The Face of Pure Evil, and a Appropriate Response...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Unspeakable Evil

Early this morning in Colorado a sub human man committed an unspeakable evil. Injuring many, and taking the life of twelve innocent victims by gunfire in a theater, this beast of humanity once again exposed for all to see what one single deranged individual is capable of.

Today's national tragedy is just another in a lengthening line of senseless acts of evil by a few individuals that have determined apparently only their life has value and all others are expendable at their whim. Somehow during their developmental stages they didn't make the connection ALL human life is to be respected and that no individual has the right to take the life of another except in the defense of their own.

For the vast, and enormous majority of people respect for all human life is a given. This vast majority lives out their lives without harming so much as a single human soul, for they understand that no man or women has the right to encroach upon another' life, let alone taking it by force and for no justifiable reason; ie: in the defense of ones own.

Yet there are those misguided souls that believe it is the inanimate object that bears greatest responsibility for the carnage a few deranged and sick humans inflict on other humans. They apparently believe by making it more difficult, if not impossible, {which is their real goal} to obtain a firearm society will be better able to control the evil carnage that a small number of evil people cause.

This belief is of course a fallacy and defies logic and reason. Simply stated those who wish to create carnage and take innocent life will find the means as well as the resources to do so. As Sherlock Holmes would say, it's elementary Dr. Watson.

Indeed it is not the inanimate object {weapon) that kills. Rather it is the said inanimate object in the hands of a lunatic that kills. The weapon (inanimate object) does not pull its own trigger, the deranged human holding the weapon pulls the trigger.

Perhaps, and I'm just saying, maybe it is time to show less leniency for the criminal and a whole lot more intolerance for those who are convicted of such evil and heinous acts as were committed in Colorado today.

I'm sure my next words will be severely criticized among the liberal establishment. So be it. What the 24 year old sub human male of the species deserves for his evil today (upon conviction of course) is a drawing and quartering on public television while the nation watches him suffer a fate far more deserved than the fate he forced upon numerous innocent victims and their families. Following such execution an announcement could be made that evil of such nature would, in the future, be met with the same end. For those convicted of such evil.

For you see, I believe society should show no mercy for those who act in such evil ways.

For those who read my words and wish to debate them I respond by saying fine. But for now let us remain somber and pay the respect to those families that lost a loved one at the hands of a lunatic.

In closing:

May the souls who lost their lives today rest in eternal peace. May the wounded recover quickly from their wound. As there are no words that can adequately comfort the families who lost loved ones in today's massacre I will say only our thoughts and prayers are with you.


  1. Although we have had disagreements in the past you are SPOT ON with this assessment of the sub-human and I agree completely with your form of justice.

    Your "Brother" Jan Lockhart

    1. Good to hear from you Jan. Might we have lunch? It has been a while, and I have some spare time, what with being temporarily out of a job.

  2. Although we have disagreed in the past. I think you are spot on with the assessment and the form of justice for this sub-human. I think it's about time we start to show these types of sub-humans that we are not going to put up with this type of behavior any longer! I will proudly stand by your side Brother.

  3. I was thinking maybe parachute him into Syria, but your suggestion is good, too.

  4. I wonder how many of these situations would be prevented if it were illegal for the media to mention the name of the perp. I suspect many just do it, subconsciously, for their 15 minutes of fame.

  5. I just got back from Shaw's blog where the liberals are politicizing this issue very quickly.

  6. Gorges: Thankfully, we still have a First Amendment.

    (that's something I actually tell liberals a lot, as there's a common concensus to gut it by many of them)

  7. I'm not the only one in this country who believes it is very appropriate to talk about gun control after a massacre--massacres that are becoming normal.

    And the American people agree with me:

    From The New Republic:

    "While a broad gun control debate might not benefit the Obama campaign, focus on the assault weapons ban might yield better results for the President. A CBS News/New York Times poll conducted in the aftermath of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting found that while just 46 percent of voters supported stricter gun control laws, 63 percent favored prohibiting the sale or possession of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines."

    RN takes a holier-than-thou attitude, calling me a "misguided soul" because I hold an opinion he doesn't agree with. In his universe, because I don't agree with him, he superciliously labels me "misguided."

    But what's really "misguided" is his belief that he can read my mind: RN: "They ['misguided souls'] apparently believe by making it more difficult, if not impossible, {which is their real goal}..."

    This is where I stopped reading Les. You've made a misguided assumption that everyone who believes there should be stricter gun control laws, especially on automatic weapons and ammunition clips, has as her real goal the total elimination of guns. You are, of course, completely and utterly wrong, but that doesn't stop you from making wild guesses about what people's secret thoughts are.

    Les's solution: "What the 24 year old sub human male of the species deserves for his evil today (upon conviction of course) is a drawing and quartering on public television while the nation watches him suffer a fate far more deserved than the fate he forced upon numerous innocent victims and their families. Following such execution an announcement could be made that evil of such nature would, in the future, be met with the same end. For those convicted of such evil."

    This has as much of a chance of happening as people like Les understanding that this country will continue to see more massacres by automatic weapons and gun clips, and that Les and his ilk will continue to offer up their silly fantasies of public execution via draw and quartering as the solution.

  8. dmarksSat Jul 21, 07:47:00 AM EDT
    Gorges: Thankfully, we still have a First Amendment.

    (that's something I actually tell liberals a lot, as there's a common concensus to gut it by many of them)

    So now dmarks believes sensible gun control laws are an assault on the 1st Amendment as well?

    1. No, while the non-sensible gun control laws advocated by the Left are an assault on the 2nd Amendment.

      But in the comment, I was referring to how hostility to the First Amendment is very common in the Left now. Evidence of this is the "Move to Amend" plan to to make the act American individuals criticizing the government into a crime.

  9. Hello, Les,

    I've avoided this subject so far, but feel something ought to be said here.

    Given the bizarre nature of this spectacular -- actually THEATRICAL -- exercise in apparently mindless violence, it strikes me as entirely possible that this individual (about whom, very little is known other than his having earned a degree in Neuroscience in 2010 with highest honors) could very well be like "Raymond" -- the "Manchurian Candidate" in the 1969 movie of that same name.

    Just as Fast and Furious has been exposed as an agenda-drive GOVERNMENT PLOT to drum up anti-gun sentiment, so may the incredible performance of this young man. He may not BE a "lunatic." He might VERY WELL be a CIA operative -- or someone USED by the CIA to further promote the UN Internationalist One World Government Agenda to deprive ALL citizens of ALL weapons EVERYWHERE.

    I'm not saying this IS the case, but I have no doubt it's a likely scenario. He acted like someone who had been drugged and systematically brainwashed -- a quasi-robotic figure chemically deprived of his soul -- chosen to carry out a carefully plotted, well-funded operation.

    Over twenty-thousand dollars worth of weapons were found in his apartment, which he -- very oddly for a homicidal maniac -- voluntarily told the police to whom he surrendered peacefully without the slightest show of resistance, was booby trapped with enough explosives to destroy a full city block.

    The authorities in Aurora are working feverishly right now to defuse the apartment. apparently the explosive devices rigged are so complex and sophisticated it may take DAYS to render them harmless.

    As for Drawing and Quartering, etc. I think I've already given you my opinion of that sort of thing in "It's the BELLIGERENCE, Stupid!" the article at

    you have been so kind as to comment upon. (Thank you again for participating, Your thoughts are much appreciated.)

    ~ FreeThinke

    1. I may be a bit over the top with the D & Q thing Free Thinker. But I can not help but to feel, or show any mercy for those who without cause, rhyme or reason take the life of innocent souls. Those who do not respect life and behave as this lunatic did do not deserve to have their life respected.

      But yeah, maybe D&Q is a bit barbaric, guess just snuffing out their life quickly would suffice.

      Perhaps just putting them in a padded cell, with no human contact of any kind the rest of their natural life and only three life sustaining meals with water only each day might be okay.

      I suspect that might just be the most cruel form of judgment there is.

  10. The hooting loonies on the left are running rampant with the red propaganda, not letting a good tragedy go to waste.

    I do want to thank Shaw for spurring me to dive into FBI and Census bureau data, discovering that strict gun laws do not decrease gun violence, and that places with strict gun laws like Boston, actually have more firearm murders per capita than Wild West Denver.

    I'll be blogging on it next week, complete with links to the source data so people can see it for themselves.

    As for the perp, I wish to hell at least one moviegoer had been packing. They could have ended his spree a lot sooner.

    1. Thank you Silver, your accurate data will go a long ways towards dispelling the emotional hysteria of the left. I for one am looking forward to the raw and REAL data.

      Do you think Shaw will view my comment as "condescending?"

  11. "Yet there are those misguided souls that believe it is the inanimate object that bears greatest responsibility for the carnage a few deranged and sick humans inflict on other humans. They apparently believe by making it more difficult, if not impossible, {which is their real goal} to obtain a firearm society will be better able to control the evil carnage that a small number of evil people cause."

    Les, I wish you could posit arguments without distorting, and pretty much just lying, about other positions.

    No, people who want some sort of gun regulation beyond what we have now do not secretly wish to do away with all gun ownership. That's just stupid - let alone completely unrealistic, and wrong-headed. Yeah, sure, there are some pacifists, and vegetarians, and some victims of crime, who would like the see a world rid of guns, but you'd be talking about a tiny percentage of the people there. Not some major part of some major movement for "gun control."

    But beyond all that nonsense, few things seem as stupid to me as otherwise intelligent people dismissing horrendous, crazy acts as "evil," and want to "forget the name," and avoid the very act of looking into what happened and why.

    If we know why this screwball did what he did, we may be able to one day stop another screwball from doing something like he did. It's just plain good sense.

    Now is not the time for fussing over guns and what to do with screwballs, but the time is coming soon. Just the same, we should always keep our heads.


    1. jmj. I realize exposing the truth would bother those whose agenda actually is to take guns "off the streets" and out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Truth,

      I also wish you would do the same.

  12. @ Shaw

    Found this quote from Plato and thought it apropos.

    "The curse of me and my nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort, any sort rather than no sort."

    How about recognizing that humans are occasionally capable of inexplicable and unpredictable acts of violence? Not every aberration must necessarily be followed by legislation, and there's no cause to abridge the rights of millions because one of us slipped a cog.

  13. Les, I get it. No regulations. That's what you're saying, right?

    No regulated militia. Right? Heck, why can't I fix a howitzer to the trunk of my car?

    How the hell is it any different taking guns "out of the hands of law abiding citizens" to asking drivers to be able to pass basic vision and hearing tests? How is "law-abiding" even the question? NO ONE QUESTIONS THAT. It's whether some screwball amasses weapons of mass destruction, far worse than any Iraqi ever dealt, can get his hands on all sorts of deadly capacity.

    How the hell is it that a weapon that could easily shoot through a wall and hit an innocent bystander is necessary to your personal whims and defense and hunting in a modern civil society?

    At what point do we ask these questions? After the next lunatic's bloody ventilation?


    1. jmj, You're over the top and trying to put words in my mouth. To such I will not respond.

    2. How the hell is it any different taking guns "out of the hands of law abiding citizens" to asking drivers to be able to pass basic vision and hearing tests?

      Here's how. Gun ownership is a fundamental, natural right, and it's also enshrined in the constitution. Driving a car is not.

      Inherent in any human activity is the responsibility to do whatever you are doing safely.

      Why is it that every criminal act spurs the statists to demand we all lose our rights? And these are the same statists that glorify and bow down to the gansta culture and lionize cop killers like Mumia Jamal and other murdering POS's.

  14. "viburnumSat Jul 21, 07:37:00 PM EDT
    @ Shaw

    Found this quote from Plato and thought it apropos.

    "The curse of me and my nation is that we always think things can be bettered by immediate action of some sort, any sort rather than no sort."

    How about recognizing that humans are occasionally capable of inexplicable and unpredictable acts of violence? Not every aberration must necessarily be followed by legislation, and there's no cause to abridge the rights of millions because one of us slipped a cog."

    Can you please show me where I even suggested abridging anyone's right to bear arms? You apparently have an idea that I did that, but in actuality, I didn't, so I have no what on earth you're talking about.

  15. The guy was wearing a bullet proof vest, bullet proof throat collar, bullet resistant pants, and a ballistic helmet. The chances of anyone taking him down, even if they had a gun, is astronomically slim.

  16. Shaw: "Can you please show me where I even suggested abridging anyone's right to bear arms?"

    q.v. "I'm not the only one in this country who believes it is very appropriate to talk about gun control..."

    My memory goes back as far as Charles Whitman, and Sylvia Seegrist shot up my local shopping mall while I was in route to it. My point is that whacked out people do whacked out things and we should avoid the temptation to make rules on the basis of the exceptions.

  17. Shaw, I'm not opposed to sensible gun control (making sure that those gun shows run a background check, for instance) but maybe we ought to let the bodies at least cool a tad first. Just a thought.

  18. "q.v. "I'm not the only one in this country who believes it is very appropriate to talk about gun control..."

    So in your universe talking about something is the same as eliminating it?


    "Shaw, I'm not opposed to sensible gun control (making sure that those gun shows run a background check, for instance) but maybe we ought to let the bodies at least cool a tad first. Just a thought." WTNP

    There are just as many "we" who think now is perfectly appropriate to talk about it.

  19. Shaw: "So in your universe talking about something is the same as eliminating it?"

    When the left starts talking about gun control it's a safe assumption that they're not discussing the relative merits of the Isosceles versus Weaver stances.

    You're avoiding the point, which is whether or not the random act of a deranged individual is a legitimate basis for legislation infringing the rights of millions?

  20. "You're avoiding the point, which is whether or not the random act of a deranged individual is a legitimate basis for legislation infringing the rights of millions?"

    I have a better question. Do you think disallowing the sale of massive drum magazines (100 cartridge rounds) is an infringement on gun ownership? Because Holmes killed 12 people and maimed 58 in 2 minutes with that and his automatic assault weapon.

    And all we have to do after we bury the dead and rehabilitate the injured if we don't ban those weapons is wait for the next group of American men, women and children to be slaughtered. Because there is no doubt whatsoever that will happen again, and again, and again.

    You may be willing to live with that--something we can do something about--but I'm not.

  21. As long as we talk about it with a clear head and not in a knuckle-draggingly partisan and opportunistic (i.e., in a Krugmanesque/Hannityesque) way, I'm game.

  22. There is, unfortunately, no doubt that it will happen again, and again, regardless.

    Charles Whitman killed 14 people from the top of the UT tower with bolt action, and pump action rifles. Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 at Virginia Tech armed only with handguns. What you propose may render it inconvenient, and may assuage your need to do something, but is essentially an exercise in futility. An individual bent on mayhem will find a way to create it.

    Had Mr Holmes stood in the doorway lobbing Molotov cocktails he could have killed and maimed as many or more. Would we be discussing banning the production and sale of glass bottles and gasoline?

  23. Vibirnum said: "When the left starts talking about gun control it's a safe assumption that they're not discussing the relative merits of the Isosceles versus Weaver stances."

    Yes. chances are they are instead talking about ham-handed fascistic poorly thought out public policy designed to strip us of our rights.

  24. Time to put on the big boy pants and ban ALL assault style weapons and establish universal background checks in every state with a 30 day waiting period. Time to respect life and place additional regulations on machines of death.


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