America Becoming Progessively More Accepting of Big Government Statism...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

An interesting poll out by pollster David Winston clearly shows that American's, by a wide margin, favor ObamaCare and big statist government. Not at all surprising as this is the way America has been heading over the last 113 years. It is indeed a slow simmering process to the utopian gates of the Progressive Kingdom.

Washington Examiner - A new poll done for Republican members of Congress has found huge public opposition, and solid opposition among Republicans, to the idea of shutting down the government over the issue of funding Obamacare.

In a national survey of 1,000 registered voters done July 31 and August 1, the question, from pollster David Winston, said, “Some members of Congress have proposed shutting down the government as a way to defund the president’s health care law” and asked respondents whether they favored or opposed that plan.

Overall, 71 percent of those surveyed opposed a shutdown, while 23 percent favored a shutdown. Among Republicans, 53 percent opposed, versus 37 percent who favored. (Emphasis Mine)

Winston found a huge gender gap among Republicans. Republican men favored a shutdown by a narrow 48 percent to 44 percent margin. But Republican women opposed it by an enormous 61 percent to 29 percent margin.

Among Republicans who called themselves conservative, those who said they are very conservative favored shutdown by 63 percent to 27 percent, while those who said they are somewhat conservative opposed shutdown by 62 percent to 31 percent. Overall, Republicans who call themselves conservative were evenly split on the issue, 46 percent to 46 percent.

Conservative Republicans make up about 19 percent of the entire electorate. Of that number about nine percent call themselves very conservative, while ten percent say they are somewhat conservative. What the poll suggests is that even that conservative cohort is deeply split on the defunding initiative. {Read More}

Yes indeed. Changing times. Time for some popcorn.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I've been hammering Obamacare pretty good on my blog but I really think that the Republicans need to come up with a good workable alternative here. You just can't be against something and expect to get any traction with the electorate.

  2. .

    What? People prefer law and order over chaos? I'm shocked. I tell you, shocked ...


    Comic; really, when one thinks about it. The RepublicanT Party has been screaming FOR terrorism and lawlessness in USA under the guise of liberty and freedom. The people/voters don't buy into the fear mongering and lies. And the TeaBagging RepublicanTs can't understand it ... strange.

    People want Social Security, Medicare, and now ACA because the social welfare programs are the law, they work, and they work _for_ the people. Making the system work better for the people is the key to political success, as the Democratic Party has proven.

    It is a joy to point these 'truths' out RepublicanTs and their enablers, knowing they will not be able to change their ways.

    (Munching on "Statism" popcorn with a sanctimoniously superior grin!)

    Ema Nymton

    1. "People want Social Security, Medicare, and now ACA because the social welfare programs are the law, they work, and they work _for_ the people. Making the system work better for the people is the key to political success,..."

      Well Ema, in theory I will not dispute your statement. Check in with those who have lived in many of the statist totalitarian socialist nations. Hopefully Americans citizens are able to maintain control of the political and legislative process so we do not someday, after you. I, Shaw, and the rest of the aging population in America are gone. Only time will tell. As it ALWAYS does.

      By the way Ema, your apparent delusion that I am a republican, or Tea-publican, or a Teabagger, or any other derisive word you have used to describe the party that is indeed becoming more irrelevant with time is amusing to me. Quite amusing actually.

      By the way Ema, what is you position on The Patriot Act, the NSA, the TSA, the MIC, just for starters. Before you make a jump to judgement on what my position might be you may want to check up on them.

      Enjoy your "statist popcorn". I'll be enjoying my "liberty popcorn" seasoned with a bit of common sense salt of the earth (compliments of Thomas Paine).

      "It's the first responsibility of every citizen to question AUTHORITY." - Benjamin Franklin -

      "A little REBELLION now and then is a good thong." - Thomas Jefferson -

      Enjoy your day Ema!

  3. "...this is the way America has been heading over the last 113 years. It is indeed a slow simmering process to the utopian gates of the Progressive Kingdom."

    If America has been heading in this direction "over the last 113 years," perhaps it is where Americans WANT this country to head. "Of the people, for the people, and by the people." I would hardly call it "rising" when you state this has been going on for that long. I would say it is what the American people WANT. For better or for worse, we get the government and government policies we the people vote for through our representatives.

    What would you do differently to stop the 113 years of statism?

    BTW, I wouldn't blame it all on Progressives, since the GOP had the W.H. for 28 out of the last 44 years.

    1. "An interesting poll out by pollster David Winston clearly shows that American's, by a wide margin, favor ObamaCare and big statist government. Not at all surprising as..."

      Just thought I would reprint the BEGINNING of the paragraph you selectively quoted from. Perhaps I don't know what I wrote in your view? Because it seems clear to me that I said precisely what you staid. That, however does not mean I wholeheartedly agree with the majority. Note I said while hardheartedly.

  4. "What would you do differently to stop the 113 years of statism?"

    I would hope that we roll back from the march toward more and more power for the rulers (i.e. the direction of fascism), and remember the "Bill of Rights" and restore the lost sovereignty of the people, of the ruled.

    1. Reduce military spending, reign the MIC, allow The Patriot Act to expire, eliminate the TSA and NSA, clean business and corporate lobbyists as well as union lobbyists and the NRA out of Washington, eliminate the ability of corporations, unions, and the NRA to bankroll candidates for state and national office, require lawmakers to be subjected to the same laws, health insurance, etc across the board as those they represent, eliminate the Federal Reserve System, severely curtail foreign aid, end the failed "War in Drugs, require every funding bill gets a up or down vote based SOLELY on the bills SPECIFIC purpose, Do a top to bottom review of the federal bureaucracy and eliminate unnecessary overlap or duplicity...

      Do a complete review of ObamaCare following a thorough and exhaustive study of European, Scandinavian, and Latin American national healthcare systems that are working successfully (W/O destroying the nation's fiscal integrity) and replace ObamaCare with a PROVEN successful model.

      Enough to start D. Luthor

  5. I don't see at all where Americans want "Big Statist Government." That's just silliness. What I do clearly see, is that the public, at least generally, in this particular case, wants responsible and responsive government when needed, and healthcare and prudent budgeting are seen pretty plainly as needs, needs requisite for the metaphorical and literal health of the people and their republic. Again in this particular case, shutting down the government for the sake of undermining a big new program, does not strike the public as responsible, and therefore not responsive either.

    There's a reason the GOP is so unpopular these days, there's a reason it's fast becoming a regional party, a party of people who don't live in the important hubs of the nation. Unreasonability is that reason.


    1. Indeed jmj! If you fail to recognize the absolute fact they do want statist government then you fail to recognize what statist government looks like.

    2. It's a subjective concept, Les. Like "big government" or "small government," "more government" or "less government," it is a vague, kinda pointless, term.


    3. Most things are subjective in the progressive utopia.Open to any and all interpretations. All will ultimately be annoited as having merit. The wonderful thing about progressive reality is anything can fly, and it generally does.

  6. Obamacare is one of the most idiotically constructed pieces of legislation in U.S. history. What really needs to happen here, IMO, is for sensible people (if in fact there are any left) in both parties to step forward and try and fix this sucker via a much more market oriented approach and for the love of God get rid of these ridiculously perverse incentives and cronyism/favoritism. I doubt that it's ever going to happen but damn it needs to.

    1. Medicare for all. Take the profit motive out of health care. This is the most sensible solution. Other countries have implemented this solution and IT WORKS! Health care should be a part of the commons and NOT a "market" that profit is derived from.

    2. Medicare only pays 80%, and 0% of certain things. People would still have to purchase health insurance. Single-payer is a brain-dead, anachronistic system and if you think that it works good I suggest that you go to England.



    4. Do a complete review of ObamaCare following a thorough and exhaustive study of European, Scandinavian, and Latin American national healthcare systems that are working successfully (W/O destroying the nation's fiscal integrity) and replace ObamaCare with a PROVEN successful model.

  7. Medicare only for the needy. People who can pay for this on their own do not need it. Expanding such a welfare system to everyone is one of the least sensible solutions. By doing so (expanding it beyond need), you take healthcare out of the commons and puts it in control of the state.

    We need decentralization, more power in the hands of individuals, and less in the hands of any type of plutocrat or -crat (business or government).

  8. Why should we demand that anyone overpay so greedy CEOs of health care corporations earn hundreds of millions of dollars? Medicare should be opened to all and improved so no additional insurance is needed. Conservatives want to change these insurance programs into welfare programs so they can cut them (or "block grant" them). This call that these programs only be open to the "needy" is a trick so they can be eviscerated later. Their false concern for the less fortunate does not fool me.

    FYI, the "state" is the guardian of the Commons. Cons like Dennis want "power" in the hands of individuals because people acting individually actually have little power and therefore are easier to crush (this is the same reason he opposes unions. He doesn't like it when ordinary Joes band together to stand up to the power of big money).

    As for "replacing" ObamaCare, it could work but the Repubs will never allow it. That thousands of people actually die each year due to a lack of health care is not something they are concerned about. Conservatives and Republicans place profits over people.

    1. First correction: I favor ordinary Joes banding together in unions... if they choose to. If they are forced to, then they are being "crushed". I favor the choice of the Joes, either way. WD, this accusation of yours was false and off topic.

  9. Take it away D. Luther. I am no fan of ObamaCare nor Medicare because as written, and in the case of Medicare as practiced since it's inception, is fiscally unsustainable. HOWEVER, Derv has a point, one even our revered Thomas Paine seemed to understand. And ya can't get more liberty minded than Thomas Paine.

  10. Which point, RN? I will address it along with his false accusations. You are better at weeding through the Col's nuggets of wisdom than I am. Just point me there...

  11. My proposal (health savings accounts, subsidies for the poor, and a catastrophic care provision) largely does away with health insurance companies while Obama's plan makes not just the insurance companies rich but the pharmaceutical companies, too. Two of the main reasons why health care is so expensive are a) the government subsidizes it (prior to Medicare, health care was only about 5% of GDP and now it's 18%) and b) we rely disproportionately on a third payer process in which many people aren't even aware of the costs and so they never shop around.......And dmarks is spot on when he says that Medicare is unsustainable. We presently have a system in which people put $114,000 in and take $355,000 out. That is complete and total insanity and to expand it is even crazier.......And thousands of people die every year in Great Britain, too, waiting for care. At least in Canada they're starting to let people pay out of pocket for stuff.

  12. Will: You have the right idea. Help the poor. Improve health care. Cut out the middlemen and reduce the influence of- and reward to- the powerful/state/business/rich/corporations/bureacracy. Do I summarize it correctly?

  13. Dervish Sanders, my good buddy has a new post up at his fine progressive site Sleeping With the Devil.

    I encourage everyone to take a fast blogo site link (just click on Derv's avatar) over to his fine sight and read up on his take on Libertarianism.

    And Derv old buddy thanks for the honorable mention.


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