Healthy Eating Choices Made Easier...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

Kudos once again to the First Lady for her efforts in keeping healthy eating in the spotlight and championing new and improved nutritional labeling om prepared foods products.

As a NASM CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) I understand and can relate to exactly what the First Lady is saying.

There will likely be those who will make fun of Michelle Obama's video, and expresses the argument that the eating choices of children are best left to the discretion of their parents. They are technically right. But there is nothing like easily assessable and easily understandable accurate information when making those choices that effect the health and well being of your children.

Full article BELOW THE FOLD.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Good point.... adding information is not being any sort of food Nazi.

  2. It's better for markets too. It makes for more choices.


    1. If there is a downside, I am not seeing it, Jersey.

  3. I would think Libertarian's would be fine with this (and everyone else).

    One of the prime requirements for a truly free market transaction is equal knowledge on both sides.
    Providing nutrition information allows better informed decisions. The information may be ignored but it's there to use.


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