The Real Deal on ObamaCare Repeal Efforts

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

One should watch with great interest the current House of Representatives effort to to repeal ObamaCare. It was a bad bill that essentially was barely, if at all, understood by the representatives and senators that passed it. Nonetheless it passed on the force of a dictatorial Speaker and Senate Majority leader marching in lockstep with Obama and a very liberal democratic party.

The attempt to repeal ObamaCare will succeed in the House. It will however fail in the Senate. Even if it did pass the Senate Obama would wield the veto pen. Since the votes to override a Presidential veto does not exit the repeal effort dies. ObamaCare simply will not be repealed with a sitting democratic President and a democratic Senate majority.

All however is not lost. The real importance of the House's rightful repeal effort will be to frame the debate for the 2012 Presidential and Congressional elections. As the majority of Americans continue to have real and legitimate concerns with ObamaCare now that it's provisions are gradually beginning to be understood, Obama, along with the democrats who supported ObamaCare will be called upon to explain their support for a badly flawed bill.

Conservatives, honest democrats, and independents will, if they approach the debate rationally and honestly, have the opportunity to reshape the outcome of the healthcare issue while solidifying a more conservative government and replacing Obama with a women or man who actually has the ability to strengthen American society through effective governance and restoring a sense of personal responsibility over reliance on government.

The message in this post is simply.... established and entrenched RINO republicans need not apply for the top job in 2012. Independent conservatives and libertarians who understand first principals now is your time. Even independent liberals who understand first principals have a place at the table and in the upcoming discussions. Remember our founding fathers, men of great passion and intellectual honesty, as well as having great differences founded this  republic. We have a historic opportunity to reaffirm the timeless principles on which this country was founded.

The result of the 2012 election as well as the final outcome on ObamaCare following the election will set the course of American politics and governance for decades to come. 2010 set the stage, 2012 will determine the final course. Are we up to the challenge and task before us?

Some excerpts from the New York Times that signal the Democratic machines respone to the repeal effort. As usual what we see are nothing more than liberal "talking points."

Democratic leaders in Washington plan to spend the next week doing what they all but refused to do in the 2010 midterm elections: mount a vigorous defense of President Obama’s health care legislation.

The “all fronts” plan is a response to the decision by the new House speaker, John A. Boehner, to schedule a vote next Wednesday on a complete repeal of the health care law that Mr. Obama signed last March.

Senior Democratic officials said their effort would be managed by a rapid response operation modeled after the ones Mr. Obama used in his presidential campaign. That team will monitor Republican claims, send out fact-checks and deploy a team of surrogates to get their views on television.

Paid television advertisements will be run “as warrants,” said one senior Democrat, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the program. Organizing for America, the president’s chief political apparatus, will host phone banks and schedule events featuring people who would lose their benefits if the health care law were repealed.

“We will make clear to the American people that as their first order of business, Republicans have decided not to focus on jobs and deficit reduction, but on relitigating partisan battles — that, if successful, would eliminate help for our job-creating small business and explode the deficit,” said Hari Sevugan, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee.

This week, Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the majority leader, vowed to pass what the Republicans have dubbed “Repealing the Job Killing Health Care Act.”

“The American people are expecting quick action from the Republican majority,” Mr. Cantor told reporters Tuesday. He played down predictions that the act would be stopped by the Democratic majority in the Senate, saying, “the important thing right now is to make sure we send a repeal bill across the floor.”

To the fine and informed readership at Rational Nation USA and the Left Coast Rebel I leave it to your considered judgement to decide.

Cross posted to the Left Coast Rebel

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Brilliant strategy, really. I must hand it to the GOP person who came up with this particular battle plan against the Dems/libs. This is a no-win situation for the Dems, and America will finally notice what the hell is really going on in Congress.

    I have bought 44 boxes of popcorn for the next 2 years of political fun. If anyone wishes to join me and watch this greatest of human dramas unfold, let me know. You'll have to bring your own drinks, though. Sorry.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

    ps: Oh, and as has been stated before- just because the GOP has some power now doesn't mean the independent conservatives who frequent this blog are all cheerful and giddy. They will be watched and scrutinized just as harshly as Pelosi, Reid, and their childish spendspendspend Congress was. I'm just sayin'...

  2. Good post here. I think Donald is right, "just because the GOP has some power now doesn't mean the independent conservatives who frequent this blog are all cheerful and giddy."
    I'm not giddy, nor am I particularly cheerful about the Reps. in office. Glad, but only cautiously optimistic, at best. My post today quotes Boehner, then holds his/their feet to the fire. As we must...

    Keep up the fine work here!

  3. By 2012 it will be too late. The benefits of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will even by then far outweigh any sentiments against it. Get used to it guys, whatever parts of it don't survive, and however you undermine it, the bill, in general, will survive. If anything, expect the "public option" to become law somewhere in the next decade. Reality demands it.


  4. Reality says we are broke, Jersey.

    I agree, Les. Some pundits are saying it could pass the senate as well, but not with a veto-proof majority.

    Ed Kilgore is extremely pessimistic about the next SIX years for the dems, and he's a lib!

  5. >Reality demands it.

    The only thing that demands it is a lust for power over other people and their property.


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