Gun Rights are Natural Rights

Self-Defense: An Inalienable Right
Statesmen from ancient Rome to the American Revolution laid the foundation in law for the right of self-defense. America's founders were influenced by these classic philosophic teachings and the European tradition derived from them.

"Civilized people are taught by logic, barbarians by necessity, communities by tradition; and the lesson is inculcated even in wild beasts by nature itself," wrote the great Roman orator Marcus Tullius Cicero.

"They learn that they have to defend their own bodies and persons and lives from violence of any and every kind by all the means within their power." (Claremont Institute)

Do you have a right to life?
The right to self-defense is the first and most fundamental right contained in Natural Law.  Without life, nothing else matters.

Think we should surrender that right to government so the state can protect us?  

OK, then riddle me this:  Does the family of a murder victim have a legal right to sue the state for failing to use its police powers to prevent the murder?
American courts have ruled again and again that police have no duty to protect individuals from deadly assault. The only alternatives for a person in such danger are to rely on the mercy of criminals or to carry a gun illegally. No one should be forced to break the law to exercise a basic right. (Claremont Institute)
Your only recourse is to your natural right of self-defense.  Take that away (violate it) and you have deprived a free person of the fundamental right to life.  Welcome to progressivism!

For an interesting and understandable legal discussion, see Volokh - Jim Lindgren


  1. Absolutely!! The right to defend yourself, your property, and your family are God-given rights. The state violates it when they try to take that away, and there's no way that the nanny state can protect us all once we're unarmed and vulnerable.

  2. Still, the problem with a carry permit... is the permit. It is asking for permission. It is paying a fee. It is achieving a skill/proficiency level that is determined by a bureaucrat. It is still an infringement! Vermont, Alaska and soon Arizona's policy is if you can legally (not insane, a felon or a danger) buy a gun, you can carry a gun.

  3. And that's the way it should be Rattler! Concealed carry isn't a license to be stupid. You do harm with that weapon and you will pay the legal penalties. People who conceal carry know this.

    Hand-wringing liberals predicted gunfire in the streets because of these policies.

    We have that, but it's from the criminal class, not the law abiding citizens enjoying their God-given right to arm themselves.

  4. The right to self defense is not only a moral , and by logical and reasoned extension a right of natural law... It is a legal right as guaranteed by the Constitution of these United States of America.


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