According To One Senator Democrats Are "Blunderheads"...

Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Look no further than the following statements and it is easy to understand in part what is wrong with our broken politics and present government.

Political rhetoric has always been cantankerous and at times extremely heated. But until recently elected representatives of the people (from both parties) have held the interest of the people of this nation as a priority. It now seems the only thing of importance these days is wining elections because it enables the victorious party to push through the agenda(s) of special interest groups that have bought them and expect results from their expenditures.

"Frankly, I intend to win with our candidate for the presidency in 2016, and we will give them a taste of their own medicine, ..."

"And we're going to win. We're going to win. These next two years are extremely important. Maybe the most important two years in our history."

"We should not return to the old rule. We should teach those blunderheads that they made a big mistake. And we have the votes to stop bad judges if we want to, ..."

"I get a big kick out of them using the word 'progressive,'" he said. "My gosh, they're just straight old dumbass liberals anyway."

"... He has a Republican Congress that's willing to work with him. That's the thing that's pretty interesting to me."

These comments were made by a United States Senator. Maybe it's just me but I think I would have a very hard time working with anyone who held these views. They really demonstrate his personal beliefs about the opposing party as well as a unwillingness to work with his counterparts across the aisle.

And, he is not the most intransigent of the lot. In fairness... the entire article can be found BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I know, some things simply are worthy of repeating. Who knows, maybe someday it will sink in.

  2. Ha! The link was supposed to send you HERE But yes, some things ARE worth repeating.

  3. It's past my bedtime and I have an early gym appointment.

  4. In this election, the Democrats certainly acted like "blunderheads" but any agreement I have ends before this statement: "... we will give them a taste of their own medicine ..."

    The current partisan impasse, the way I see it, can be summed up this way:

    The credo of contest versus the credo of conquest

    In a distant galaxy not long ago, politics was approached as a “contest” where the rules of engagement were embodied in this poem:

    "For when the One Great Scorer comes
    To mark against your name,
    He writes - not that you won or lost -
    But how you played the Game.

    (Alumnus Football by Grantland Rice)

    You may consider me quaint and naïve – and bit old fashioned - but these were the values of my upbringing; and I still believe in the credo of honesty, integrity, good sportsmanship, and fair play. Somewhere along the way, we lost our way as the credo changed to this:

    Winning isn't everything," [followed a long pause] "it's the only thing!" (spoken by UCLA Bruins coach Red Sanders).

    Honesty, integrity, and fair play no longer matter as long as you “win” by any means necessary. Consider me quaint and naïve, but politics is NOT football; and the politics of “my-way-or-the-highway” and “winner-take-all” is no way to run our public affairs. All citizens, regardless of background or means, are contestants in this experiment called “democracy;” and no citizen deserves to be disenfranchised by a credo of “conquest” - the politics of bullying, intimidation, obstruction, chicanery, deception, and dark money.

    Although my friends of different partisan persuasion may disagree on many issues, at least we share this “American” heritage in common:

    Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” asked Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia.

    A republic, if you can keep it,” replied Ben Franklin.

    Question of the day: Can we keep it ... or will we let extremism, hyper-partisanship, and the politics of “conquest” ruin it?

  5. "Although my friends of different partisan persuasion may disagree on many issues, at least we share this "American" heritage in common."

    Hear Hear!

    I believe we can keep it (O) CT (O) PUS because the framework and foundation are strong. As long as we do not allow our secular government to be infiltrated by the mystics of faith or give in to corporatism and the well financed special interests we should weather this storm and come out on the other side stronger for the battering.

    If we don't? We'll go the way of Rome.

    1. The framework and foundation seem helpless in the face of selling weird ideas and buying gullible voters. Big $$$$ and big guv are working out like sparks and TNT, IMO

  6. RN: “If we don't?"

    For me at least, this year has been a kind of turning point where I find more agreement among my conservative and libertarian friends than in years past. Perhaps it is the extremism of the moment that drives us towards the center. Instead of depending upon “change” to trickle down from the top, perhaps change will trickle from the bottom up through our example.

  7. Politicians have been saying bad things about other politicians since the beginning of the Republic (Adams versus Jefferson, Hamilton versus Burr, Harrison versus Cleveland, etc.) and so none of this is really new. The only really big difference that I see is the explosion of the media and communications in general and so, while 200 year ago you'd have to wait two weeks to hear Dan Quayle's idiot son call Obama the "worst President in American history" and that mouth-breather, Alan Grayson refer to his opponent as "Taliban Dan", now you can hear it almost immediately. Lucky us, huh?


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