Terrorism -vs- Property Rights... Reason as Viewed by the Progressives

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

I read Jonathan Karl's ABC article entitled " Dem Senator: Negotiating with Republicans "Almost" like Negotiating with "Terrorists" with great interest. The very idea of equating  Republican lawmakers  with "terrorists" is at best a lapse of reason and at its worst simply a lie intended to pander to the progressive ideologues that hate anything that resembles  a touch of reason.

In excerpts from Mr. Karl's  remarks {as reported by CBS News} one can easily recognize, at least IMHO, that many progressives {read Democrats} are indeed out of touch with reality. Following are excerpts from his article.
Did Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) just compare Republicans to terrorists?
Well, not really.  But he did compare negotiating with Republicans to negotiating with terrorists.
Menendez lashed out at Republicans for opposing Democratic efforts to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class while allowing the tax cuts for the wealthy to expire
He accused the Republicans of holding middle class tax cuts “hostage” to tax cuts for the wealthy.  That’s a common Democratic line, but Menendez took the analogy a step further.
 Asked if Democrats have a responsibility to move forward with a  bill that can become law – in other words, a bill Republicans will support and not block-- here’s what Menendez said:
“Do you allow yourself to be held hostage and get something done for the sake of getting something done, when in fact it might be perverse in its ultimate results? It’s almost like the question of do you negotiate with terrorists.”
I will cut to the chaise and just  say it,  Senator Robert Mendez is a moron. The real issue, should anyone wish to discuss it  is one of property rights. That quintessential concept that a person has the natural right to retain their property, whether it be tangible {as in land or durable goods} or the fruits of their labor as in income or wages.

To equate negotiating the right  {which already exists} to retain ones property as "terrorism" only points to the bankruptcy that progressivism has shown itself time and again  to be.

The editor of Rational Nation USA recently came out in support of a compromise to insure the Bush era tax cuts were extended to the middle class even if they were allowed to lapse for those earning over $200,000 (individuals) or $250,000 for couples.

As difficult as it is to admit a mistake the editor (yours truly) acknowledges indeed such a mistake was made. Upon further reflection reason has once again prevailed. Simply put, and to paraphrase Ayn Rand, when good {right} compromises with evil {wrong or bad} evil always wins as the good {right} takes on the taint of evil.

In all  things reason and logic must prevail in a rational culture if said culture is to survive. As time allows further supporting conceptual arguments will be presented in defense of property rights as well as individualism and capitalism.

Cross posted to Rational Nation USA.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. The point that liberals (call them what you will) always miss is that when you tax the rich too harshly, they fire the poor and middle class to pay those taxes. Tax them too harshly for too long, and they take the remaining jobs overseas. Gee, does that sound familiar?

  2. This does speak volumes. Consider that most Democrats are advocates of capitulation with regard to actual terrorists. Meaning that if they're attacked by someone wanting to erode freedom, compromise is necessary. But if they're attacked by someone wanting to defend freedom, then taking a principled stance is in order. The only thing they're opposed to IN PRINCIPLE is freedom.


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