Mel Gibson and Samir Shabazz—Two Racists

Mel Gibson did it again—opened his big mouth and let ugly words fly. He did that in 2006 when he was arrested for drunk driving. In 2006 his anger was directed at the cops and his words were directed toward Jews. This time his anger was directed at his girlfriend, whom he’s been having some domestic problems, Blacks, and Hispanics. His ugly rant was tapped by his girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, who felt she might need proof for the court battle they are sure to encounter over their daughter, since there is currently a restraining order on Gibson. After hearing the tapes, I can honestly say that Mel Gibson is anti-Semitic, a racist against Blacks and Hispanics and he has serious mental issues.

If Gibson comes out and apologizes, I hope someone tells him to go to hell in a hand basket because he wouldn’t be sincere. Words like that don’t roll off your tongue unless you use them on a regular basis. There is no way, no matter how angry I might be, that I would use the “N” word, a disparaging word for Latinos or say something against Jews, or any other religion for that matter, because I have nothing against any of them—I don’t believe I am better than anyone. Needless to say, I don’t use those disgusting terms in my everyday language therefore rage won't induce a hemorrhage of them either.

Then we have the case of Samir Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party who was tapped trying to intimidate voters in 2008 at a Philadelphia polling center and who is again on video in January 2009, but this time using vile dialoge while calming standing on a sidewalk. He calls for the death of white people and their babies and not ONE person, Black or White even stops to question his hate speech. It’s almost like these passerbys hear this type of repulsive oratory every day!

What the heck is wrong with people? And where is this so-called post racial America that we were told we had since Obama was elected? It seems to me that I’m hearing more racism now than ever before.

I do think there are bigots and racists around us, as is apparent with Gibson and Shabazz. They are ignorant jerks, for a lack of better words. But I think the majority of Americans are NOT and when people are accused of being racist when he or she isn’t, it shuts down constructive conversation. I also think that lately the term “racist” has been way over used and has actually lost its shock value. Kind of like car alarms-- no one pays attention anymore. That’s sad, because when it’s important no one’s going to notice. It's imperative that we recognize real racism and bigotry and attack it at its source and STOP it and it’s also our responsibility to CEASE the false accusations and DEFEND those who are innocent.

In the cases of Gibson and Shabazz, I have nothing to offer either of them because I think they are beyond help. Both have black hearts and neither see the darkness of their own souls because they are too damn busy being angry at the world and everyone in it when it’s they who are wrong and have wronged. I don’t feel sorry for either of them and won’t waste anymore precious time on these sorry excuses for human beings.

I hope they don’t poison anyone else and I wish that more people would speak out against the true racists, even if it’s someone in their own race or someone in their own party--because it’s the right thing to do.


  1. Oh dear, we aren't actually comparing Gibson's rant with the call to murder white people from a political party? Seriously? Racism is indeed the common denominator, but does anything Gibson, a movie "star" and director, says fall in the same league with the NBPP calling for the murder of white people, including babies, to "be free"? That's a bit of a reach, no?

    Even if Gibson literally said we should kill black people and their babies, it wouldn't be in the same league. People don't listen to him, follow his orders, give a darn what he says. The NBPP is, despite frantic denials from the left and the right, a relevant political organization, one that BO was once proud to have the endorsement of--people, granted those stuck in the 1960's--actually do believe their venomous bile and do act on their orders (or we wouldn't have them intimidating voters and the United States' Department of Justice (!!!) dropping charges against its members for violating federal law). This isn't apples and oranges, not even close.

  2. Fuzzy Slippers: Nowhere in my post did I even suggest that Gibson's rant was in any way related to hate speech or a call to violence. Even in my title it specifically says "TWO RACISTS". The entire point of my post is RACISM. I mentioned Shabazz’s vile comment about killing white people because THAT is what makes him a racist.

    Black racism or White racism—-it’s racism, or apples to apples.

  3. Fuzzy Slippers - I see your well made point. Both are racist, however it is a matter of degree.

    Gibson speaks like a racist... the other calls for violent action against another race.

    What is frightening is that politicians like the "One" (BO) would actually want or accept their endorsement.

    Since the 2008 election it is obvious we are becoming a more polarized nation. The race card is commonly used in these times.

  4. And this is not helping:
    Tea Party Leader Mocks NAACP "Coloreds" In Online Screed

  5. I have been attempting to follow the idea of scientists who claim that race does not exist. I am trying to stop using the word race and to judge others more on their actions than on their words, though judgment of words must be tempered by whether or not someone advocates violence.

    This means that when someone claims to be a victim of racism or is accused of racism, I have to say "Show me the damage" while regarding all parties as equivalent in every way.

    I've come to believe that many institutions teach children to separate themselves by race and then as adults they continue to recognize this separation. This planet may never rid itself of the thoughts like those of Mel Gibson and Samir Shabazz but the first step is for each of us to work within our ever expanding fields of influence.

  6. Anon-That was in reply to what Ben Jealous said and it was satire. Maybe not done in the most tasteful way but it seems to me it was done to show that the motivation of the NAACP chair is to bring us back to those times.
    That letter made what Ben Jealous said more ridiculous than the letter itself.

  7. Great post, Bastiatarian. However, be careful what you ask for - I have found that so called 'progressives' that actually do know (at least a little) about what they are talking about and can coherently express it are quite dangerous.

    I prefer my progressive dunderhead types here in California.

  8. Tim - Racism is the worst form of collectivism as it place people in collective grouping based solely on their skin color thus denying their individuality.

    My post today has a couple links addressing this issue.


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