
Showing posts from March, 2014

SNL.. Hilarious, In a Way...

Rational Nation USA Liberty-vs-Tyranny aka: Reason Versus Progressivism Site hours are changing. Site will be on line for public viewing and to take comments from 5:00 PM until 10:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00 AM TO 12:30 PM and from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Friday from 8:00 PM TO 11:30 PM, and Weekends at my pleasure. Power Line - Reality has been outrunning satire for a while in the Age of Obama, but the folks at Saturday Night Live seem to think they can pull it off. As we approach the shifting deadline for Obamacare enrollment on Monday, Obama adviser “Mike” (he looks an awful lot like Obama flack Dan Pfeiffer) and social media expert “Mara” are featured talking Obama into taking promotional photographs that are guaranteed to go viral and deliver ten million additional sign-ups in the next 48 hours. How low will Obama go? Obama is shown submitting to a photograph in Pharrell’s hat while holding sign touting He takes a group photo ...

The Grizzly Bear Calls The Cub...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth The president and Mr. Putin have been locked in a tense standoff since Russian forces rolled through Crimea earlier this month and Russia annexed the region of Ukraine, a move that the United States and its allies refuse to recognize. Over the past several days, Mr. Obama has urged European nations and other allies to consider broadening sanctions against Russia if Mr. Putin escalates the situation in Ukraine. Mr. Obama has also vowed to enhance, with other nations’ help, NATO’s protections of member countries along the border with Russia. According to the White House Russian President Vladimir Putin has contacted President Obama to discuss a proposal put forth by Obama to diffuse the current "stand of" between the two nations. While it appears neither side is prepared to fall back and give any ground Putin and Obama agreed that Secretary Kerry and Foreign Minister Lavrov should meet soon for discussions. As...

We Don't Need Non Attorney Types As Comittee Chairmen...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Well by gosh, unless you're a lawyer you apparently can't represent your constituents or handle ethical and complex issues properly. At least according to Iowa democratic senate candidate Braley. What is more likely, and certainly a lot more truthful is that we have too damn many lawyers and shysters in the senate already. The remarks by Braley, a trial lawyer and congressman who is running in the high-stakes open race for retiring U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin’s seat, quickly caught fire on Twitter and various national news sites, as politics watchers predicted that this incident will bruise a campaign that they’ve been confident would see victory in November. And Grassley’s staff pulled no punches in responding this today, National Agriculture Day, when a statue of an Iowa ag hero was unveiled in the U.S. Capitol. “If you help me win this race,” Braley says in the video, posted online by a donor after the Jan. 23...

What's Happening To Freedom Of the Press?...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Many have long believed the federal government has slowing but steadily been working to limit the freedom of the press. While the Obama administration has arguably been one of our nation's least transparent, it is no more quilty of attempts to limit press freedom than any other. Things are relative when viewed in the proper context. Obama's administration is continuing a trend and as people and the press have become less watchful and the current administration has simply accelerating the efforts of prior administrations. Andrew Beaujon, writing for Poynter , discusses this concern HERE . If what Mr. Beajon presents becomes reality it will have chilling consequences for present and future generations of Americans. Government limitations on the press and reporting is contrary to everything our founders believed. A free press is essential to maintaining oversight on federal power and instrumental in insuring the citi...

Mandates and Other Such Stuff... Senator Boxer Compares Abortion Pill to Viagra on MSNBC

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth I question just why the hell the federal government should be mandating that taxpayers, or company sponsored insurance should pay for women's birth control? Is it really the governments business? Further, Boxer makes a valid point... why should Viagra be mandated coverage for company sponsored insurance or taxpayer funded coverage for those on assistance? As an aside... from a logical, rational viewpoint why is religion even being discussed? If you're of the mind many religionists have, that birth control is somehow immoral, just don't use the damn stuff. Via: Memeorandum

A Chronology... And, Some Leftist BS...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Interesting, from r eason .com ... Q: What is the Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" flag? A. (1775): A banner designed by Continental Col. Christopher Gadsden , using colonial rattlesnake imagery popularized by Benjamin Franklin, that accompanied the first-ever mission of the nascent U.S. Navy. A. (1991): A song and album cover from Metallica. A. (2004): A common sight at anti-Iraq War protests. A. (2009): According to law enforcement officials , “the most common symbol displayed by militia members and organizations,” possibly indicative of “terrorist or criminal operations.” A. (2009): According to anti-Tea Party commentators, a historical indicator of white resentment against blacks . A. (2013): According to the mayor and the city council of New Rochelle, New York , a symbol so “offensive,” so drenched with “right-wing connotations,” that it must immediately be taken down from the New Rochelle Arm...

On Hypocrisy...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Coming across this articular on Memeorandum it drew my attention. Something about the headline told me something of interest was waiting inside the article. Sure enough there was. Hypocrisy is a subject discussed and talked about frequently on blogs representing every side and social issue all over the internet. Gay rights and Gay pride is but one among the many. While this article is is from the Catholic League it is relevant, balanced, and does have truth in it. The author, Bill Donohue make his point concisely and respectfully. The ring of truth to it is almost palatable. Draw your own conclusions... Bill Donohue comments on his exchange with officials from New York’s Heritage of Pride parade: For the past few days I have been engaged in an e-mail conversation with officials from the Heritage of Pride parade, New York’s annual gay event; the dialogue has been cordial. I asked to join the parade under a banner ...

Big Bang and Multiverses...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U SA Purveyor of Truth This is big, really Very Big . Of course there will be the naysayers (socon fundies are likely), but, as science continues to push the envelope of knowledge it will be ever more difficult to hold on to those myths humans have created for themselves. WGBN - It’s being called one of the biggest scientific discoveries in history. Over the weekend, the theory of “inflation,” described as the “smoking gun” of the Big Bang, was proven. Inflation was theorized by physicists Alan Guth and Andrei Linde back in the 1970s. Guth now teaches just down the road at MIT, and Linde works at Stanford. A big hat tip goes to my brother. Thanks bro! This rocks... UPDATE: In the interest of fair and balanced we are providing a bit of Creationism , please click on the highlighted link. Perhaps a bit off the Multiverse concept and topic but giving the creationists equal time here at Rational Nation U S A is our goal. When the creation...

Cry Me A River - Ella Fitzgerald, 1961


"Democrats Get Clobbeed In Midterms"... President Barack Obama

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Really it comes as no surprise. With President Obama's approval ratings suffering, partially the result of a horrific ACA roll out, the fact that "if you like plan you can keep your plan you can keep your plan", and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" turning out not to be a totally accurate statement, concern with the President's, and his parties handling of foreign affairs it is evident the President has entered defense mode. His statement (the headline quote) may very well be as accurate as it gets. THE HILL - President Obama complained Thursday that Democrats “get clobbered” in midterm elections, blaming a “toxic” atmosphere in Washington for suppressing Democratic constituencies. “The challenge is that our politics in Washington have become so toxic that people just lose faith,” Obama told a group of top Democratic donors gathered at the home of former Miami Heat star ...

Thoughts On the Civil War and What Precipitated It...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Over at Contra O'Reilly Will Hart has been running a interesting series on the Civil War and what the primary causes were. Historians continue to disagree with the root, or primary causes. However it is generally accepted among knowledgeable and unbiased experts that slavery had very little to do with the onset of the War Between the States. Causes were primarily economic and constitutional. Will, in his posts has done a good job of pointing this out with supporting documentation. This site offers the following, a July 2013 article by David Hirsch in support of Will Hart's arguments. Arguments this site wholly concurs with. Arthur Hirsch's recent article about the Battle of Gettysburg reveals a disturbing ignorance of the political dynamics that brought this nation to a war that 150 years later remains the most cataclysmic event in our history ("A defining day relived," July 2). It accepts the sh...

Health Insurance Premiums To Rise...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, a misnomer if ever there was one, is destined to become even more unaffordable for many people in the near future. Setting the miserably inept roll out aside, and the President's assurances that " if you like your plan you and keep your plan and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor " The Hill is reporting that "O-Care premiums are set to skyrocket." It is becoming more evident that the concerns expressed by the skeptics, and indeed there were and remain many, are coming to pass. With premiums that may triple in some regions can anyone blame people for questioning the President's integrity at this juncture? Republican's have been looking for a major issue that could be a real game changer for the party in the 2016 presidential election. Hitting people hard in their pocketbooks usually has a significant or even huge im...

Do You Know?...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Reasonable questions? Reasonable concerns? Do we as citizens as well as the press have a right, indeed a responsibility to question our government boldly?... regardless of party in power? Does doing so make one unpatriotic? A conspiracy theorist? A looney tune looking for attention? Given the rhetoric of some sometimes one cannot but help to wonder.

Laughter, the Best Medicine!...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Received an e-mail from my Dad the other day. He's getting up in age and at 81 I look forward to his occasional electronic communications. Being one of those guys who has always had the knack for telling jokes, and believe me when he gets going they roll off is tongue effortless, he often sends jokes by e-mail to his family and friends. This morning as I clicked on my web mail sure enough Dad had sent along some vintage Rodney Dangerfield quips. One of the best one liner comedians in the business Dad, maybe without realizing it had started my day off laughing and I knew it was going to be a very good day! Thanks Dad. Rodney, we miss ya... and thanks for all the laughs ya gave us over the years. Enjoy! My wife only has sex with me for a purpose. Last night she used me to time an egg. It's tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won't drink from my glass! Last night my wife met ...

Why the United States Shouldn't Waste Time or Money On the Ukraine/Crimea...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Exactly why the USA and the Obama administration consider the situation in Crimea a proper use of our time and or resources is puzzling. Especially given the small patch of land has no real strategic or tactical impact on our security or national interests. Further, the people of Crimea voted over this past weekend to join the Russian Federation. Crimea is 60% ethnic Russian and they voted (self determination) in what they believed their interest to become a part of the RF rater than remain an autonomous region of Ukraine. Democracy at work, right? Ron Paul, in an editorial piece in USA TODAY spells out the reasons most Libertarians believe the administrations stance is misguided. Mr. Paul's arguments are hard to argue against if viewed with an eye to democracy, self determination of the Crimean peoples, and even our own Constitution. Residents of Crimea voted over the weekend on whether they would remain an auton...

Help Obama Kickstart World War III!

Given the Russian Ukraine situation and the Obama Putin stare down perhaps this???

Tit for Tat...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth President Obama poked a stick in Russian President Vladimir Putin's eye Monday when he announced sanctions would placed on several high-profile Russian and Ukrainian officials. As one might expect it is being reported that Strong Arm Putin will respond by, you got it, placing sanctions on certain United States Senators. TPM - Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to release a list of U.S. officials who will be sanctioned, which likely means a freeze on their assets in Russia and a prohibition on travel there, the Daily Beast reported Monday. Skip Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), who has been outspoken in criticizing Putin and Russia, is expected to be on the sanctions list. Other potential names include Sens. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Bob Corker (R-TN), both members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, though the list is still being finalized, according to the Daily Beast. The sanctio...

Republicans To Craft and Present Alternative To the ACA...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor if Truth House Republican leaders are adopting an agreed-upon conservative approach to fixing the nation’s health-care system, in part to draw an election-year contrast with President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. The plan includes an expansion of high-risk insurance pools, promotion of health savings accounts and inducements for small businesses to purchase coverage together. Well by gosh it's about time! Finally the Republicans are getting their proverbial s**t together on a healthcare plan. Only problem is the ACA is moving steadily along its path to full implementation like the lumbering bureaucratic behemoth that it is. In other words the Republicans are five years too late and a few million (or is it a billion) dollars short. In any case this is a welcome development. At the very least it should be hoped by everyone of all political persuasions that it opens honest and constructive dialog between the two parties. If it...

Humor of the Week.., or Would That be the Weak..., Hell, Nevermind

The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes , The Daily Show on Facebook \ h/t Progressive Eruptions

Liberal Professors At Rutgers University Displaying Liberal Lunacy... Want to Cancel Condoleezza Rice Invitation To Speak At Commencement Ceremony

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth How is the public served by muzzling one of the most thoughtful, accomplished and respected political voices of her time just because she happens to be a Republican? Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was extended an invitation to speak at Rutgers University graduation ceremonies, as well as receiving an honorary degree from the University. Rutgers University obviously feels this highly intelligent, accomplished, patriotic African American woman was deserving of both the honorary degree and the speaking invitation. Most Americans would agree. Unless you happen to be a liberal professor with a political agenda. Following is what the New Brunswick Faculty Council of Rutgers University had to say with respect to the university extending the invitation when they voted last week to ask the universities leadership to cancel their invitation. Condoleezza Rice lacks “moral authority.” She fails to meet the standards of...

Rational Thought Prevails In The Senate...

by: Les Carpenter Ration Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Today the Senate rejected President Obama's nomination of Debo Adegbile to head the DOJ's civil rights division. In a surprising 47-52 vote seven democratic senators joined republicans to deny Mr. Adegbile confirmation. This defeat highlights the break with the Obama administration and Senate leadership by more moderate centrist democrats. In what is developing as a tough election cycle for democrats seeking reelection to the Senate this defeat only adds to the democratic parties potential difficulties in holding the Senate. From THE HILL : The Senate rejected President Obama’s nominee to lead the Justice Department’s civil rights division on Wednesday in a stunning 47-52 vote in which seven Democrats abandoned their leadership. The vote was all the more remarkable for the five Democrats in tough reelection races this year who voted in vain to move Debo Adegbile’s nomination forward. Their votes now become a...

Putin, Obama, and Irrationality All Around...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth As the United States and the World watch and react (or not react, sometimes the best response) we are witnessing geopolitical posturing (and hyperbole) kicking into high gear. The management of this site has stocked up on healthy snacks (and not so healthy beverages :-) ) to watch the irrationality place itself out. As much as it is tempting to pontificate on the current political idiocy unfolding before our eyes a sense of calm prevails here at Rational Nation USA . Knee jerk reactions, something our rather intellectually challenged officials and politicians in both parties seem to suffer from, are never advisable and usually always turn out badly. Thinking Vietnam, Iraq, and the whole host of costly nation building endeavors that failed to produce the desired results the government of the United States had told the populace it would this site ain't gonna say too much. Other than provide links to several articles ...

The Invasion Of Imposter Bloggers

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth The internet is a wonderful place. A world of almost unlimited information and knowledge is available at a mere click of the mouse. If one has a computer, a smart phone, a notebook, or other such equipment access to a a wealth of information and facts are available in seconds. A person only need to take the time to do a bit of searching. Unfortunately the internet has a dark side as well. Individuals with a bit of knowledge and limited computer expertise can set up a site, or multiple sites and generate a lot of misinformation, total fabrications, outright lies, engage in defamation of someones character, and do it anonymously. In fact in the world of blogging it is fast becoming commonplace for unethical bloggers to set up a site, steal the avatar of another blogger, slightly change the original bloggers site names, and then go after the blogger whose positions they don't agree with. The unethical blogger's ( im...

Healthy Eating Choices Made Easier...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Kudos once again to the First Lady for her efforts in keeping healthy eating in the spotlight and championing new and improved nutritional labeling om prepared foods products. As a NASM CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) I understand and can relate to exactly what the First Lady is saying. There will likely be those who will make fun of Michelle Obama's video, and expresses the argument that the eating choices of children are best left to the discretion of their parents. They are technically right. But there is nothing like easily assessable and easily understandable accurate information when making those choices that effect the health and well being of your children. Full article BELOW THE FOLD . Via: Memeorandum