CNN Advocates Internet Censorship

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

CNN anchors Kyra Phillips and John Roberts believe there should be an internet "gate keeper" to regulate the content of material posted on "anonymous" blogs.

While both acknowledged the "mixed blessing of the internet" the also agreed that a crackdown on internet bloggers would be desirable.

John Roberts said "There are so many great things that the internet does and as to offer, but at the same time Kyra, s you know, there is a dark side."

There is going to be a point in time where these people have to be held accountable" Kyra said. How about all those bloggers that blog anonymously? They say rotten things about people and they'rs actually given credibility, which is crazy. They'rs a bunch of cowards, they're just people seeking attention.

Fail! What dear Kyra and Mr. John fail to recognize is that the constitution guarantees the right to free speech and press. Particularly politically offensive speech, even when the accuracy  of said speech may be in question.the founders realized that to limit the flow of information and opinion, even when offensive was a direct threat to the republic they had fought to enshrine in America.

They also fail (naturally) to recognize that independent bloggers of all political beliefs and allegiance often report the news and opinions the major media outlets fail to provide the American people. Whether they wish to accept it or not this is a good thing and in sync with the founding principals.

Certainly there will occasionally be shoddy, even yellow journalism, as was the case with Andrew Breitbart's release of an edited tape of Shirley Sherrod speaking at the NAACP. While Breitbart is most often correct in his analysis he sadly failed to verify the accuracy of the edited video he was given. This is shoddy journalism at best and deserves the criticism it is getting.

However, to respond to this incident by calling for what is essentially selective censorship is unjustified and goes against the grain of our constitutional liberties. We are guaranteed the right to express our views, even when they might be wrong. That is what a democratic republic is founded on. Freedom of speech and press, regardless if it offends someone.

While what Ms. Phillips and Mr. Roberts espouse may sound reasonable on the surface, it is the gateway to government censorship of news content and popular and public opinion. It is the agenda of the progressive collectivists, it is about controlling speech and press, and it is about controlling what Americans see and hear.

Make no mistake, it is about your very liberties to hear, read, and think independently that is at sake. Only by insisting on your constitutional rights will we remain a free democratic republic. Those who think like Phillips and Roberts present perhaps the greatest threat to our liberties.

Following is the discussion between Phillips and Roberts.

More discussion at News Busters, No Sheeples Here, and Pajama Media.

You also may be interested in the following... Modern Journalism and the Media- Fact of BiasWhich News Network Is The Most Trusted Today?

Cross posted at Left Coast Rebel.

Via: Memeorandum 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey, let me guess, next thing you know, someone will want to shut down FOX, as well! Am I psychic, or what?

  3. Les - I wonder if this crackdown on free speech and 'anonymity' will include guys like TAO too?

  4. Les: We didn't need a crytstal ball to see this coming. I agree that yellow-journalism sucks; so does out and out lying--that's why it's important, and I stress it all the time, to research whatever one hears, reads and sees, no matter what side it's from. Regardless of how shoddy our media has become, I don't want it censored by big brother. Enough already!

  5. Personally, I'm a grownup, so I don't need somebody else filtering information for me. I have put forth the effort to acquire fundamental logical thinking and analytical skills (things that every adult should have, and which are actually part of what defines adulthood), so I can sift through and evaluate information myself. I can look at a variety of sources, make a judgment on their validity, and determine what is the truth or at least the most accurate. I can do that all by myself. Plus, I'm not so lazy that I expect somebody else to do it for me.

    Yes, people should be responsible for what they say, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm 100% responsible for what I believe.

    If these thugs find a way to shut down one method of speaking the truth, we'll find another way.

    They can have my free speech when they pry it out of my cold, dead mouth...Well, that's actually where they're trying to keep it, but you get the point.

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