Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth This site was seriously thinking about turning its spotlight off Donald Trump. That is no big deal because FOX Snooze, rightwing radio, and the rightwing blogs constantly afford him almost 24/7 exposure. However, after The Donald opened the gaping hole in his head called his mouth and came out with the following on on Morning Joe it was determined another "point out the sordid mentality and flawed character"of Trump was most definitely in order. After all, every decent, ethical, and liberty loving American should being doing everything possible to ensure Trumps bit for the presidency is a dead end road. Shouldn't they? Brzezinski: Do you like Vladimir Putin's comments about you? Trump: Sure. When people call you brilliant, it's always good, especially when the person heads up Russia. Scarborough: Well, I mean, also, it's a person that kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously, th...