SNL.. Hilarious, In a Way...
Rational Nation USA Liberty-vs-Tyranny aka: Reason Versus Progressivism Site hours are changing. Site will be on line for public viewing and to take comments from 5:00 PM until 10:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00 AM TO 12:30 PM and from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Friday from 8:00 PM TO 11:30 PM, and Weekends at my pleasure. Power Line - Reality has been outrunning satire for a while in the Age of Obama, but the folks at Saturday Night Live seem to think they can pull it off. As we approach the shifting deadline for Obamacare enrollment on Monday, Obama adviser “Mike” (he looks an awful lot like Obama flack Dan Pfeiffer) and social media expert “Mara” are featured talking Obama into taking promotional photographs that are guaranteed to go viral and deliver ten million additional sign-ups in the next 48 hours. How low will Obama go? Obama is shown submitting to a photograph in Pharrell’s hat while holding sign touting He takes a group photo ...