Maxine Waters Expounds on Crimes and Death at OWS Protests... "That's Life and It Happens."
by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Maxine Waters. Anyone who has doubted her ability to think cogent thoughts should now have any doubt whatsoever removed. A stalwart of the "non thinking" fringe of the pandering democratic party had this to say about OWS activists turned criminal.
Video of her remarkably ignorant remarks.,
So, Waters has a problem of apparently gigantic magnitude with the peaceful law abiding Tea Party movement. However, for the OWS scum and criminals? Well, that is a horse of a different color. She'll accept their behavior because after all “that’s life and it happens.”
I'm not sure who is more hypocritical and deluded, Waters or Pelosi. It's probably a toss up.
One has to wonder how irrational people such as Waters ever get elected to anything other than being the local canine pooper scooper.
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny
Maxine Waters. Anyone who has doubted her ability to think cogent thoughts should now have any doubt whatsoever removed. A stalwart of the "non thinking" fringe of the pandering democratic party had this to say about OWS activists turned criminal.
( - When asked to comment Wednesday about the deaths and crimes that have occurred around Occupy protests being held across the country, Rep. Maxine Waters said “that’s life and it happens.”
“That’s a distraction from the goals of the protesters,” Waters, who says she supports the Occupy movement, told after an event at the Capitol sponsored by the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
“Let me just say this: Anytime you have a gathering, homeless people are going to show up,” said Waters. “They will find some comfort in having some other people out on the streets with them. They’re looking for food. Often times, the criminal element will invade. That’s life and it happens, whether it’s with protesters or other efforts that go on in this country.
“So I’m not deterred in my support for them because of these negative kinds of things,” said Waters. “I just want them to work at doing the best job that they can do to bring attention to this economic crisis and the unfairness of the system at this time.”
Video of her remarkably ignorant remarks.,
The Associated Press reported that there have been at least three deaths recently at or near Occupy encampments. A man was shot and killed near the scene of the Occupy camp in Oakland, Calif. A man reportedly shot himself at the Occupy camp in Burlington, Vt. And a man was discovered dead in a tent at the Salt Lake City, Utah, Occupy camp.
At the Occupy L.A. site—in the city where Rep. Waters' congressional district is located—five people have been charged with crimes, according to the Los Angeles Times. These include a man who allegedly exposed himself and masturbated in the presence of children.
In contrast to her support of the Occupy movement, Rep. Waters has been sharply critical of the Tea Party movement. In August, according to the Washington Post, she said, “[A]s far as I’m concerned, the ‘Tea Party’ can go straight to hell.”
So, Waters has a problem of apparently gigantic magnitude with the peaceful law abiding Tea Party movement. However, for the OWS scum and criminals? Well, that is a horse of a different color. She'll accept their behavior because after all “that’s life and it happens.”
I'm not sure who is more hypocritical and deluded, Waters or Pelosi. It's probably a toss up.
One has to wonder how irrational people such as Waters ever get elected to anything other than being the local canine pooper scooper.
Hey! Nobody ever got hit with spittle at an OWS protest. That's all that matters. Proves they're not racist.
ReplyDeleteThe woman is a national embarrassment, and indicative of liberal thinking. Keep talking Maxine!
ReplyDeleteI despise this woman.
ReplyDeleteSuch a fine line between ignorance and stupidity. Maxine has successfully found it.
This guy showed up at Tea Party protest, as did others with signs depicting Mr. Obama as an African witch doctor with a bone through his nose. Then there are documented evidence of TP/GOPers sending emails around showing watermelons on the WH lawn or photoshopped images of Mr. and Mrs. Obama as apes.
ReplyDeleteSo, by your logic, all TPers and GOPers are racist scum.
Your attempt to paint all OWS as scum and criminals is just plain silly. Just as it's silly to paint all TPers as racist. I am not scum nor a criminal, and I marched with OWS in Boston, twice. Nor do I believe my brother and his wife, both TPers from Tennessee, are racist.
ReplyDeleteThe links you provided were solid.
The guy with the "niggar" sign...what a jackwagon. He was dealt with by the local TEA Party, and rightly so. (For the record, though, you do know that 'niggardly' is a real word that means 'miserly, cheap'.)
As to the issue of portraying Mr. Obama as an African witch doctor....well, can you and I, today, go to Africa and find a really real witch doctor in some remote village in Africa? Sure we could. Mr. Obama's father was indeed from Africa and his mother was indeed from America, making Mr. Obama a true African-American, far removed from the knee-jerk liberal labeling technique so often employed today. This depiction of Mr. Obama was in bad taste and in poor judgment, but hardly racist.
For example, my ancestry is of German origin. So, if you posted a photo of me wearing leiter hosen, where is the harm? People do wear leiter hosen in Germany to this day. I am from Germany, indirectly. I would only be offended if someone posted a photo of me wearing a Nazi uniform, for that would obviously represent the worst of Germany. I hardly think witch doctors represent the worst of Africa. I would lean more towards genocide, rapes, and evil, all of which are currently taking place within the African continent right now.
I reckon I see no racial offense since I am not looking for one. Mr. Obama as a witch doctor? Okay. Sure. Is it racist? Nah. It's just a poor stereotype.
And these signs represent nothing compared to the huge amount of anti-semitic, anti-Bush, and hate-filled vitriol of the signs so easily available for viewing from the leftists. Until I see someone with a sign that says, "I'm here to kill Obama, someone shoot me", I'm not convinced the TEA Party followers are on the same level with the leftists, be they Occupiers or otherwise. And when was the last time you saw or heard anyone from the TEA Party movement saying, publicly and loudly, "f*ck America!"?
You and I both know that not all TP/GOP folks are racist. You and I both know that not all the Occupiers are scumbags. 'All' is such an emotional word, really.
But to compare the TP movement with the vile things we have all seen, and that are public record, coming out of the Occupy's not even close.
Shaw, I'm not disagreeing with the thrust of your comments. You made some solid points. Both "sides" have idiots, but the truth is your side has more on record as being idiots. Just Google it.
Thanks for the links, Shaw, and thanks for reading.
Just like the Republicans shouldn't trapes out people like Bachmann, Steve King, and Louis Gohmert, the Democrats should maybe try and keep a tighter lid on slopeheads like Waters and Frank. If for nothing else than the sake of the tenor, I'm saying.
ReplyDelete" A stalwart of the "non thinking" fringe of the pandering democratic party had this to say about OWS activists turned criminal."
ReplyDelete" However, for the OWS scum and criminals? Well, that is a horse of a different color. She'll accept their behavior because after all “that’s life and it happens.”
Shaw - The two paragraphs above are the crux my atatements. I stand by them.
Nowhere in those statements did I state that ALL QWS are scum. The criminal element is and Waters is as far out in left fekl as you can get.
I share your thoughts with the ignorant racists in the link you provided. I saw this before. Thanks for posting the link. We can all use reminders from time to time that right is more important than ideology.
Only an idiot or poop stirrer would use the word "ni@@ardly" in this day and age regardless of whether or not he knows the dictionary meaning of it.
ReplyDeleteWaters just shows the right doesn't have a monopoly on kooks.
I refuse to use the "n" word in any context. If you're confused or have a smart ass comment kindly go %$%% yourself.
There are a lot of nuts in the Tea Party movement and, yes, their message is frequently incoherent and garbled ("get your government hands off of my Medicare", for example) at times, but, at least these people don't block traffic and/or defecate in public.......Or at least they haven't so far.
ReplyDelete"Anytime you have a gathering, homeless people are going to show up"...golly, never had that problem with the 40 tea party events I've planned so far.
ReplyDeleteHey, Rational National, thanks for the props over at Left Coast Rebel! I was having a very hard time keeping my composure with Chuck since all I wanted to do was call him out on his pervy public bathroom photo. But someone has to be the grown-up, right!
Love your blog!
Maxine's remarks are the typical "the end justify the means" response.
ReplyDelete"Maxine's remarks are the typical 'the end justify the means' response."
ReplyDeleteYes. And I remember how the illegal Iraq invasion was justified because Saddam was toppled from power.
Except in the latter case, thousands and thousands of US and Iraqi deaths and billions of $$$ in US debt justified the means.
So Shaw, are you agreeing with Maxine {pooper scooper} Waters?
ReplyDeleteI agree with your assessment of Iraq. However the post was not with respect to Iraq.
And I agree with you BOTH on Iraq; stupid-assed overreaching and a total lack of foresight, the end-result being and even stronger Shia Crescent.
ReplyDeleteShaw said: "Yes. And I remember how the illegal Iraq invasion was justified because Saddam was toppled from power."
ReplyDeleteThe retaliation against Saddam's regime was quite legal. Just because you like it doesn't make it illegal.
Joe said: "Only an idiot or poop stirrer would use the word "ni@@ardly" in this day and age regardless of whether or not he knows the dictionary meaning of it."
ReplyDeleteExactly. And it's the same type of person that thinks that the N-word itself is cool too, which is why they like "niggardly"
Will said: "And I agree with you BOTH on Iraq; stupid-assed overreaching and a total lack of foresight, the end-result being and even stronger Shia Crescent"
ReplyDeleteYes. You seem to be perfectly capable of criticizing the effort without resorting to the extreme "illegal", "war crimes" etc fictions.
You moderate you!
ecc: The Obama witch doctor image was indeed racist. It plays into a big tradition of portraying Africans as mere savages or spearchuckers. It's a negative stereotype that is much worse than your example of stereotype of Germans as Nazis. It's got a horrific bloody track record going back hundreds of years.
ReplyDeleteAnd chances are if you went to Africa to look for a doctor. you would find a normal person with a medical degree.
Not only that, the sign maker was so ignorant and racist as to think of everyone from the third world as some sort of rag-wearing spear chucking savage. Did you know that the witch doctor photo was actually of someone from New Guinea?. That's no where near Africa. So your justification of it as part of Barack Obams's African heritage falls apart.