of overwhelmingly superior forces. There are MANY other examples! To espouse you know history and be ignorant of the facts makes you the fool everyone claims you are. It's such a ridiculous missing of the facts, that people believe you are an antisemite, because the claim that "Jews went willingly to the gas chambers" is one of the sickest and false claims to ever come out of WW II.

    2. Of course you won't post it. People don't like the proof they are idiots, especially in public.

    3. Obviously your teachers were either the dumbest teachers and not qualified to teach, or antisemites. It does explain some of your other false beliefs. Given to you, I'm sure, by the same idiot teacher(s).

    4. Gail, or whomever you might be beyond the POS you have proven yourself (once again) to be, all I can sayis GFY.

      You are a very deranged individual. Neither you under the moniker of Gail, or any Anon, or wd/DS/BS, or any other who revels in the pursuit of the crap fest will be published.

      Now, FO asshat.

  21. I was going to raise the following point in an earlier mention of the tiresome untrue "RN is antisemitic" meme. But I didn't at the time. Bear with me, Les, this is entirely on topic at this moment

    Click below to see a typical example of the views in regards to antisemitism expressed on "Rational Nation"

    It would take a very twisted mind to interpret these views and the man presenting them as someone who dislikes Jewish people. Or, to be charitable, it would take someone who hasn't bothered to read RN posts.

    (When the "RN hates Jews" meme first came up, I researched it myself, and understood exact point described by him above. In fact, this is the general mainstream (i.e. not Francis Boyle, Pat Buchanan, Hamas, etc) view on this part of history. I can present some links for those who are ignorant of this, but it might be pointless: at this point, it is willfull ignorance that no amount of information can cure. I also found some of RN's many comments and posts against antisemitism. I myself have a hairtrigger when it comes to condemning antisemitism, and believe me, I would let RN have it with both barrels if he were antisemitic. But there's no way in hell anyone can think he is!)

  22. This wd guy lives in an alternate universe. Remember that FDR letter to the municipal workers union in which he said that he was against collective bargaining for government workers? 99.9999999999999% of the people who've read that letter agree that that's what FDR meant but along comes wd saying that he actually meant the opposite. It's just bizarre (handing Saddam Hussein over to some Islamic council populated only by dictatorships also).

    1. Actually, didn't he want Bin Laden handed over to that oft-discussed cabal of terrorist kingpins/dictators, of which Saddam Hussein was one?

      Or did he want Saddam Hussein judged by theocracy also?

  23. For sure gents there is no understanding the chump that is wd/DS/Anon and it certainly is not worth the time to try.

  24. I don't know if I should bother, given RN's last comment... but I am willing to offer a truce. RN isn't an antisemite. Like I said earlier (in an unpublished comment) I never really believed that. I'm willing to ban those anons from my blog. I'll even stop calling dmarks "Dennis" (as he really seems to hate it).

    As a show of good faith I'd appreciate it if RN would acknowledge that I didn't submit any anonymous comments to his blog AND I'd appreciate it if dmarks stopped bringing up these penis spams he thinks he banned me over. And stop calling me Colonel or Harlan. Not that any of these things bothers me that much, but I've got to ask for SOMETHING in return if we're going to have a truce. Also publish my comments here (if I decide to submit any).

    However, if RN says NO that's OK with me too. I've been working on my own post about RN as a rebuttal to this one. Not sure yet what I should do with it... I'll wait for RN's reply before I decide. Don't publish this and I'll take that as a "no" in regards to the truce. FYI I still think RN's explanation is illogical and that he's a freaking nutcase... but I'm sure he believes the same about me. Obviously we're both secure enough in our beliefs that each one of us thinking the other "lives in an alternate universe" doesn't bother either one of us. I can live with that just fine. Anyway, waiting for RN's reply...

    1. Consider this publishing of your comment my response.

      It is done so without further comment.

    2. Effective as of this time and comment neither you or your asshat buddies will be posted here again,. Now, GFY.

    3. In response to your last attempted comment post wd/DS/BS... Take your offer of a true and shove it. Note that you will no longer be able to post Anonymously nor will you be posted period. Neither will the LEGIONS of other ASSHAT PROGRESSIVES whose ONLY purpose is to start a liberal progressive crap fest be posted here any longer.

      Go back to your sewer and have a blast dude. Or you could get a life. The choice is yours. At any rate you are done here. Feel free to post whatever bullshit about me you choose. Liars like yourself are wroth a thimble or a bucket of spit.

    4. Correction - Truce not true.

      Correction - Liars like yourself are NOT worth a thimble or a bucket spit.

  25. Since it was addressed to me also, fair enough also.

  26. Addressed to DS: My ban is also gone. Has been for a while. I published the last comment that came through as being from WD/DS. I keep comment approval on, because I have gotten comments from the various anonymouses (anonymice?) seen around these various blogs, and I quickly quell it. Not that it matters much: as you have said many times, my blog is boring as hell, and I haven't posted for a while anyway.

  27. In the name of trucing I also will not email anyone that I think WD is "nuts." And I take this opportunity to confess that I did email RN a few days ago reiterating my opinion on that matter. Consider that the last one.

    If WD feels he should email two people, whether they be righties or independent conservatives to tell them I am "nuts" I will of course be understanding and accept that he was just evening the score.

    1. Mighty big of you Joe Truth 101 Kelly, and very understanding as well.

      But now that you're a RINO and running in the John McCain, Mittens Romney, Karl Rove, that chameleon Sarah Palin et al circles I suppose I'll have to go easy on you.

      wd/DS/BS is of course an entirely different matter. Being only slightly to the right of Mao (and quite nutty as we discussed) I have decided to simply use the ignore button.

      Good seeing you here Joe, and I hope the republicans appreciate your cross ideological wisdom and use it to their advantage. However, not being a member in good standing in the party any longer I can't give you any helpful pointers. Other than to steer clear of Michelle B. and Louie G.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.


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