Excuse Us Mr. President, We Did Build It...
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Finally people are beginning to get it. That President Obama really believes government is the engine behind job creation. That the business(s) that people created and built was the result of somebody else building it for them.
Of course this "somebody else" would be government. Can there be any question but what this President is all about building the government infrastructure and creating government (non productive) jobs to support the private sector that after all doesn't build a thing by itself?
As could be expected, and rightfully so small business owners are taking issue with the President idiotic and irrational views.
From a group out of Tampa Florida the same rational sentiments being expressed by those living in the real world.
I don't know if this President really lives in the make believe land of rainbows and unicorns or not. I suspect he doesn't. But for a man supposedly brilliant beyond question, at lest in the eyes of the progressive left, to utter such words of foolishness should cause every American to seriously question this man's ability, and capabilities to govern this nation with all its challenges and complexities.
Certainly the progressives will remind us of the many, some inexcusable failings of the GWB administration. Their concerns over GWB's shortcomings are, or rather were justifiable. It is HOWEVER now almost four years into the Obama administration and government dependency continues to grow, up by nearly 25%.. This, combined with the now stated belief by the President ( in his own words and in a moment of personal honesty) that individual initiative and perseverance, often combined with the business owner going without as their business grows and they provided jobs and income for others, is reason enough to scare all Americans and cause them to consider voting for anybody but Obama. Regardless of their current or heretofore party affiliation.
Simply put, irrespective of any other consideration, the President's most recent (and sincere) enunciation of his philosophy and beliefs deserves rejection by the American people. Their vote to remove him from office in Jovember of 2012 would be completely justified.
Read the full text at POWERLINE here.
Via: Memeorandum
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Forgive the Picture of Truth - I Just wasn't In a Politically Correct Mood Today! |
Finally people are beginning to get it. That President Obama really believes government is the engine behind job creation. That the business(s) that people created and built was the result of somebody else building it for them.
Of course this "somebody else" would be government. Can there be any question but what this President is all about building the government infrastructure and creating government (non productive) jobs to support the private sector that after all doesn't build a thing by itself?
POWERLINE - The Romney campaign has been heavily pressing their “you didn’t build that” attacks for the past ten days and Wednesday is their biggest push yet with events with small business owners in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Nevada. …
In events at small businesses in locations as varied as Waukesha, Wis. to Palm Beach, Fla. to Columbus, Ohio, entrepreneurs will express their anger at the “you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen” line.
Lou Ramos, a small business owner from Tampa, will be at his local event. He owns an information technology and computer training company called Value Enterprise Solutions, Inc. and he said the president’s comments made him “almost throw up when I heard it.”
Ramos is a 64 year old Hispanic veteran, serving in the military from 1973-97, including two tours at the Pentagon, and he said he did read and watch all of the president’s comments in context, not just the two sentences continually highlighted by the campaign.
“I heard the whole thing and I read it,” Ramos told ABC News, mentioning he did like Obama when he spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. “I heard the whole thing…The guy was talking sincere…This guy thinks success is about government hand outs and not perseverance.”
As could be expected, and rightfully so small business owners are taking issue with the President idiotic and irrational views.
[Former Raleigh mayor and North Carolina GOP chairman Tom Fetzer] read the speech the President gave earlier this month in Roanoke, Virginia word for word during the event, to underscore they weren’t taking it out of context.
“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” he read.
But it was the line, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen,” that offended so many Americans.
“I didn’t take it out of context, I just, I think it was a jab. I don’t know why,” Snoopy’s co-owner Larry Cerilli said.
From a group out of Tampa Florida the same rational sentiments being expressed by those living in the real world.
I don't know if this President really lives in the make believe land of rainbows and unicorns or not. I suspect he doesn't. But for a man supposedly brilliant beyond question, at lest in the eyes of the progressive left, to utter such words of foolishness should cause every American to seriously question this man's ability, and capabilities to govern this nation with all its challenges and complexities.
Certainly the progressives will remind us of the many, some inexcusable failings of the GWB administration. Their concerns over GWB's shortcomings are, or rather were justifiable. It is HOWEVER now almost four years into the Obama administration and government dependency continues to grow, up by nearly 25%.. This, combined with the now stated belief by the President ( in his own words and in a moment of personal honesty) that individual initiative and perseverance, often combined with the business owner going without as their business grows and they provided jobs and income for others, is reason enough to scare all Americans and cause them to consider voting for anybody but Obama. Regardless of their current or heretofore party affiliation.
Simply put, irrespective of any other consideration, the President's most recent (and sincere) enunciation of his philosophy and beliefs deserves rejection by the American people. Their vote to remove him from office in Jovember of 2012 would be completely justified.
Read the full text at POWERLINE here.
Via: Memeorandum
ReplyDelete"... a man supposedly brilliant beyond question, at lest in the eyes of the progressive left, to utter such words of foolishness should cause every American to seriously question this man's ability, and capabilities to govern this nation with all its challenges and complexities."
But YOU recognize and acknowledeg Mr Obama DID.NOT.UTTER.SUCH.WORDS! So _YOU_ keep trying to say he said something he didn't say.
Murdoch Media/Fox Networks know Mr Obama was talking about 'roads and bridges'. You do not care that Murdoch Media/Fox Networks are blatantly lying to _you_! It is a lie you want to be true so you knowingly choose to side with the liar.
An amazing thing is that you willingly and ignorantly believe the bull sh!t from Murdoch Media/Fox Networks that’s handed to gullible, low-information folks like you, and then parade your ignorance as though it’s something to be proud of. Is there any wonder why OMitt Rmoney and the RepublicanT Party continue to play this losing stratagem? Please keep at it.
What does this say about _YOU_? You are willing to allow such illegitimate deceitfulness.
Why would any honest people ever want to join ‘your side, if you are willing to align yourself with flat-out blatant liars?’
Integrity; you either have it or you don't! And _YOU_ do not have ethics, values, or honesty.
Ema Nymton
And your BS straight from the land of rainbows and unicorns is what Ema...? Keep being the good sheeple you are Ema, never question the One, or the progressive goose stepping idiocy that takes the nation ever closer. To the edge of the cliff.
DeleteWhining becomes you Ema. Keep on goose stepping on cue from the One.
Delete"Whining becomes you Ema." Pointing out the truth is whining? As long as one tells lies about a person, then one can expect to have one's honor and integrity challenged.
Your defending a lie rests on situational ethics; the ends justify the means. For you "to utter such words of foolishness should cause every American to seriously question your ability, and capabilities to" be an honest broker of the truth.
Ema Nymton
I love how the packs of liberal lap dogs are yapping that we took him out of context. I agree with Romney: Listen to the whole thing in context, it's even worse!
ReplyDeleteObama is an angry, nasty, ignorant man, and it shows.
I tend to think the context, the meaning is distorted.
....course... you can check out Romoney.... for clear concise speech
I agree with all who have taken umbrage at Obama's jab, BUT it may not be a good idea to take this thing and beat it to death.
ReplyDeletePoor Not My Name spelled backwards (That's Ema Nymton in case you didn't know it) is just another in a bevy of ultra-predictable left-wing activists who infiltrate our bogs for the express purpose of dumping irritating prefabricated boilerplate poopaganda -- all stock phrases from CPUSA's Handbook innocent of wit or reason.
With very few exceptions these folks all sound like the same person. It must be because they get their talking Points from Central Command and Control at Party Headquarters.
We on the right must sedulously avoid falling into the same stereotypical patterns.
Whenever that happens political discourse quickly degenerates into poo-flinging contest.
You know what?
We know Obama is a turd, albeit a nicely packaged one, but merely saying that over and over again is not going to CONVERT anyone to accept "our" point of view.
In fact insolence and nastiness always works AGAINST those who perpetrate it.
If you want to get acquainted with a virtual ARSENAL of solidly researched and documented RIGHT WING Talking Points against the president, please don't miss tomorrow's post at FreeThinke's blog.
~ FreeThinke
Les, why do you fuss so much about a government that really does so little?
ReplyDeleteYa' know... most developed, First World, advanced, civilized societies on the planet today have some sort of progressive taxation and investment. The reason businesses progress and invest is because they have the support of a nation of people by there progressive investment. Without that? Nothing. No business.
I think you are being dishonest here, in the way you are attacking the President, and I think you have an intellectual failing expressed here, in that you obviously just don't get the big picture around you. With all due and sincere respect.
With all due respect... Who is the intellectually dishonest one?
DeleteComing from a big time big government dependance type of guy I am staying my ground.
Gary Johnson 2012.
Romney did take the President out of context (not that I necessarily endorse the text of what the President said, mind you). But so, too, did the President's folks take Mr. Romney's "I like to fire people" out of context. Both sides are totally underhanded and, because of that and other things, I'm probably voting for Johnson
ReplyDeleteIf only more people would think like you Will.
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