Senator Cruz on the IRS Scandal and the Need to Abolish...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
berty -vs- Tyranny

It ain't going anywhere... But the flat tax? An idea whose time should have come a long time ago. However, in the trenches of class warfare, where the evils of capitalism and rational self interest are the twin evils it is understandable why it hasn't. IMNHO anyway.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I am glad people like Cruz at least in this matter push for reforms that are in the public interest, in marked contrast to those in power who push for "reforms" that only increase their already vast power and self-serving influence.

  2. I personally find Cruz a very unimpressive man. I think it's sad Texas is producing such amateur-hour pols these days. There was a time - quite a while, actually - Texas produced some impressive figures. Not lately.

    I think Cruz may a simpleton and his ideas just unrealistically simplistic. Otherwise he's just another two-bit shyster. Very unimpressive.

    As for the flat tax... There are a few versions of that, so it depends on what you're talking about. Most conservatives' versions of the flat tax are kinda sleazy and/or short-sighted.


    1. I personally find Cruz lacking as well. However, with respect to the flat tax and abolishing the IRS as we no today I am in full support of.

      Now, since you brought up what one of the several flat tax ideas is not "kinda sleazy" or "short sighted."

    2. Well, some people talk about arbitrary tax-to-gdp rates, and some people talk about moving solely to a sales tax or vat, but whatever the case, and most of these people fail to consider the different types of taxation we have for different spending items. And most all of them include the essential end of services and development, leaving only the military state for all intents and purposes.

      The IRS is an easy target for righties. It's like a hippie complaining about the cops when they get busted with weed, or like an angry divorcee complaining about their ex's lawyer. The IRS can't even legally defend itself against all the wackadoodle Wesley Snipes sorts running around out there. The fact of the matter is that the IRS does a pretty good job with what it has, overall. Sure, we should keep an eye on them and make sure they behave, but getting rid of the IRS is a childish notion. There has to be some kind of tax collection agency one way or another.


    3. Jersey: in other words, Cruz is a typical politician? In any case, this is why my praise of him was rather weak. Like Les did, I said I supported him on this and did not offer support on the rest. I simply do not know much about him, actually.

    4. "Cruz is a typical politician?"

      He's quite astounding, actually. I mean, just how did this guy get as far in life as he has?

      I've been a C-SPAN junkie as long as it's been around, so I watch all these guys on a regular basis. Cruz, though a freshman, has been unusually outspoken. But he's made a fool of himself every single time. This guy's foot is in his mouth so much, he has Athletes Gingivitis. He has apparently no knowledge of, or respect, Senate, it's history and protocol. It shows every time he runs his mouth. He repeats verbatim every far-right talking point ALL the time. It's like he's incapable of an original thought. Even the most ideological Senators says something intelligent and novel once in a while. Cruz NEVER does. He's like Rush Limbaugh Muzak. You really just got to see this guy to believe it.


    5. Jersey said: "...He repeats verbatim every far-right talking point ALL the time..."

      Really? He is like he is a member of the KKK and American Nazis? I'm surprised one of them actually got elected. Is this true? Or is he actually not "far-right" at all, and has mainstream conservative views?

  3. Hey Bros,

    Wouldn't most everyone on this forum see their own taxes increase if a flat tax were enacted? I think the simplest formula for estimating your new payment for anyone earning less than $100k/annum would be take the amount you paid in 2012 and add at least 50%.

    The idea is to decrease taxes on the wealthy. Amirite?

    1. No, you are not "rite", Flying. That is not the idea at all. In fact so many of the wealthy would pay more under a flat tax since all of the loopholes would be gone. The flat tax plans also have a big exemption for those of lower incomes.

  4. A question about tax policy in general, Les:

    Do you think:

    (1) Tax policy should be used by the powerful to enforce their whims and make people behave the way the powerful want them to, with rewards and punishment which makes tax policy a matter of enforcement of "morality police". This makes tax policy at worst an adjunct to the criminal justice system but without due process, and at best another way for the government to fine people for doing things it thinks are wrong. i.e. use tax policy to punish/reward for buying windmills, smoking or not smoking, having the right number of children or marital status.


    (2) Tax policy should be used for attaining the proper amount of revenue and nothing else, and should strive to be as behavior-neutral as policy


    (3) A combination of 1 and 2.

  5. The flat tax went nowhere and the IRS will never be dissolved because it's not helpful to the rich and the rich have the powerful on their side. As long as Republicans have the votes the IRS will stay as it is and even add more tax breaks for the rich.

    1. Thanks for the clueless unrealpolitik paranoia, Anon. If the IRS is a friend of anyone, it isn't the rich, with the rich paying the lion's share of taxes.


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