Classless and Clueless: Obama Takes on The Donald at White House Correspondent Dinner

by the Left Coast Rebel

In grade school, what did you do with the persistent bully or annoying kid that didn't like you and was always nipping at your heels? Remember back, I'm sure it sounded something like this:

"Ooh, look at junior's shoes, haha, did your mom dress you?" "You throw like a girl!" "My friends are waaay cooler than yours...."

All of us have been there, albeit a long time ago.

So what did you do with said bully? Take him head-on and fight at every point? Or just ignore him, which eventually made him go away.

Not Obama, no, no, no. The leader of the Free World thinks that a guy with a dead cat on his head is public enemy numero uno.

Here's video of Teh One from last night's White House Correspondents' Dinner Useful Idiot Bobbleheads Mouthpieces for the Leftist Cause Dinner. One only has to go 10 seconds in to get the idea:

The Donald was taken aback (and laughing all the way to the bank) by the fact that the focus of Obama's speech was focused on his truly:
"Well, I really understood what I was getting into — I didn't know that I'd be virtually the sole focus," Trump said. "I guess when you're leading in the polls that sort of thing tends to happen. But I was certainly in a certain way having a good time listening. I don't think the American people are having a good time with $5 gas. ... I was thinking to myself as they were doing this, you know, the American people are really suffering and we're all" having fun at a gala.

And....Obama plays right into Trump's trump-card hand, how genius of him and for the press to go along with it all.

Even George W. Bush -- for all of his faults and failures as President -- would have known better than to have attacked every one of his detractors as Obama has (Fox News, Chamber of Commerce, entrepreneurs, business, bitter-clingerers and The Guy With the Dead Cat on his Head who is most likely part of a giant conspiracy for Teh One's reelection...).

Obama's petulance highlights a man not comfortable in his own skin; someone that has never had to face criticism of any kind; a petulant man that tripped and stumbled into the presidency and has no clue what the hell he is doing.

Seriously, I'm no Trump fan but addressing him directly like this? So weird and Dear Leader-esque.

On a related note, I have been thinking about the entire Trump/birth certificate/presidential run/media attention deal and think that there is a high possibility that something beyond fishy is going on: Trump may be a Democrat plant, inserted by Soros and the ruling class and a Perot-like spoiler that runs on an independent ticket and keeps a genuine conservative from having any chance in the general election.

What do you think?

Added: The Donald shows up last night and is promptly booed by the lapdog Obama press (who are stupid enough -- all of them -- to go along with the whole charade):

Cross posted to LCR contributor sites Rational Nation, Proof Positive and RightKlik.


  1. I think they are both asses that deserve on another. The birther issue got him a great deal of press and the people who are firm believers that he was born in Kenya were just as gulliable to fall for this. Asses one and all.

  2. JACG: I don't think that we even see the big picture (behind the scenes). What do you think of this?

    On a related note, I have been thinking about the entire Trump/birth certificate/presidential run/media attention deal and think that there is a high possibility that something beyond fishy is going on: Trump may be a Democrat plant, inserted by Soros and the ruling class and a Perot-like spoiler that runs on an independent ticket and keeps a genuine conservative from having any chance in the general election.

  3. Tim, you do love your conspiracies don't you? What would you all do without your conspiracies?

    You shouldn't try to peddle this one so makes you appear desperate! Unless of course you get a big bonus at the end of the year if it takes off!

    ...NOW WE KNOW WHY GLENN BECK got fired! Fox News finally found out HE was a Soros plant who was planted to make Fox News, Palin, and all the Tea Party folks look crazy by his association with them....

    That one worked!

    Imagine if Soros had the Koch Brothers money!

    Was GWB a Soros plant that you all voted for twice?

    Or Maybe Nader is a Koch Brothers plant?

    Or maybe the field of republican candidates is so sad that anyone willing to say anything stupid can find themselves at the top of the polls with the conservatives?

  4. I'm not a big conspiracy guy and I'm not one here, either. But the fact that Mr. Trump has NEVER, EVER, been a conservative before, and now he (supposedly) is, I can in fact see how the "plant" theory might get some momentum.

  5. I simply must echo JACG's comments. Spot on girl! Love YA!

  6. tao - As usual what the hell are you talking about?

  7. Sure Will, and exactly how much would someone have to pay Donald to play along? Considering that he has already committed 600 million of his own money he can pretty much do whatever he wants....and he doesn't need Soros to pave the way for him.

    Considering that NO one of any repute is running on the republican side its pretty obvious why he is running now along with the fact that he is also an obvious racist... have a problem with english nowadays?

  8. Tao, I didn't say that I agreed with it, just that I could see how certain people might interpret it that way. In my opinion, he's doing it mainly for the publicity.

  9. TAO: I usually trust my gut and my gut has told me a couple times that Trump may be a plant...I don't really know though. As far as the other straw men in your list...

    Blah, blah, blah....

  10. BTW, TAO, you reference me by my first name, which is fine, I would sure love to know what your first name is so I could do the same for you in the future.

  11. LCR:
    I am not a person to go into conspiracy theories usually. But, if you google Trump Soros the links are quite fasicnating. Will I go as far as to say he is a plant, no. But a vote for Trump is not much different for voting for Obama. There will not be much light between the two except that Trump is willing to say flat out he is willing to violate international law.

  12. tao - No, But I do have a problem with your rather predictable progressive talking points.

  13. Tim - Don't hold your breath that tao will be forthcoming with his real identity. You know the left loves to hide behind their monikers. No?


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