More on "His Frothiness" and Liberty... Or Perhaps the Lack Thereof ?

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

"An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war."- Charles de Montesquieu

If the pure reason of this statement is not self evident a sense and understanding of history will certainly confirm its truth.

It is very sad so few modern day "so called conservatives" understand this.

Not the following from one "Frothy Santorum." I urge everyone to contemplate his message while "reading between the lines."

CNN - ... "It really has to do with what your principles and your core is," Santorum said. "I have a core. I'm someone who has really strong convictions about the limited role of government, about the importance of having a strong defense, you know..."

First, any one who has taken even a moment to familiarize themselves with "The Frothy One" and his record when he was a Pennsylvania Senator realizes he is a Washington insider, big satist, and big "R" establishment republican. On this Romney is accurate.

As importantly, and more to the purpose of this post, is the fact "His Frothiness" would only be too willing to engage in wars in the name of "maintaining a strong defense. For some inexplicable reason modern "so called conservatives" seem to equate the concept of a strong defense with interventionist foreign policy. History will support my contention if one chooses to look beyond the rhetoric.

Here then is what modern "so called conservatives" miss. In paraphrasing Ayn Rand... The only justification for the use of physical force against any sovereign nation and its people is in direct response to an overt act of aggression by a aggressor nation against sovereignty of a nation and its people.

Think about it folks. Can Santorum (or Gingrich and Romney for that matter) be trusted with his fingers over the "nuclear" button?

As if this were not enough "His Frothiness" is determined to have a say in each of our personal lives and most intimate decisions.

TPM - Santorum did bring up contraception in an interview Scarborough cited. In fall 2011, when Santorum was bringing up the rear in a crowded presidential field, Santorum gave an interview to the evangelical blog Caffeinated Thoughts in which he raised the issue.

“One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country,” Santorum said. “It’s not OK because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They’re supposed to be within marriage, they are supposed to be for purposes that are, yes, conjugal, but also [inaudible], but also procreative.”
That interview, and other past statements on birth control, nudged the media into asking Santorum to clarify his stance. As Santorum rose to the front of the pack — and as Congress took on a contentious contraception coverage debate — the issue became more, not less relevant, Scarborough argued.

Santorum voiced support for the recently defeated Blunt Amendment to allow religious employers to deny coverage of contraception. He also offered in the fall 2011 interview that he would “get rid of any idea that you have to have abortion coverage or contraceptive coverage” as a government policy.

In early January, Santorum reaffirmed his belief that individual states have the right to ban married couples from using contraception — a power the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional in 1965. Santorum believes that decision, Griswold v. Connecticut, was wrong.

Santorum doesn’t have the most helpful allies when it comes to convincing Americans contraception isn’t an issue for him. It was his own wealthy backer, the financier Foster Friees, whose recommended method of birth control is having “gals” put aspirin “between their knees.” {Read Full Text}

Indeed! One very dangerous and scary dude.

Via: Memeorandum


{Brian Tashman} - Greenwell Springs Baptist Church pastor Dennis Terry introduced presidential candidate Rick Santorum and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins tonight in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with a rousing speech railing against liberals and non-Christians and condemning abortion rights, "sexual perversion," same-sex marriage and secular government. Terry said that America "was founded as a Christian nation" and those that disagree with him should "get out! We don't worship Buddha, we don't worship Mohammad, we don't worship Allah!" Terry, who has a long history of attacks against the gay community, went on to criticize marriage equality for gays and lesbians, and said that the economy can only recover when we "put God back" in government.

Reason and logic must and will prevail. If it doesn't not much else really matters.

Need anyone say anything more?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I really like tour idea of dumping Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum and replacing them with Johnson, Paul, and Huntsman. If for no other reason than the tone.

    1. But of course it was not meant to be. And given the republican party and it's SoA's it likely won't be anytime soon.

  2. Les, I gotta ask:

    Where did you come up with Frothy as being a nickname for Santorum? Every time I read it, I snicker a bit.

  3. Empires collapse on themselves. Of that libertarians and most liberals understand. Les, you are right on here.


    1. Empires, built on conflict and war generally do jmj. This history teaches.

      And thanks btw

  4. All empires are built on conflict and war.



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