Cain Debunking the Liberal Mantra that Racism is Holding Minorities Back...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Herman Cain. Black man running as a conservative republican candidate for his party's nomination for the presidency of the United States of America. A successful businessman and CEO of his own company, Godfather Pizza. Believes racism is no longer a major factor in holding minorities back.

It is likely Mr. Cain has the progressive left gnashing their teeth.

From his interview with Candy Crowley, Chief Political Correspondent with CNN news.
(CNN) - Presidential candidate Herman Cain said Sunday that he didn’t believe racism was a major factor holding minorities back in America, asserting instead that African Americans had a level playing field on which to advance economically.

“I don't believe racism in this country today holds anybody back in a big way,” Cain said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “Are there some elements of racism? Yes. It gets back to if we don't grow this economy, that is a ripple effect for every economic level, and because blacks are more disproportionately unemployed, they get hit the worst when economic policies don't work. That's where it starts.”

Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, said educational disparity and geographical separation were to blame for high unemployment rates among African Americans. Jobs numbers released Friday showed the unemployment rate among African Americans standing at 16.0%, while the total national unemployment rate remained at 9.1%.

“The gap is due to a number of factors,” Cain said. “One is a differential in education. Two is a concentration of a lot of blacks in certain areas like the city of Detroit, where the unemployment rate there is 14% versus the 9.1% we have nationally. So you have a city like Detroit where they lost 25% of their population, economically they’ve done nothing but go down, down, down.”

When asked by CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley if he thought African Americans had a level playing field, Cain said he thought most of them did, using his own experience in corporations as an example.

“Many of them do have a level playing field,” Cain said. “I absolutely believe that. Not only because of the businesses that I have run, which has had the combination of whites, blacks, Hispanics - you know, we had a total diversity. But also because of the corporations whose board I've served on for the last 20 years. I have seen blacks in middle management move up to top management in some of the biggest corporations in America.”

As for African Americans who remain economically disadvantaged, Cain said they often only had themselves to blame.

“They weren't held back because of racism,” Cain said. “People sometimes hold themselves back because they want to use racism as an excuse for them not being able to achieve what they want to achieve.”

Now this is a man all Americans can follow. A man that understands that hard work and perseverance, combined with self respect, self reliance, and a belief in ones ability to achieve the goals they set for themselves is what it takes to succeed in America today.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. "It is likely Mr. Cain has the progressive left gnashing their teeth."

    You better believe it. I stumbled on the blog "Angry Black Lady Chronicles." I see from the content of her hysterical Cain postings that Herman is gnawing away at the very foundation of her angry progressivism.

  2. This is the very reason that I support Cain for President. He knows and understands the American Dream. It is hard work and determination that decided his fate, not some politician. He also isn't going to let anyone play the victim card, which absolutely drives the left nuts.

    He is also tapping into the Angry Joes, which he and Paul need to continue doing. I all in on Cain and he will surround himself with smart people that will cover any gaps because unlike the Joker he know that he doesn't know everything.

  3. Cain is on firm ground here, supported by much scholarly research. Dr. Thomas Sowell has been writing about just this for years, and he has data to back it. It is about opportunity and location, not racism.

    Of course, racism still exists, but Cain struck the proper tone and balance. He's looking better and better all the time. And if he's pissing off progressives, that's even more proof he's the man.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Minorities (blacks) made the most real progress under Reagan. The black middle class grew a lot under his policies, derisively called "trickle down" by those who don't want even a trickle flowing down.

    Not being a racist, Reagan was hostile to affirmative action. As a conservative, he believed in equal opportunity for all regardless of skin color. Leftism does not bring real progress. It only concentrates more power in the hands of those who rule over us and foments racial divisions. Affirmative action, which promotes people based on skin color instead of ability, treats minority people as handicapped/inferior.. .and worst of all it discourages them from trying hard. Why try as hard at a job or university admissions when you know your skin color will give you an automatic boost?

    Compare this to President Obama and his policies, which have caused the black middle class to shrink and have caused black poverty to soar..

    And all this after Obama's demand for $5 trillion in new debt (waste spending) so much of it heralded by Obama saying he was doing it to create new jobs. Shovel-ready, alright. That's the shovel the gravedigger is using the bury the black middle class.That's the result of Obama's misguided efforts (focusing on enriching the ruling elites and treating black people as inferior folk who can't make it if they got equal treatment).

    On another point...

    I really like Herman Cain's style. He has said some dumb things. And he has owned up to them. This kind of humility to admit when you are wrong and say intelligent things about it is rare. I don't see this coming from Sarah Palin or President Obama.

  6. I don't think any mature, intelligent, honest American should be in the business of "debunking" the obvious reality that yes, of course, racism is a still a big problem in America and has serious consequences.

    The trouble with Cain's argument is he seems to think his anecdotal experiences have a lot in common with those from times and places he apparent can't conceive. I've been to Detroit many times. It can be a scary place, yes, but there's a lot more to it.

    Back in the 90's, I worked in the auto industry (back when New Jersey still had one). Part of my job was to travel to various auto plants around the country. I inspected rear-view mirrors for defects.

    One time I got kinda stuck in Detroit and so I took the Greyhound back to Newark, NJ.

    Back then, gangs in full dress uniform (literally - sorta bland, flat khakis) ran parts of Detroit, and the big guys were mostly locals - not Bloods and Crips and all. It was a weird scene.

    In front of the station my two companions who drove me down from the Michigan Thumb were accosted by a local vagrant when I wasn't looking. They didn't know what to do. When I saw what was happening, I calmly informed the man that I did't have time for his nonsense ("get the #@$* out of my face," is what I believe I said), and he split.

    Anyway, I got on the bus, and it was really full, so I looked around and guess who didn't have a seat-mate? No. Really. Guess.

    So, I sat down next to the young, fit, big, black guy in his mid-twenties like me. We got to talking, hit it off immediately, and had a good trip talking about everything. We both had weed on us, of course, so when we stopped at a rest area, we got stoned, and went inside and goofed around and played video games.

    Later we stopped in Cleveland. So, of course, we decided to get stoned again. But this is downtown Cleveland, neither of us are locals, and here was a good example of place where race didn't matter - someplace strange. Now, I knew Cleveland a little, but wasn't used to hanging out downtown after dark. So, my bus friend and I located a friendly-looking local, and the three of us took a little walk and got stoned and shot the $#!% in a safe place.

    I was wearing a bandanna that had a little too much red in it, apparently, as I was advised to remove it by our new local friend - "because the Bloods and Crips are here now." Who knew?

    So, we all had a laugh, and my bus friend and I went on our way.

    He had a girlfriend in Boston that he was going to see, and I had all my business in Jersey so I had to go home. I was tempted to see Boston with him, as he suggested, but I had responsibilities.

    I got to know a smart, charismatic, well-spoken, intelligent, educated, classy, nice young man that day. Good guy. He was also a serious gangster from Detroit and Boston.

    The reasons why he was in the position he was in life were complex, personal, and and hard to pin down on why at all. Such is life. Racism was not an excuse for him as far as he was concerned. He couldn't care less about all that. And as far as he and I were concerned, we were just two funny young dudes doing some fun commuting. But this guy had few choices in life, and there was simply no other possible reason for that. He could have been I with just a different colored skin. But I had a good job.

    Real life consequences of the decisions and actions of the world around him did in fact shape him and track him very strongly into his lot in life. Don't get me wrong - as far as he was concerned, he was doing okay, but I always worry about him. He didn't want to be a gangster, he didn't want any trouble... all he wanted was an opportunity to make a good life for himself and his future family. I hope his life panned out the way he planned. He was a decent guy who only wanted a family and a future.

    Herman Cain couldn't imagine such a trip.


  7. jmj - Interesting story. That was then This is now. I been there and had a few myself. Knew and worked with worked with some bad dudes, both black and white. Respected the goods dudes both black and white and despised the bad dudes...
    Still do.

    Know what? The good dudes both black and white didn't make excuses. They had self respect and believed in themselves. Know what? They succeeded to the level they aspired to.

    Know what dude? That is all the eff Herman Cain is saying.

    Now, if you're still confused please go find another who buys the victim hood BS.

  8. No, Herman Cain is saying that he is clueless. That he really believes life is all you make it and not luck at all. Anyone who believes that is a moron.


  9. Thomas Sowell's 1985 book, "The Politics and Economics of Race", examined the concepts of race, discrimination, economic achievement all across various cultures. And, while, yes, he concluded that racial discrimination in fact can play a role, it is a secondary role to skill development and initiative.

  10. Will - For whatever it is worth in my 40 years working in industry I have observed pretty much the same. Especially the last 20 years or so.

  11. Maybe blacks did better under Reagan as the anti-discrimination laws came on the books and set new policy in government and private corporate hiring. These laws take time to balance cultural and corporate behavior. To right a wrong, is not the same as giving some a free ride. Without those laws discrimination would still be an opportunity killer for minorities. The Constitution promises opportunity for all, not prosperity for all. Equal opportunity. is what's being protected.


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