Ah, the Stench Of Hypocricy...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

It has been fascinating to watch President Obama go after Romney because of his experience and record with Bain Capital, a private equity firm.

Via: Fox News Channel

Even more so considering the evident hypocrisy.

Via: Fox News Channel

However, we must remember anything goes in American politics and the obsession for power. Truth and integrity be damned!

Via: Memeorandum


  1. So, a Romney administration strikes you as having more honesty and integrity than the Obama administration? Really?

    Would you really take the chance of giving the entire government, local, state, and federal, over to one party?

    In my humble opinion, to vote for Romney is to be moronic.


    1. jmj, do you really ever understand anything?

      1) Nowhere did this post say one damn thing about a Romney administration being good, bad, or indifference.

      2) This post WAS/IS about exposing the hypocrisy of Obama and the democratic party.

      3) Had you been paying any attention you would realize that I have been critical of every republican candidate with the exception of Paul, Huntsman, and Johnson since the beginning. Of course as you Know Huntsman is out, Paul is mot going anywhere and Johnson who I su[pport is running on the Libertarian ticket.

      Now my friend have a great night.

    2. Oh, another think I didn't bother to mention. I believe it has something to do with GE, Immelt, and Obama's overseas investments. But I'll save that for another day.

  2. RN USA: "...anything goes in American politics and the obsession for power. Truth and integrity be damned!"

    I was just thinking...

    Gary Johnson is your preferred guy to lead this country--the most powerful country on the planet.

    Johnson's quest for the Oval Office, therefore, can be characterized as an obsession for power.

    Or is it "obsession" only when the other guys seek the office?

    1. I picked the word "power" without providing clarity.---

      Power, which comes with any job, office, responsibility can be a force for good.

      Good can be considered a subjective word, subject to each individuals perception of the concept. So, in the context here good is meant as that which by virtue of actions taken, or that likely be taken in the case of Romney, will benefit the nation as a whole.

      In my judgment Shaw Obama has, and Romney would if elected, further corrupt the system that is already corrupted almost beyond recognition.

      Therefor I am backing Johnson, ome who I believe offers the best chance of returning true integrity to the office of the Presidency and providing leadership that likely would be more effective in healing the divisions in this country.

      You are free to hold your views, I respect the difference.

      Now on a different note check this link out. The site owner and that which he espouses is what we really need to be concerned with.


      Thank you so much for stopping in. A pleasure as always.

  3. Politics is powered by hypocrisy and BS. This is going to get much uglier.

    Regardless of what one thinks of Romney, the leftist attacks on his Bain record are dishonest in that the willfully distort SEC law. More insidious, they are an attack on free market capitalism. Companies can't relocate work overseas? The Washington Post went so far as to hit at this specifically, and they published a story about a London School of Economics study that showed outsourcing increased jobs in the nation that did it.

    I am equally disgusted by impeach Obama who continue attacking Obama on the birth certificate thing. It's a kook subject that detracts from real issues.

    1. Silver you said, "More insidious, they are an attack on free market capitalism."

      In reality we were a free market capitalist society for but a brief period. But I think you know that already. We rapidly became a mixed economy, one with a degree of free market principles and a degree regulatory controls. We have continued on this path ever since. As an aside not all regulation is bad. Most specifically that which insures public safety. But I digress.

      We should all be disgusted with the self serving and unethical practices of today's politicians, on both side of the major political aisle. Further, we should be ashamed as W the People, as the caretakers of the republic, have allowed it to happen through general apathy. We therefor bear the ultimate responsibility for the shape we're in as a nation.

  4. Les, again, I couldn't imagine that any true libertarian or objectivist or conservative or republican voter would take the chance to vote one party into each and every branch.

    We've seen the consequences of that, it was a disaster, and you guys seem fool enough to me to endorse that outcome yet again!



    1. And again I repeat jmj:

      jmj, do you really ever understand anything?

      1) Nowhere did this post say one damn thing about a Romney administration being good, bad, or indifference.

      2) This post WAS/IS about exposing the hypocrisy of Obama and the democratic party.

      3) Had you been paying any attention you would realize that I have been critical of every republican candidate with the exception of Paul, Huntsman, and Johnson since the beginning. Of course as you Know Huntsman is out, Paul is mot going anywhere and Johnson who I support is running on the Libertarian ticket.

      Further, have I ever said I am a proponent of one party government? If I have please direct me to where I said that. I HAVE said I am opposed to most of what the democratic party advocates with respect to their fiscal views, as I am with respect to the republican party views. I HAVE said we need a strong viable 3'rd party with responsible conservative fiscal views and libertarian social views. Is there anything yuo fail to understand about that?


    2. Would you like to see the Democrats regain some ground in local and stae governments, and in the courts?

      Do you think they already have too much power there?

      Do you know that they don't?

      If you vote conservative this cycle, you will only further GOP control over the mass of government, possibly even control of all three branches, or at least all but the senate.

      That just seems so stupid to me.

      When I was younger, and there was such a thing as viable "liberal republicans," I used to vote for them. But now? All right wing loonies. They're a joke.

      You'd have to be a fool, even more fool than them, to give them even more power.


    3. You do know I live in MA, one of the frigging bluest states in the nation, right?

      You have managed to avoid the entire point of this post.

      No further reply will be forth coming jmj. Until you indicate your position on the post point.

      But of course I realize you won't. Can't tear yourself away from the Obama nipple can ya?

  5. Am I the only one who had trouble concentrating on that first video due to Alisyn Camerota looking majorly sick in that tight blue sleeveless dress? I sincerely hope not.

  6. Seriously, though, Valerie Jarrett and Debbie Wasserman Schultz both having off-shore investments. It does not get any better than that.


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