
Showing posts from July, 2012

When the Truth is Inconvenient...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The left ignores it... New York Post - While in Israel, Mitt Romney said something every sane person knows to be true: There is great cultural and political meaning in the fact that Israel has prospered while the Palestinians have festered. “Culture,” Romney said, “makes all the difference . . . you notice a dramatic, stark difference in economic vitality.” He didn’t specify what he meant by “culture,” but you can take your pick. You want a political culture that works to create conditions under which an economy can thrive? Since signing the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians, Israel has spent two decades working to unshackle its economy from its socialist roots, with remarkable results. The Palestinians? They’ve created what the House Foreign Affairs Committee has called a “chronic kleptocracy,” with foreign aid and investment shamelessly stolen and diverted to the bank accounts of the leaders of the Palestin...

As Election Day Nears the Nation Is Locked In a Struggle To Remain Unchanged...

by: Lews Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny It is true this nation is divided politically and socially. It is also true the division is almost split equally along politically driven ideological lines. Is it any wonder then that we are seeing such a heightened degree of rancor and fighting over which direction this nation should take. It likely will get much dirtier and more disgusting over he next 100 days until election time. Are both parties, and by extension their advocates, equally as guilty of playing the disingenuous game of one ups man ship? Absolutely! My guesstimate is that the majority of people will continue to look at, and cast aspersion and blame on their "opponents" on the "other side."  Apparently it makes everyone feel good believing their views are forever right and the other sides views are forever wrong. Maybe it's just human nature. If there is really any such thing as human nature. And so it is in the 21st centur...

Deja Vu...?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny 2012 Newsweek cover It failed in 1987. 1987 Newsweek cover Will it fail again? BuzzFeed - Newsweek was beyond silly when it called former World War II Naval aviator and savvy Texas oilman George HW Bush a “wimp” on its cover in 1987. The magazine returns to the same failed playbook now with its cover on Governor Romney. The fact is that Mitt Romney is a steely-nerved businessman, who has turned around failed companies, the corruption-plagued 2002 Olympic Winter Games and an almost-bankrupt Massachusetts – against all odds in each case. Moreover, he has raised a great family with his wife, Ann. Notwithstanding these sorts of ridiculous attacks, the American people elected President Bush in 1988 and they will send Governor Romney to the White House in 100 days to turn around this economy. What say you? Via: Memeorandum

Mitt is a Hit in Jerusalem...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Mitt Romney displaying the diplomacy a presidential candidate should. Perhaps more importantly Mitt Romney made clear that America would stand stand behind Israel in the face of threats to their sovereignty or their very existence. One can only assume that Romney meant if he were elected president of the U.S.A. this coming November 2012. While not a Romney supporter per se (my man in the race is Gary Johnson) I am encouraged by the candidates commitment to a democratic nation not unlike own own. I believe his support is sincere and that Romney certainly places the importance of Israeli - U,S. relations far above that demonstrated by President BHO. Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a> Read some very rational and excellent commentary at Daniel Pipes Blog . In the interest of being equitable and balanced Rational Na...

Mayor Bloomberg Standing Against Goosestepping Insanity...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Kudos to Mayor Bloomberg. With all the political uproar over Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy's support for traditional marriage values and spending heavily to thwart gay marriage efforts, Mayor Bloomberg will not prevent the company from doing business in NYC. Unlike the Mayor's of Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco who have all went on record as supporting efforts to keep the company from doing business in "their" cities. Politicker - Despite Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s advocacy for a healthier diet and strong support for gay marriage, he’s cold on the idea of banning Chick-fil-A within the five boroughs. As mayors around the country — including Boston’s, Chicago’s and San Francisco’s — are backing efforts to keep the fast food chain out of their cities due to the company’s president, Dan Cathy, spending millions to push back against gay marriage, Mr. Bloomberg said it’s “a bad idea and it’s not goin...

Brits See Romney As Worse Than, Gasp... Sarah Palin

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny The Gaffers As Mittens Romney continues to find no shortage of opportunity to help "the other side" the Brits find him on the same level, or worse, than Sarah Palin. Simply AMAZING. This candidate takes one step forward followed by two steps backwards. Politicus usa - The British reaction to Mitt Romney has gone from openness, to skepticism, to mocking, to concluding that Mitt Romney is worse than Sarah Palin. Daily Mail Political Editor James Chapman has been providing the world a play by play of Romney’s British implosion via his Twitter account . Romney started things off by criticizing London’s preparedness for the Olympics . He then forgot the name of British Labour Leader Ed Miliband, and then he admitted that he had been given a secret briefing by MI6. This led the British to ask aloud if they have another George W. Bush on their hands, “Romney blunders again by revealing he’s had (supposedly) to...

As Mittens Stumbles...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny As Mittens stumbles the Obama White House tales full political and diplomatic advantage. Yahoo News - Dear Britain: The White House wants you know that even if Mitt Romney may harbor doubts about your ability to pull off the Olympics , President Barack Obama "has the utmost confidence" in you. In fact, the Obama administration would also like Israel and Poland—the two countries the Republican standard-bearer will visit next—to know it has their back, too. White House press secretary Jay Carney kicked off his daily briefing Thursday by describing in some detail how Obama's top homeland security and counter-terrorism adviser, John Brennan, had led a discussion with key security officials "to take stock of our efforts, working with the United Kingdom, to prepare for the London 2012 Olympic Games." Brennan then discussed the issue with Obama, who "directed that we continue to ensure that we a...

Mittens In Need Of Coaching On Diplomacy...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Mitt Romney and British Prime Minister David Cameron                                               Charles Dharapak/AP Among Mitten's several other shortcomings it appear diplomacy is likely one of them. The Boston Globe - The British media and Prime Minister David Cameron himself tweaked Mitt Romney Thursday, after the presumptive Republican presidential nominee suggested Great Britain right not be ready for its Olympic moment. “It’s hard to know just how well it will turn out,” said Romney, who ran the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. “There are a few things that were disconcerting: the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the ...

Excuse Us Mr. President, We Did Build It...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Forgive the Picture of Truth - I Just wasn't In a Politically Correct Mood Today! Finally people are beginning to get it. That President Obama really believes government is the engine behind job creation. That the business(s) that people created and built was the result of somebody  else building it for them. Of course this "somebody else" would be government. Can there be any question but what this President is all about building the government infrastructure and creating government (non productive) jobs to support the private sector that after all doesn't build a thing by itself? POWERLINE - The Romney campaign has been heavily pressing their “you didn’t build that” attacks for the past ten days and Wednesday is their biggest push yet with events with small business owners in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexi...

Obama Administration Approves Exemption From DOD Policy for Political Reasons...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyrant Having posted both in defense of civil unions for same sex couples and most recently in support of same sex marriages I non the less found the decision by the Obama administration as outlined below out of line for the reasons stated by two Republican lawmakers. The issue is policy and until such time as the policy is changed exceptions should not be made. Republican lawmakers are blasting the Pentagon's decision to allow troops to march in uniform at a San Diego gay-pride parade last week. Two senior Republicans on the House and Senate Armed Services committees said Tuesday that the Pentagon was out of line to grant the one-time exemption that allowed military uniforms in the parade. Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) said the Pentagon made a “dangerous exception” to its policy of not allowing military uniforms in parades. In a statement, the Armed Forces Readiness subcommittee chairman said that the decision was made to...

Finnding the Right Tone, the Right Discussion, and the Right Answers... Is It Even Possible?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Two Men Contemplating the Moon I was going to do a wrap up post on the carnage that occurred in Aurora Colorado last Friday. I was hoping to write something that might give way to maybe finding some rational and common ground for productive discussion. However, after seeing the obvious rancor and "it's our way or no way" comments from those of both views on firearms control, as well as the often groundless accusations being hurled back and forth I decided why bother. Our best hope really is to follow a Thomas Jefferson quote which says in part "Fix reason firmly in its seat...". I'm not holding out any chance this will happen and therefore I can find no reason to continue a discussion of the issue here. So I am posting a couple of links where the discussion has been on going and likely will continue for some time. My guess of course is the discussion will end in stalema...

On the Heels of Aurora... Demagoguery

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny On the heels of a lunatic madman's senseless violence in Aurora Colorado Friday the demagoguery has begun in earnest. I get that sensible gun laws, background checks, and restricting assault weapons has merit and further reasonable discussion is sensible. Even desirable. Most Americans likely have similar thoughts... As long as law abiding citizens always retain the right to bear arms for the lawful purpose of hunting, target practice, and self defense (self defense as a check against government tyranny) is protected. Oh, that's right, I almost forgot. The right is already protected, by the U.S. Constitution. But that will not deter the more extreme anti firearm enthusiasts in their pursuit to re-interpret the Constitution in their attempts to take firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens entirely. But I digress. Apparently there are some that have decided President Obama, Mitt Romney, and the NRA hav...

The Face of Pure Evil, and a Appropriate Response...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Unspeakable Evil Early this morning in Colorado a sub human man committed an unspeakable evil. Injuring many, and taking the life of twelve innocent victims by gunfire in a theater, this beast of humanity once again exposed for all to see what one single deranged individual is capable of. Today's national tragedy is just another in a lengthening line of senseless acts of evil by a few individuals that have determined apparently only their life has value and all others are expendable at their whim. Somehow during their developmental stages they didn't make the connection ALL human life is to be respected and that no individual has the right to take the life of another except in the defense of their own. For the vast, and enormous majority of people respect for all human life is a given. This vast majority lives out their lives without harming so much as a single human soul, for they understand that no ma...

Toons Continued...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Yesterday we posted on Michelle Bachmann's most recent looney activities. Her McCarthy era style fear mongering. Radical Islam, where it exists must be confronted and the appropriate actions to safeguard ourselves and our nation certainly must be taken. Where it indeed exists and when backed up with proper intelligence data to support such allegations. Senator McCain is right this time. We ought to listen to voices of reason because tyranny (often of the worse strain) can be self inflicted, the result of unsubstantiated and unbridled fear. Today we are putting up the other side of the argument, just to be balanced and equitable. Presented compliments of GBTV and Michelle Bachmann herself. <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> Read the transcript here . One can't help but wonder but maybe this being a presidential election year just might have something to do with th...

Bachmann (and her cohorts) Dangerous Loonies and Fear Mongers...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Wacko and Dangerous I basically knew Michelle Bachmann was a looney, I just didn't realize how much a looney she really is. I never saw her as a bigoted fear monger, until just today. CBS News - (CBS News) WASHINGTON - Former GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and four other conservative members of Congress are charging that people with ties to Muslim extremists have infiltrated the federal government. Sen. John McCain denounced the allegations Wednesday, calling them "sinister" and saying they "need to stop." Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has been singled out. The State Department has responded to the allegations with very harsh language, calling Bachmann's charges "vicious and disgusting lies." Even Bachmann's own former presidential campaign chief, Ed Rollins, said she was being extreme and dishonest. It's rare ...

DNC, Classless and Without Character...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Ann Romney - trains with show horses as part of her therapy for multiple sclerosis The DNC showing it's Complete lack of character and class. Perhaps it has something to do with Debbie Wassermann Schultz? At any rate the the lame apology is just that lame. Were it sincere the ad would never have ran. But we're talking the DNC here. No pilar of integrity by any stretch of the imagination. ABC News - It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the Democratic National Committee is offering an apology of sorts to Ann Romney . At issue is a DNC video featuring footage of Ann Romney’s dancing show horse. The DNC used the horse in mocking way to attack Mitt Romney for not releasing his tax returns (and dancing around the issue). The DNC introduced the video as the first in a series of videos featuring the horse, which is owned jointly by Ann and Mitt Romney. Ann Romney, who trains with show horses as...

Obama Campaign In An Uproar, Has Egg On It's Face...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny This sight is no fan, advocate or supporter of Mitt Romney. However when the "other" side, or opposition party takes it upon themselves to get their knickers all in an uproar over Romney's correctly quoting the President's statements, well, to frigging bad boys and girls. The following, taken from the the weekly Standard offers clarity. President Obama's reelection campaign accuses Mitt Romney of distorting the president's words, by showing a side by side comparison of the Obama's words and Romney's quotation of those words: "Mitt Romney is launching a false attack," the ad's text states. But the weird thing is: The Obama campaign is purposefully trying to make it sound like Romney is misquoting the president, when the official White House transcript backs up Romney's quotation. In the ad, Romney says that Obama revealed his thoughts on business when he said t...

My, My... Will Obama Be Challenged By the Left?...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny As We Have Come To Expect Wondering if the President will be challenged by the left on these disclosures. Likely they won't even receive so much as a mention by the left. Smelling hypocrisy once again from the wind out of the left. I sincerely hope I'm wrong. Not holding my breath. The Washington Examiner - President Obama has accused Mitt Romney of raking in profits from investing in companies that ship American jobs overseas, but according to his most recent financial disclosure, he and First Lady Michelle Obama have hundreds of thousands of dollars in a mutual fund that has large holdings in corporations that outsource jobs. “(Romney) invested in companies that have been called ‘pioneers’ of outsourcing,” Obama said at a Saturday campaign event in Glen Allen, Va. “I don’t want a pioneer in outsourcing. I want some insourcing.” But Obama’s own portfolio shows a willingness to invest in American corpora...

At a Total Loss for Words...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Deja Vu I shudder to admit, let alone think that 22 years ago I was the Vice Chairmen of the Republican Town Committee in the community in which I lived at that time. Not because I am ashamed of the party I represented at that time but rather I cannot fathom what caused the once viable republican party to devolve to its present state. Sure, I recognized the decent of a once great party that represented ideals most Americans could identify with long before before I quit the party. Which is why I chose to register without any party affiliation five years. The things that caused me to make such a decision have only increased and grown within the big "R" statist party. Evidence of the lack of substance was amply presented by none other than failed 2008 presidential candidate "Lost Somewhere in the Clouds" McCain. POLITICO - Mitt Romney's tax returns had nothing to do with Sen. John McCain...

America's Waning Capitalism, The Spectre of Growing Government Under Obamaism...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Capitalism is under attack. Cronyism and corporate welfare will of course be defended in many nefarious ways by the Obama administration. We are indeed witnessing the slow transformational changes this President promised the nation. It ain't going to turn out so picturesque as the nanny state gig government statists would have Americans believe. This excerpt from the David Brooks article in yesterday's New York Times says it well. ... The president is now running an ad showing Mitt Romney tunelessly singing “America the Beautiful,” while the text on screen blasts him for shipping jobs to China, India and Mexico. The accuracy of the ad has been questioned by the various fact-checking outfits. That need not detain us. It’s safest to assume that all the ads you see this year will be at least somewhat inaccurate because the ad-makers now take dishonesty as a mark of their professional toughness. What matter...

The Romney Bain Saga Continues...

BY" Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Reasonable? Plausible? Likely? You, the reasonable American people be the judge. Via: Memeorandum

Ah, the Stench Of Hypocricy...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny It has been fascinating to watch President Obama go after Romney because of his experience and record with Bain Capital, a private equity firm. Via: Fox News Channel Even more so considering the evident hypocrisy. Via: Fox News Channel However, we must remember anything goes in American politics and the obsession for power. Truth and integrity be damned! Via: Memeorandum

Fighting Now To Keep the Revolution Alive...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Robert F. Bukaty/AP Photo Ron Paul's final battle is securing the necessary 18 delegate needed from Nebraska’s state GOP convention on Saturday. In doing so he stands to secure a 15 minute speaking slot at the national convention in August . Congressman Paul believes this will help galvanize his base and keep his "Revolution" and the liberty movement alive. THE HILL - Rep. Ron Paul said that the Republican Party is scared to let him speak at the national convention in Florida next month. The Texas Republican candidate for president said he thinks the prospects of him having the Tampa platform to energize his “Ronvolution” movement of supporters — who buck traditional GOP staples such as war funding and are in favor of more radical ideas such as auditing the Federal Reserve — intimidates some in the Republican leadership, including former Gov. Mitt Romney’s (R-Mass.) campaign. “I think the Romney ...

Some Good Advice From One Who Has Been There...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny George Schultz - President Reagan's Secretary of State and Treasury And where might we find such a statesman today. A person with such experience and one who commands respect? Our nation is certainly in need of one. The Wall Street Journal , Stanford, Calif. - George Shultz has one of the most preposterously impressive résumés in recent American history. World War II Marine (1942-45); distinguished academic economist; business executive; secretary of labor (1969-70); director of the Office of Management and Budget (1970-72); secretary of the Treasury (1972-74); chairman of Ronald Reagan's economic transition team; and the secretary of state (1982-89) who wound down the Cold War. He's also been an active adviser to GOP leaders including George W. Bush in the years since. And, as I just learned, he's not a bad singer either. When I called out of the blue on Wednesday morning, the 91-year-old éminenc...

The Obama Effect Trailer...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Apparently somebody is making a bonafide feature movie of the New Messiah. The Obama Effect . Via: Memeorandum

The Road To Oligarchy...

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Some further thoughts on the very real possibility of the USA becoming an oligarchy. I found these informative videos on You Tube and thought them very instructional. The videos illustrate the various concepts of government, and the dangers to freedom and liberty a full blown oligarchy presents the people. Indeed these dangers are ever present in our republic and must be resisted and fought against continually if we are to preserve our individual rights and liberties as well as maintaining a civil society. It has been said nothing on earth is perfect, and that is a true statement. However, history has shown our democratic republic is arguably as close to a perfect form of government as has ever existed. The question we face today, and must answer for the future is; do we still have the intellegence and will to preserve it? Again, what say you?

Could It Happen Here?

by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA Liberty -vs- Tyranny Anyone sensing that our country is heading in the wrong direction should be concerned with the very real possibility of America becoming an bonafide oligarchy . Added to the fact that the nation has been trending towards fascism the future for our posterity seems wrought with peril. Our nation's political environment today is such that rather than elected lawmakers and the executive branch seeking to solve problems through genuinely meaningful and spirited discourse/debate it is clear the goal is now to either gain, or preserve their own power. We have gone from a nation of people engaged in determining our country's destiny through active involvement in the process to a nation of apathy. Our declining  voter turnout since 1968 points to this fact. Should the trend of recent years continue there is little to no doubt that we will become a fascist oligarchy . The following was written in 1911 and all indica...