Nothing Like a Dose of Liar Cheat & Thief to Get Me Back on the Political Track

As many of you know, I’ve been on a little hiatus from politics, and for you newcomers, you can catch up here. You also know that I’m a strong voice for ethics, good character, and just plain old honesty.

So, imagine my surprise when I turned on Bill O’Reilly, whom I haven’t seen in well over two months, and there smack dab in the middle of my TV screen was none other than Charlie Rangel, and listed beneath his name was Congressman (D-NY)!

I sat there, my mouth agape, staring at the television, for ten minutes, as Bill O’Reilly didn’t just interview Rangel, but actually argued with him! Yes, he WASTED time arguing with a convicted CHEAT, who STILL holds public office!

Now, you might ask, why am I upset about this? Well, because it’s bad enough that our Treasury Secretary is a tax CHEAT and signs our money—even if it isn’t worth much these days. And now to have the Tax Ways and Means Committee Chairman found GUILTY on 12/13 counts of ethics VIOLATIONS and be censured (oh the horror—slap his hands!) but NOT be removed from office!

America is on the edge of a cliff. Energy, food and inflation are skyrocketing, but housing prices and paychecks are dropping like rocks. People are NOT finding jobs, regardless of what the reports tell us—they are skewed. Another housing bubble is about to burst. We're in major debt and can’t afford our current level of government and the programs anymore and we NEED to cut! Our Representatives are bickering on the Hill about compromise because none of them want to let go of a pet project to save a buck and we’re told yet again an apocalyptic our world as we know it will end if the government shuts down (fear mongering anyone?).

Shut it down and clean it out! Because there is no question in my mind as to why our country is a complete and utter disaster. We elected liars, cheats and thieves who are more concerned with their seat than our country and the welfare of her people. They won’t close down departments that aren’t performing or are duplicates—they have too much at stake. Too many pockets have been lined AND a straight line points directly to those who have turned a blind eye and participated in the corruption that has been going on decade after decade. Let’s face it, we have career politicians, not public servants, and they have a lot to lose.

I’m angry. I’m REALLY angry. I’m tired of reading blog after blog after blog about how it’s ALL the Republican’s fault. How the Tea Party is racist. And how those on the Right are just a bunch of evil-racist-fear-mongering-violent-inducing-callous-well-to-dos who want to displace the poor, kill women and starve Granny.

It’s TIME to face some facts people. America is in trouble and it’s EVERYONE’S fault. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, Liberals and even those who aren’t registered to vote! I’ve got news for you, I’m not a racist but I’m sick to death of hearing that because I want LEGAL immigration I am. And darn it, I don’t have to explain or defend my position— IT’S THE LAW!

But the laws and regulations, something those career politicians love to pass, are the very things they love to evade! Yet, they expect us to follow them, unless we fit into their agenda, then we don’t have to. This country is a mess because we have permitted it to get this way. We have allowed it to get hijacked by immoral politicians who think they are above the laws they create and we—WE let them! Oh, we talk BIG talk. But every election, we go into the election booth and REELECT someone like Charlie Rangel! Then we ask why our country is a mess. I don’t have to ask. I know the answer. We’re lazy. We want instant gratification. We want CHANGE! Oh that was a good slogan, I must admit. And we got it too.

Banks, mortgage and car companies and even student loans are owned by the Feds. We’re printing money as if the paper it’s printed on is actually worth something, yet people are going about their daily lives as if it’s no big deal. It’s okay that we’re buried alive under trillions upon trillions of national and public debt and even if we DID confiscate all the wealth from those evil rich people, we still couldn’t pay off our INTEREST!

I’m also tired. Tired of hearing how the people who are wealthy are somehow evil. Evil because they are wealthy and have money and those who don’t should reap the rewards off the backs of those who do. That is a crock and I’m not going to pretend that it makes sense, because to me, it doesn’t. There is no way you can justly confiscate someone else’s wealth and give it to... some else. Our oh so benevolent government does NOT work that way.

They invent some fancy named program where they allege they will help people. But this new program will hemorrhage money through theft and dereliction because a fox is watching the hen house. Or to put it in much simpler terms, you can’t make poor people rich by making rich people poor. Period.

My tangent boils down to us again, the American people, waking up and joining together as AMERICANS. As I’ve said before, it’s us vs. them. I don’t know how much more clear I can be. It’s pretty darn obvious there's a problem when you have the media focused on Donald Trump and Obama’s birth certificate and Glenn Beck leaving Fox News—REALLY? THAT’S important? America’s ready to implode and we’re worried about Trump investigating Obama’s birth certificate in Hawaii. Rejoicing that Beck is leaving TV. Yet we can’t pay China! We’re in yet another war that we can’t afford! People are losing their homes and can’t buy a gallon of milk!

When our country is on the verge of collapse and people are vigorously tapping away about inconsequential things like Glenn Beck—and NO, I really don’t want to hear how dangerous he is. Want to talk dangerous, let’s talk about our open borders; or how we don’t drill for oil here in our OWN country where it’s plentiful, because we BORROW money from one country so we can purchase it from yet another country that HATES us and wants us DEAD; or how we look evil straight in the eye but yet don't call it what it is, while we sit across from it, without preconditions, and permit it to develop nuclear weapons.

Let’s GET SERIOUS. And if you don’t think it’s THAT serious, then your head has been in the sand longer than mine—and mine was only in the sand for the last month!

**Crossposted @ The Oracular Opinion**


  1. We are not serious, and that is they key issue you've identified, Pam.

    No shutdown this time, and I for one am glad, because I think the GOP would have lost the propaganda battle. Hooting lefty loons, their agitprop and sob stories will win every time.

    Shutting it down would have solved nothing and cleaned nothing out.

    Paul Ryan's plan is what we should be focusing on. He's crafted a head-on approach and invites other adults to join him in debate. That is how fiscal conservatives win, because the screaming liberals will look stupid and unhinged if they fail to engage him rationally. And I think many on the left are incapable of rational discussion on this issue.

  2. Fiddle, if fiscal conservatives win, then what are you guys complaing about?

    Pam has been diverted from the serious issues, like so amny other Americans. The "Feds" don't own "Banks, mortgage and car companies." That's just silliness. Heck, if anything, it's the other way around. Student loans should be public. They should not be profiteered. Neither should healthcare. These are serious public concerns, not widgets. Our immigration laws stink and that's why they don't work. Anecdotes of politicians commiting various crimes and breaches of ethics are nothing new and not a serious problem. It is the institutional corruption - like the Citizend United decision - that is truly wrecking the nation.

    You guys are just focused on the nonsense.


  3. JMJ - First, Pamela and Siver are right by any rational considerations.

    Secondly, Why is it that progressives absolutely refuse to recognize any valid point other than their own cherished positions?

    You have actually just exposed which party would have been the responsible party for a government shutdown should it have occurred.

    I am actually hoping for a shutdown on the 2012 budget. But only if the issues in doing so are actually meaningful.

    This last fiasco was nothing more than... RAW POLITICS with no real substance.

  4. JMJ SAID The "Feds" don't own "Banks, mortgage and car companies." That's just silliness.

    JMJ: Are you telling me that while I was on hiatus that GM & Chrysler paid back their loans! The Government no longer has ownership in either? And that our Government (Feds or whatever you’d like to call them) did NOT dish out $600 billion dollars to hundreds of banks, mortgage companies and insurance companies under TARP? And if you do tell me that they did-- are you saying that they paid back ALL that money, again, while I was on my short hiatus? Wow! Even after 142 of those banks/mortgage co’s/INS co’s missed payments in February! Not to mention over 120 of them hadn’t made payments in the last quarter of 2010! Considering people are being foreclosed on left and right, I’m wondering HOW those banks are making money! It’s a miracle! (See I CAN be silly!)

    Again, let’s GET SERIOUS. The Government DOES own the TWO LARGEST mortgage entities in the country, Fannie and Freddie. Plus 33% of GM, and 9% of Chrysler. So, I stand on what I said, that our government owns car companies, banks AND mortgage companies.

    Our immigration laws stink--Depends on perspective. Never-the-less, it’s still the law and needs to be followed. Because to YOUR way of thinking, since I personally don’t like the smoking laws, I can break them. It doesn’t work that way. If a law “stinks”, then it needs to be changed, NOT broken.

    Okay, I’m so tired of hearing the old crap about how politicians have been corrupt forever so it’s no big deal. Maybe if we had put a stop to their shenanigans eons ago we wouldn’t have half the problems we are stuck with now. Just because something has become a habit doesn’t make it RIGHT!


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