
Showing posts from August, 2013

Every So Often the Nation Gets GREAT News!...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Life is Grand! If You're a Multi- Millionaire Collectivist Progressive Hot damn! A great thing for the nation... ! Looking to the likely future realities (based on the recent past) of the no doubt Republican failure to reclaim political relevancy. NationalJournal - NJ Do you want to be speaker again? PELOSI No, that's not my thing. I did that. { Read the Full Interview Here } Perhaps we will be so lucky as to see her next announce retirement? Naw, likely not. She's a power broker and no doubt loves the rush. Via: Memeorandum

For a Change Conservatives and Liberals Coming Together...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A L i b e r t y -vs- T y r a n n y This is a day I have long waited for. A day that gives me great satisfaction. Reasoned and reasonable liberals and conservatives in a bi-partisan fashion have sent a strong and constitutionally correct signal to the President. Perhaps most rewarding for me is that these conservatives are finally acting like conservatives ought to be acting every time it comes to ordering military action against another sovereign nation. With extreme skepticism and caution. Liberals, to their great credit are "bucking" their party leader. Good news from both sides of the aisle. Perhaps the ultimate outcome will be as the President seems to favor. If the President listens to the peoples representatives , whether they give or withhold Congressional approval for intervention the people have won. Just as our Founders intended. Maybe this mood will take hold and last? Naw, not likely given the republican tendency to ...

A Sampling of the Day's News...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Ty ra nny Feeling like posting something tonight but at the same time I am feeling a bit lazy. So, following are some today's stories. Click to read. “Experts” Who Are Always Wrong About Everything Want to Bomb Syria Obama’s third war The folly of striking Syria White House: We're not seeking 'regime change' as goal in Syria Exclusive: Syria strike due in days, West tells opposition - sources Obama, race and class Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS By Cutting People With Special Rings Obama source predicts Summers will be named Fed chief soon How Louie Gohmert Is Fueling An Anti-American Conspiracy Theory In Egypt Rogue IRS Shamefully Targets Nation’s Veterans Iranian Official: Israel to Be ‘First Victim’ of U.S. Attack on Syria Boehner visits Boise; vows to succeed with entitlement reform this fall

Taking a Scientific Look at Surveillance and Big Brother...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny The Patriot Act and all that it brought with it, including and especially the NSA, has arguably taken the USA a few steps closer to the dystopian world portrayed in George Oswell's novel 1984. Some, perhaps many may find this over dramatic and hold the belief that it can't really happen here. And, perhaps these people might very well be right. Or, they could possibly be very wrong. The following is an interesting article, and it is backed up by more than hyperbole or a political agenda. Recommended reading and food for thought. The ultimate determination as to whether it becomes an eventual reality or not is of course up to us, We the People or, Something Else. The Guardian - Recent disclosures about the scope of government surveillance are staggering. We now know that the UK's Tempora program records huge volumes of private communications, including – as standard – our emails, soci...

How A Nation Can and Does Change...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States." –Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 1787 That was then. In an interview with the Daily Times Herald in Carroll, Iowa, state Rep. Dan Muhlbauer said governments should start confiscating semi-automatic rifles and other firearms. Muhlbauer, a Democrat from the western Iowa town of Manilla, is a cattleman and farmer. The newspaper reported that he owns a .410 shotgun, a .22 rifle and a .22 pistol. “We cannot have big guns out here as far as the big guns that are out here, the semi-automatics and all of th...

America Becoming Progessively More Accepting of Big Government Statism...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny An interesting poll out by pollster David Winston clearly shows that American's, by a wide margin, favor ObamaCare and big statist government. Not at all surprising as this is the way America has been heading over the last 113 years. It is indeed a slow simmering process to the utopian gates of the Progressive Kingdom. Washington Examiner - A new poll done for Republican members of Congress has found huge public opposition, and solid opposition among Republicans, to the idea of shutting down the government over the issue of funding Obamacare. In a national survey of 1,000 registered voters done July 31 and August 1, the question, from pollster David Winston, said, “Some members of Congress have proposed shutting down the government as a way to defund the president’s health care law” and asked respondents whether they favored or opposed that plan. Overall, 71 percent of those surveyed opposed a shutdown,...

The Best and the Worst..

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Lib er ty -vs- Tyr a nny If being considered a great president is defined as effective leadership during times of great change or challenging circumstances the following list of the United States top ten presidents may very well be accurate. 10) Lyndon Baines Johnson 9) Thomas Jefferson 8) Franklin Delano Roosevelt 7) William Howard Taft 6) Dwight David Eisenhower 5) James Madison 4) Andrew Jackson 3) George Washington 2) Theodore Roosevelt 1) Abraham Lincoln Count the number of statist presidents in the top ten. By my count it is five, or 50%. Now on to the worst American presidents. If ineptitude and lack of leadership is the marker the following list may might be accurate as well. I say might be because it was compiled by U.S. News and World Report. 10) Zachary Taylor 9) (Tie) Herbert Hoover...

An Exercise in Definitions and Concepts...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation U S A Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Definition of COLLECTIVISM: 1: a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution; also : a system marked by such control 2: emphasis on collective rather than individual action or identity Definition of INDIVIDUALISM: 1: a. Belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence. b. Acts or an act based on this belief. 2: a. A doctrine advocating freedom from government regulation in the pursuit of a person's economic goals. b. A doctrine holding that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group. 3: a. The quality of being an individual; individuality. b. An individual characteristic; a quirk. Definitions posted for the benefit of those who have difficulty in understanding the the subtle differences. Example from a prior blog post: ...

Rand and Hitchens in Agreement...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny An interesting matching...

The Last Lecture...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny

A Breath of Fresh Air From the Past...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny As we continue to find ways to advance collectivism in America and diminish individuality this Ayn Rand interview on the Johnny Carson show is indeed a welcome respite. Even if only for a brief 26 1/2 minutes. I find it interesting how little the republican party represents the principles of Objectivism. Irrespective of what many have said.

As Midnight Approaches...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny ... Those earlier cases have given the police broad discretion to search possessions on the person of an arrested suspect, including notebooks, calendars and pagers. The government contends that a cellphone is no different than any other object a suspect might be carrying . (Emphasis mine) As the government of the people, by the people, and for the people under President Obama continues and even accelerates the march to the military state. As the people sleep. Sadly the people of this once great and free nation are allowing the pompous, elitist. and thoroughly statist minded politicians and lawmakers of both parties to bamboozle us and in the process destroy the freedom and liberties this nation was built on. All the political correct bullshit and pablum cannot change that which this nation has FREELY CHOSEN to inflict upon itself. It is midnight in America, one we chose to accept and settle for. The responsibilit...

The Obama Administration's Expansion of Domestic Surveillance...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny The Obama administration has legally justified the National Security Agency's collection of phone data from every American by citing a provision of the Patriot Act that applies to business records. Above, President Obama is seen at a news conference on Aug. 9 in which he discussed NSA surveillance and terrorist threats. ( Drew Angerer / EPA ) The Congress, under President George W. Bush, on the heels of the 2001 - 911 terrorist attacks on American soil, ushered in a new and enhanced surveillance state. Upon enactment of the Patriot Act, bringing about the great expansion of the government intelligence bureaucracy that gave us the Department of Homeland Security, NSA, and TSA, we now find ourselves in the midst of a growing discussion/debate as to whether the government has crossed the line with it's super surveillance of every phone call made by individ...

Ted Cruz, A likely Tea Party Republican Candidate for Pesident Holds Dual Canadian/USA Citizenship...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Well I'll be damned! A possible Birthergate 2? . Not likely. Sen. Ted Cruz's birth certificate shows he was born in Canada in 1970. It was released exclusively to The Dallas Morning News. WASHINGTON — Born in Canada to an American mother, Ted Cruz became an instant U.S. citizen. But under Canadian law, he also became a citizen of that country the moment he was born. Unless the Texas Republican senator formally renounces that citizenship, he will remain a citizen of both countries, legal experts say. That means he could assert the right to vote in Canada or even run for Parliament. On a lunch break from the U.S. Senate, he could head to the nearby embassy — the one flying a bright red maple leaf flag — pull out his Calgary, Alberta, birth certificate and obtain a passport. “He’s a Canadian,” said Toronto lawyer Stephen Green, past chairman of the Canadian Bar Association’s Citizenship and Immigrat...

Julian Assange Hitting the Nail On It's Head...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Julian Assange may very well be correct. However, his recent statement that " The only hope as far as electoral politics… presently, is the libertarian section of the Republican party,... " will undoubtedly displease the liberal progressives democratic party as well as the the republican party, perhaps especially the RINO's and the militaristic MIC wing of the GOP. Which of course gives one EVERY rational reason to believe Assange is absolutely RIGHT. Campus Reform - “The only hope as far as electoral politics… presently, is the libertarian section of the Republican party,” said Assange, in response to a question about the recent swell of college-aged and youth-based support for libertarianism. “The libertarian aspect of the Republican Party is presently the only useful political voice really in the U.S. Congress,” said Assange. “[I] am a big admirer of Ron Paul and Rand Paul for their very prin...

The New Modern Republican Party?...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Perhaps the following is a big reason the Republican party, aka the Tea Party, is losing credibility. Given Steve Lonegan's self identified "callous disregard" for presumably every conceivable (unfortunate) situation maybe the party of which he is a member should take a look at how the majority of Americans view his callousness, and by extension the callousness of the party he represents. Only a blind person could shoot themselves (and their party) in the foot as thoroughly as this dunderhead. Read the story HERE . Via: Memeorandum

Gingrich Speaking Out, In Criticism Of His Own Party...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny I have not been a advocate of Newt Gingrich these past few years. I mean during his presidential campaign and all. I guess though the guy deserves credit for having the capacity to work with Bill Clinton when he was Speaker of the House and Mr. Clinton was the President. Now, during these times of rancor and discontent between brothers and sisters (conservatives and liberals, republicans and democrats) Mr. Gingrich is advising his more recalcitrant Republican brethren to, well, can I safely say THINK? The ex Speaker is sounding an quite a bit like, well, an elder Statesman chastising his own party for their lack of idea's nonetheless. Who would've thought? I ain't no backer of the ACA has written and poured down our throats. But given the opposition party has come up with no alternative, other than repealing the ACA (and impeaching President Obama) I give the Speaker high fives for speaking out. ...

Mayor Bob Filner, Getting it Shoved Up His by Hooters!...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Not big news. Yet is is indicative of our nation and the general moral fiber of said nation. A very appropriate response to a VERY sick individual. SLATE - Earlier today, the executive director of the San Diego Republican Party tweeted this image ( above ) from in front of the Hooters in Rancho Bernardo. According to the manager of that restaurant, all of the Hooters locations in the city (Rancho Bernardo is in the zone) have taken up this policy. "The signs went up at our four locations in San Diego this morning," said Melissa Fry, director of marketing for HootWinc, the west coast Hooters franchise. "It's not a political move for us in any way, shape, or form. We're strictly taking a stand for the fair treatment of women. At our franchise alone, we employ 1100 beautiful, talented women." And so Mayor Bob Filner, who has been locked out of city hall, has just been locked out of this f...

Oy Vey, Louie G. ... Idiocy Personified!

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA L iberty -vs- Tyrann y Perhaps the best comedy show in America! Here's the Story . Via: Memeorandum

It is Becoming Clearer Methinks...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny I was just reading Thomas Paine. I was actually amazed at how much I had FORGOTTEN about the man and galvanizing force for the American Revolution over the past 43 years since I actually read and studied a bit about his life and social views. I was warmly reminded that aside from NOT being a religious zealot he actually bought into the whole notion that there is, and out to be a social contract between the people and the government they have a right to choose. Damn I feel stupid (it's either that or I'm suffering from dementia) right about now. I guess advancing age can have that effect. I can't speak for the young-ins in the The Party movement of course, nor would I want to. WASHINGTON — In another setback for President Obama’s health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may have to spend on their own health...

All In Good Fun Or...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Perhaps this was just a bit over the top. But kinda funny nonetheless. Beside, political caricatures and comedy have been around a very long time. But this is President Obama and therefore requires a greater degree of sensitivity . (AP Photo/Jameson Hsieh) AP - A clown wearing a President Barack Obama mask appeared at a Missouri State Fair rodeo this weekend and the announcer asked the enthusiastic spectators if they wanted to see "Obama run down by a bull." The antics led the state's second highest-ranking official, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, to denounce the performance in a tweet Sunday. He said it was "disrespectful" to the president. "We are better than this," the Republican tweeted. State Fair officials said the show in Sedalia was "inappropriate" and "does not reflect the opinions or standards" of the fair. "We strive to be a family friendly event a...

It Just Makes Common Sense... To The Rational Thinking Anyway

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Libert y -vs- Tyrann y RALEIGH — Gov. Pat McCrory Monday signed into law a bill requiring voters to produce a photo ID when they go to the polls, a measure that was hailed by Republicans as a means for heightening ballot security but which was criticized by Democrats as a thinly disguised effort at voter suppression. The measure signed by McCrory also reduces the early voting period by a week, ends early voting on Sunday, ends same-day voter registration, and does away with pre-registration of 16 and 17-year olds. “North Carolinians overwhelmingly support a common sense law that requires voters to present photo identification in order to cast a ballot,” McCrory said in a statement. “I am proud to sign this legislation into law. Common practices like boarding an airplane and purchasing Sudafed require photo ID and we should expect nothing less for the protection of our right to vote.” { Read More } Only the far left, those with a polit...

As Ricky Keeps on Keeping On...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA L iberty -vs- Tyrann y Brought to you from the Santorum universe. A special place were you learn alternative reality. Via: Memeorandum

It is So Comfortble to Not Need to Give a Rat's Arse Anymore About What Idiots Think...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny I have my share of disagreements with the progressive mindset. Especially, and particularly with the far out leftists that haven't a clue about what liberty and individual freedom means or the value of retaining the same. However, every once in a while a person with a considerably (and I mean considerably as in a boatload of) more overall progressive viewpoint than my own comes along that makes a whole lot of sense. When these occasions arise I think I would be remiss if I did not consider the author's views as well as passing them on to a different and broader conservative libertarian audience than might be otherwise reached. Tao Speaks - I am not a big fan of either of the two major political parties that exist today in the United States and the minor parties that do exist seem to cherish being extreme and exist for no other reason. I do understand the economic policies of the Republican Party and I b...

At a Loss for Words...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Li berty -vs- Ty ranny Planning on a lot of popcorn from now until 2016. Oy Vey!!! Article at HuffPo Via: Memeorandum

An Up and Coming Progressive Site...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny Today's blog entry is a very special entry. It is special in that it features a relatively new, yet up and coming spokesperson for the progressive minded in blogistan general. There are too few words to describe the potential impact this canine lover could have on the progressive movement. As I said there are too few words to describe this gentleman of the left. So, rather than try I will leave you with just a brief description of his talents. He is very focused on melodrama , fancies himself a sort of Sherlock Holmes , and he has an apparent obsession with misplaced periods. The volume of his thought is voluminous, and his edgy razor sharp analysis is as blunt as a hoe. But nonetheless the herculean efforts he has put forth in developing his following has been impressive. For this he deserves recognition, and from the conservative (not republican) and libertarian thinkers and bloggers a huge thank you. Check ...

The Second Amendment and Security...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny What Say You? I know what I say. It may not be exactly what you're thinking.  

Oh the Hyperbole of the Progressives...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny A panacea as this gentleman w/out facts would have you believe or the road to the reality Greece, Portugal, and Cuba et all have experienced?. I report, you be the ultimate judge... Via: Memeorandum

Just Some Thoughts and Reflections...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny I am a PROUD AMERICAN . I am proud that this nation's founders, even given all the faults and history of injustices, created a nation of laws based on the concept that the rightful powers of governance rested with the people governed. The American Revolution, and indeed it was a violent revolution in every sense of the word, was the culmination of the rational thought developed during The Age of Reason and the Age of Enlightenment. The English colonies of North America, ruled by a tyrannical monarch and his tax policies rebelled in the name of LIBERTY from oppressive government in which they had no resresentation. History will bear out the reality free people, given control amd liberty over their own destiny can, and do accomplish great things. Look to the United States of America up to approximately 1964 AD for validtion of these facts. Manny great speakers and orators have expounded on the greatness of the A...

Indicating Once Again Why the Republican Party Will Become Irrelavent...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny E.W. Jackson (Credit: AP/Jacquelyn Martin) And they wonder why their membership is declining. This is just one reason among many. S ALON - In a local radio interview this morning, Virginia Republican lieutenant governor nominee E.W. Jackson said the Democratic Party is “anti-God” and that Christians should leave it. Jackson has said in the past that he thinks believing in God and voting Democratic are fundamentally incompatible, so WLEE host Jack Gravely asked if he still believes it. Gravely explained that he’s a Christian and tends to vote Democratic, just like his parents and family. Jackson didn’t back down. “You are saying for us, we’re all wrong, leave that party. And all I’m saying to you is, if you said it before, you still have to believe it, why did you say it?” Gravely asked. “Oh, oh, oh I do believe it,” Jackson responded. He continued: “I said it because I believe that the Democrat Party ...

A Insightful Young White Man Stirring Controversy or Just Making Valid Observations?...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Lib e rty -vs- Tyr a nny A young freshman at Georgia Georgia State has started a White Student Union to celebrate Euro and Euro-American heritage and culture. White students make up 38% of the student body and Patrick Sharp is of the mind that whites (being a minority), as well as students of other ethnic backgrounds and cultural heritage should enjoy the same right of association as the rest of the students do in their Student Union organizations. The young man has a valid argument. Excerpts from The Raw Story . “If we are already minorities on campus and are soon to be minorities in this country why wouldn’t we have the right to advocate for ourselves and have a club just like every other minority?” Sharp told the paper. “Why is it when a white person says he is proud to be white he’s shunned as a racist?” “You know, to say this is some closeted or curtained white supremacy, it’s pretty — and I’ll go ahead and turn their words around on t...