Santorum, Diversity, and the Eye of the Beholder...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

The point of posting this post {video} is simply this, listen to the video... and then use your own objective reasoning (aside and apart from Steve Bennen of the Washington Monthly or Verum Serum to arrive at a conclusion that makes sense to you.

Should you wish you can first read Bennen's article here, and Verum Serum's article here.

I leave it to you, my fine readership to be the judge.

And now a bit more.

After due consideration what then say you?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. He has no plan to get the industrial sector back, while he disjointedly connects healthcare and taxes with that.

    Amazing. Is that the best the GOP can do this week?


  2. I didn't hear anything egregious in his comments

  3. Egregious? No. Substantive? Neither.

    Simply doing the opposite of whatever is going on is not in itself a strategy. It's just vacuously reckless. Santorum had better brush up if he does well tomorrow.


  4. What I heard in the above video and my thoughts:

    We do not live our lives consistent with "god's" laws. In America, we live our lives consistent with our secular laws found in the Constitution. We are a secular country. Gods are not involved in our laws. Gods are not mentioned once in our Constitution. Santorum is clearly pandering on that issue.

    The other falsehood Santorum promotes in the video is that Obama is "dividing us up." The GOP, before Mr. Obama even took his oath of office, said, through the vicious hate-monger and racist, Limbaugh, that it hoped Mr. Obama FAILED. Santorum convienently glosses over that spectacular bit of divisiveness from the mouth-piece of the GOP. He conviently ignored how the Congressional GOP has been the most obstructionist in modern history--that would tend to divide a people, n'est pas?

    His other rant about "diversity" vs. "E pluribus unum," also convienently forgets that Mr. Obama eschewed a "red" America and a "blue" America in favor of a "United" States of America--something Obama has been saying since he was a candidate.

    I didn't listen to much more after that because those points mentioned above in Santorum's rant were all ghost-grievances, carried about in the hearts of GOPers who need to feel victimized by this president. It was all claptrap and untrue. Nothing more than typical campaign rhetoric and hogwash.

    His last bit of hogwash about black people is shameful. I read that in Indiana more white people are receiving food stamps and government assistance than are black people. My question is why the hell did he single out blacks? When he presented his case, he could have simply said "needy" people. He brought race into his rant. For what reason?

    Lastly, Santorum wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, does not condone contraception and believes it is dangerous, he would reinstitute DADT, and go to war with Iran.

    Talk about dividing this country--he would be a disaster.

  5. Jersey said: "He has no plan to get the industrial sector back, while he disjointedly connects healthcare and taxes with that."

    Reducing taxes and getting rid of healthcare mandates on companies will do a lot to get the industrial sector back. To reduce the problems in which the government discourages companies from employing people and forces them to go overseas to countries where the government doesn't stand as much in the way of jobs and the workers who want them.


    Shaw said: "Limbaugh, that it hoped Mr. Obama FAILED"

    There are a lot of things I wish Obama had failed at. I wish he had failed at appointing the incompetent racist Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. I wish he had failed at his economic efforts which increased unemployment by 20%. I wish he had failed at his budgets which have increased the national debt by 50%.

    Shaw, you did make a good point on this: "My question is why the hell did he single out blacks?" It was bad of him to do this. Usually such race mongering comes from the left, when people lie about efforts to cut welfare and say they are anti-black, or lie about racist intent Reagan's "welfare queen" statement (most on welfare are in fact white).

  6. dmarks wrote: "I wish he had failed at appointing the incompetent racist Sotomayor to the Supreme Court."

    Name where she's been incompetent. Your claim that she's racist is sickeningly racist.

    Most ridiculous thing I've read on the 'net today:

    "Usually such race mongering comes from the left..."


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